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| Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 9:45 pm: |      |
Dear Neighbors on Farrand Park and surrounding areas of Highland Park, Michigan, Hello there! My name is Douglas M. Minnis and I represent Bankers Life and Casualty Company. Bankers is currently celebrating 125 years of providing the finest in coverage and service. We specialize in: * General Life Coverage (Competitive Whole Life and Term polocies for seniors, and working aged adults) * Long Term Care Coverage (this coverage protects your assets from liquidation to pay for extended Nursing Home stays or extended Home Health Care. Most secondary carriers do not cover extended stays. Medicaid & VA only cover extended stays after you are destitute and only at thier facilities) * Medicare Supplements (If you don't have Blue Cross & Blue Shield, HAP or another HMO/PPO) * Senior Final Expense Coverage (via our affiliate Colonial Penn) * Income and Estate Protection (Healthcare if you are not eligible or old enough for Medicare or don't have BC/BS, HAP or another HMO/PPO through your employer) * Annuities (A great place to put your savings. Tax-Deferred and guaranteed to meet at least 3.25% interest. Currently at 5.25% interest) Not only am I a state licensed agent of Bankers Life and Casualty but I am also your neighbor. I reside just down the street or around the corner from you. I have lived in the area going on 3 years now. My personal goal is to teach everyone about the benefits and neccessity of having life insurance and showing them ways to make that insurance work for them now, in the present. Why is it that many folks place more importance on having good car insurance than they do on insuring their own lives or loved ones? I pose three questions to you and if any raise concern for you and your family, please give me a call. 1. What preparations have you made towards retirement and will it be enough? 2. Have you made arrangements for final expenses? 3. What happens when you become sick but do not die? Please feel free to contact me anytime to schedule a face to face meeting to discuss your concerns and needs. I'm also available for Seminars at your church, job, social or fraternal gatherings. Knowledge is POWER! You can reach me at work at 734-525-3754 extension 202 during business hours or on my cell anytime at 248-202-0387. Thanks for your time today and I look forward to hearing from and meeting you very soon. Best wishes and be well, Douglas M. Minnis Life, Health & Accident Representative Bankers Life and Casualty
William AkbarX ,Activist
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 4:04 pm: |      |
This site is not a place where you sell the community anything.Doug,I am sure that you are one of us (get what I mean?)I really think that you have dis respected the entire purpose of this site.We have issues here in Highland Park,and here you come with your insurance selling self.I am here at all times on HPFOLKS,get with me IF you like.If my Dog needed insurance I would not buy none from you.Have a nice day. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 2:47 pm: |      |
This is a public website for Highland Parkers to voice their concerns, get to know eachother, work together, and respect eachother. Now you (William) seem to find fault with quite a bit, way too much to consider yourself helpful. Why shouldn't us Highland Parkers know that someone in our neighborhood is willing to educate us on insurance and is able to sell us some if we are interested. Your words are very rude and disrespectful and if you are going to challenge people please learn how to phrase your words correctly. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 8:04 pm: |      |
Thank you for your response Mr. AkbarX. I welcome all commentary, good or otherwise. As I stated, my personal goal is to educate our folks(I am sure you know what I mean) on the value of insurance and in case you have not noticed there are a great many issues in our communities and neighborhoods where if we had been educated on the value of insurance THIS community might not be in the peril that we all face today. Do you think that the likes of the Bloomfields, Birminghams, and Farmington Hills' face the same issues that we have in HP? Ever wonder why? Because they are not ignorant to the value of a dollar and how to use it, recycle it, and make it grow for them and their families, their heirs, their legacies! It is time we taught our people how to do the same. Many of us achieve success but fail to give back to the places from whence we have come. We fail to reach out to our fellow man and would rather sit back and rant about all that is wrong with our neighborhoods and residents without getting to the root. If you proclaim to be an activist then ACT- do not set out to discredit the good that someone else is trying to do. Do I benefit, yes. But am I offering a greater service that can help others, absolutely. While I could be insulted by your presumptive and offensive commentary, as is my custom, I will take the high road and submit that you should ascertain your efforts and comments are constructive as you do a greater disservice to both yourself and the community when you degrade others. While it is great to have an opinion and who doesn't, make sure it is one that is backed by merit before you voice it publicly. We NEVER get the chance to take back our words!! Be well. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 5:13 pm: |      |
To the Anonymous,I did not post my thought as being anonyous.Because I feel I do have the rights to express my opinion,regardless to if this is a website,or a newspaper.I am not downing Doug for posting the information for YOUR information.But what I was saying that once it's posted here on the site people can read it.It do not take the whole website to information the citizens about anything that might be helpful.Oh one more thing Anonymous.Since you choose to attack me being anonyous.I bet I have done more for the community in the 8 months I be a activist here in Highland Park then you have done in your lifetime here in Highland Park,if you live here in Highland Park.I be at all council meeting I don't hide. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 5:42 pm: |      |
on my post earlier I mis-spelled the word Anonymous.I am man enough to correct my mistakes |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 7:26 pm: |      |
You may have done more than me, you probably are older too and have lived in the community longer. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 10:06 pm: |      |
Listen,I am not into fighting over the internet about someone's feedback.However I will say this much about being here in the Highland Park community.I was raised here since I was 5 years ago,and that was many many moons ago.Once thing that I learned was how to respect older people,and back in the days we learned that in school,as well as from our parents at home.However Anonymous,you do seem younger then I am,and one thing that I would like you to remember is read,listen,and learn before you try to check someone.Especially when it does not concern you. Be good,I am not mad at ye. It's not what your community can do for you,but it's what you can do for your community. " Peace " |
Thomas_hilliard (Thomas_hilliard) New member Username: Thomas_hilliard
Post Number: 1 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Friday, August 19, 2005 - 2:04 pm: |      |
My Brother William, am very glad that you are back posting your thought's. I thought that you might have been ill. |