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Robin Boyle Bio
Facilitator for the "Day of Dialogue"

Robin Boyle is Associate Dean of the College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs and Professor of Urban Planning, Wayne State University (WSU) in Detroit, Michigan.  A native of Glasgow, Scotland, Professor Boyle moved to the USA in 1992 after spending sixteen years in the Centre for Planning at the University of Strathclyde.  His research interests include local economic development, urban education and community planning.


Through the mid-1990s he was co-principal investigator on a major School-to-Work applied research project.  Supported by the U.S. Departments of Education and Commerce, he supervised a team with colleagues from the WSU College of Education on the implementation of a model school-to-work program in the Highland Park (MI) School District.  This initiative involves building three-way partnerships between business, including participation by DaimlerChrysler, the community and education.


Boyle played a role in the Detroit Empowerment Zone.  He first represented Wayne State University on the team that wrote the successful application to the federal government and then, more recently, he led research teams evaluating the progress and impact of the Zone on business and community development in the city.


His current research focuses on retail development in central cities and he is also is engaged in a long-term study into alternative models of urban redevelopment.

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