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| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 12:49 pm: |      |
For a group that wants to take over a very difficult and daunting task, the Rothchild-Wright Group presentation is a lot less flashy and has a lot less meat than I would expect. This is this group's second attempt at putting together a presentation after the first one bombed. Sources close to me say that the presentation was not even put together by this group but by a local HP person. This task is a no brainer, the first step in taking on any important venture and in my my opinion they completely blew it. If they can't even get this first step right, even on the second attempt, Do we even really want to go further with this? other stuff that scares me: 1. Separate sewage and water bills to pay monthly? Thats 24 cheques per year! Sure, having the two charges itemized on one bill makes sense but separate billing only helps Rothchild by making an accounting task easier. Also at most, billing should be 2 times annualy. Monthly would only help Rothchild keep a steady income. 2. I would like to see some pricing guarantees in the proposal stating that costs to homeowners will not go up or the contract will be terminated. 3. Has anyone checked up on these resumes? I would rather have a company take over our water that has actual experience doing so for another city. Even though the presentation says that they are affiliated with a group that does this, what does that mean. Do any of the planned local managment team members have real experience doing the same for another city? 4. Why cant we just hire them (or some other outside "experts") as managment consultants? If they have such great ideas, why don't we (the city of HP) pay them well for the ideas, and have them manage the implementation of the ideas while reserving the right to terminate them should their promises fall short. Ive got a lot more to say, but Im off to lunch. have a great day fellow Highland Parkers! -Jakub |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 9:56 am: |      |
I totally agree 100%.However look at the facts of the matter why is it so important to have Rothschild-Wright to manage our water? They have been turned down,and why is the Financial Manager still trying to give them the account? By the Financial manager doing this,she has violated the Citizens rights,and to me it don't look right at all.Look at the City Council votes they vetoed the plan,and she still trying to get R-W Group in here? Jakub,the next City Council Meeting is Monday Aug16th,2004 at 7pm,at City hall please attend. |
Thomas Hillard
| Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 3:13 pm: |      |
My Brother William; Iv'e been under the weather for sometime, but I'm glad your still takin care of business, for the people of Highland Park, keepin the suit's from doing what they damn well please, with out regard, for the people, of highland Park |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 12:13 am: |      |
" Black Power " Salute My Brother Hillard.Man I am trying to help to make things right,and at times I feel like giving up the fight.I thank GOD for allowing our former Councilman Earl Wheeler to be a great role model for me,and it was his words of encourgements that's keeping me here.Also I do hope that you're doing well,and e-mail me sometimes at: WilliamAkbar@Aol.Com,and maybe we can exchange ideas and phone numbers. Thanks Again for your support,and keep me in your prayers as I battle the evil forces in our City. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 11:48 am: |      |
first of all c.p.i. have been ripping off the people of highlandpark for a long time .the director and others are not in the street to see what is going on.when their is a main break ,the eye,s and ears are the workers.when their is a service break and h.p. pay for a main break that is a rip off of city money.h.p has no one to over see repairs to ensure that the work is done right and at the right cost.over the years their have been an attemp to not up grade the sys but to sell the system.the water lost is because the hard workers were laid off to pay for advisers, advisers can,t turn off a broken water main. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 11:53 am: |      |
i read a lot about this william akbarx and what he say,s about h.p. water.on this one subject mr.akbarx is so off base he is not in the game. |
| Posted on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 9:08 pm: |      |
What is the game? Citizens here in Highland Park do not have time for games.You the one who is trying to play your weak game.A real Man or Woman do not have to be anonymous when they are for real,and have something to say.Myself I read alots of your BS too so we are even. " Next " |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 12:42 am: |      |
I had to return to this topic because of the buttface who have to post anonymous,and can't spell worth a damn.I really believe you are exactly a nobody by the way you read other peoples posts,and then you attack them in your childish style.Well I can be seen visible anywhere around Highland Park.I don't run from nobody,and I am handle any given situation that I encounter.Again our water system belongs here in Highland Park.Anonymous since you such a great person,why don't you shut up complaining all the time,learn how to spell,stop doing drugs or alcohol,and you run the Highland Park water dept. I hope you keep reading what I post on this website,maybe you will learn how to spell,and you damn sure will learn something about our city.In closing you can look out your window at night,and stop people from trashing up our streets and alleys.Because I believe you are nothing but hot air who do not have a life.I will be waiting for a reply. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 6:15 pm: |      |
blah,blah,blah |
| Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 9:38 pm: |      |
Anonymous you on LSD or PCP? or you just childish and stupid? I bet you are both. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 8:19 pm: |      |
you need a life, x. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 9:57 pm: |      |
you need to kiss my ass |