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Jane Robinson
| Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2004 - 4:25 am: |      |
The United Rhode Island Block Club will meet Saturday, April 17, 2004 from 3:00 to 5:00 at 69 Rhode Island Avenue. We will obtain feedback on crime statistics and fire hydrant inspection. We also have scheduled our Spring Clean Up with Massacnuetts and Colorada on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 27 and 28th. We are cleaning the ALLEYS between our streets ONLY so people should not clean out their attics and basement and load items into the dumpsters. The dumpsters are ONLY for things, plants, trees, etc., in the alleys. Inmates from the Sherifs Department will assist us both mornings. We will serve lunch to all workers at 1:00 p.m. on the parking lot of McGregor Library. Theresa Johnson phoned me to get my ideas on how to construct letterhead stationary. It was fun talking to her. She has organized the Elmhurst and Richton residents for a Spring Clean Up this week. She inspired me to get up and get going - because Spring is here! Theresa knew where to get some free food for the workers. She had many resources. Loretta Young is our Spring Clean-Up Coordinator and she has done an outstanding job already. This is our SECOND year of coordinating clean-up of the alleys with Massachuetts and Colorado Block Clubs. Experience counts! We learned much from our work last year so this year - the task seems - almost EASY! Jane Robinson, President
Jane Robinson
| Posted on Friday, April 23, 2004 - 12:48 pm: |      |
United Rhode Island Block Club has had to change it's Clean-up. It is now scheduled for Tuesday May 18 and Wednesday May 19th, 2004. We are holding it together with Massachuetts Association and Colorado Block Club. We are only doing the 'common' alleys (between our streets). Joseph Graham from Massachuetts has a team with a hugh saw that will cut large tree trunks (for a fee of course). These need to be moved so that fire trucks can get through in case of fire. We are getting excellent cooperation from Jerome Drain of Weed and Seed who is supplying the dumpsters and some tools; from the Wayne County Sherifs (Pat Holton) and from Judge Officer who will supply the men (immates) to help. Loretta Young is our very able coordinator. The clean-up again this year - is ONLY FOR THE ALLEYS! People should not clean out their attics or basement and use the dumpsters AT ALL! If they do - the dumpsters become so full, the waste management crew CANNOT move the dumpster to empty it. Then the debrie or overflow, is left on the street creating another MESS! People should know and we are informing our residents, that bulk pick up of anything is picked up WEEKLY on 'garbage pick up day'. Just set it out. It will be picked up. Dr. Omar has informed us clearly that what is put out in front of abandoned homes must ALSO be picked up. If not - CALL THE CITY (or Dr. Omar if no response from the city)- AND REPORT THAT. Since most of our residents on Rhode Island Avenue (and I suspect, most of Highland Park) are elderly, females, we do not have the physical strength to do many of the clean up task in the alleys. However, we seniors can cut back our LITTLE TREES AND BUSHES in the alley EACH YEAR keeping them small. Don't let them grow big and unmanageable creating a big clean-up project. We should not have to clean the alley each and every year. We should get a break for several years before we have to clean the alleys again (of trees and bushes). Also - keep an eye out for illegal dumping and abandoned cars. The sherrifs have removed at least three or four abandoned cars on and near Rhode Island Avenue over the past few weeks. They are doing a good job on that. When you see any suspicious behaviors - anything unusual CALL! You may call without giving youro name. Just say - I'm calling for the United Rhode Island Block Club. Report what you saw and where you saw it. ALWAYS get the name of the officer and write down the time of day/night. If you do not get results - call again. AND - YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO CALL THE SHERRIFS - Call Margaret Lewis, our vice-president or myself and WE WILL CALL FOR YOU. I will not list our telephone numbers on this website however, our numbers are always given out on our flyers which circulate at least once a month. Or ask a neighbor whom you know IS active with the block club and she will give it to you. If there is an accumulation of these incidents without proper response from the sherifs - then the block club will call the sherifs into our block club meeting asking them to be accountable to us on those incidents and in the future. This particular procedure is called CITIZENS WATCH! We had a VERY serious crime on Rhode Island Avenue recently. I understand it was all on television however, at that particular time I was away from home for several days and did not hear about it. A block club member commented on it approximately two weeks later. I was shocked! Just shocked! I have usually felt safe living on our street Things are apparently deteriorating. I think a discussion of why and what can be done about crime is important. I was very disappointed in the sherifs because they did not phone me (or the vice-president Margaret Lewis) to inform us of this very serious crime when Chief Don Cox - Sherif, had promised in our March block club meeting the week before this very serious crime, he would inform us/me of criminal activities on RI or near us. I suggested he might contact Stephen Goodfellow and use to get the information to me (and other citizens). Chief Cox gave me/us his DIRECT BEEPER NUMBER to call him anytime about anything going on on our street. He promptly had the abandoned vehicle removed that we reported to him. We all felt very secure. We know that Council President, Dr. Ameenah Omar has been asking for MONTHS for the crime statistics during each council meeting. She had wanted to attend our meetings but can never come when the host/hostesses has cats (allergies). Councilman (Lieutenant) Hubert Yopp attended that March meeting. He promised to look into a number of things for us (and all citizens of H.P.)including the crime statistic for us and how recently our fire hydrants (3) had been checked and their condition. Yopp has through the years, been very involved in helping our block club (and others) and the citizens of Highland Park. He is a dedicated citizen and headed out neighborhood COPS program. (How we miss that service.) Yopp presented a written report to us at our April meeting. He was visibly upset by the apparent roadblocks he encountered trying to obtain any information, especially the crime stats. I had spoken to Chief Cox directly, and he had agreed to appear at out April meeting and give us information on that crime on our street - but he did not show and he did not phone me. Senator Martha Scott phoned him during our meeting and Cox replied to her that he had had a family emergency. Understandable of course. But one has to wonder if his absence is put into the context of the road blocks Yopp reported. One 'roadblock' was a directive from Ms. Pearson. She cited a directive that suggested that all information be cleared through her before it is released to anyone else (citizens). This seems reasonable on one hand because we know -rumours get started and run out of control. Information may need to be withheld in order to successfully catch the criminals/prosecute the case! What we are dealing with on RI now - is incomplete information. Did the person actually die? or was it just 'a shooting'? and what were the circumstance? We hear two or three differnt versions - so - some of what we hear HAS TO BE RUMOUR? (NOT FACT). 'Nature abhors a vacuum.' In the ABSENCE OF COMMUNICATION - all we have is rumour! So what's the difference? We citizens want to know is HOW TO PROTECT OURSELVES! Most of us are old and female and therefore vulnerable. The world we knew WHEN WE FIRST MOVED INTO HIGHLAND PARK 30 or 40 years ago - NO LONGER EXISTS. We are afraid. But we also know that we have A RIGHT TO KNOW. I don't know what went on in council meeting this Monday. I can't attend council meetings. I catch it later on cable. But I'm sure Yopp brought it up. Interestly - If any of you listen to Mildred Gaddis (radio 1200 6 to 10 each morning) Tuesday, there was OUTRAGE from citizens (and Mildred and co-hosts) about the police depriving citizens of crime statitics. Mildred has a website I think. Chief Bully Cummings sent her a letter stating that no information on crime stats was to be given to the press (Mildred), the citizens AND EVEN HER OWN POLICE OFFICERS - unless it came directly from her. DETROIT IS GOING THROUGH THE SAME STRUGGLE! DO CITIZENS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW! This is after all - public information. There is a PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT! The sherifs/police want citizens involved! They are always asking for us to be involved - to help them fight crime - to be the eyes and ears of the community. How can we do that when we are deprived of information? What do we know to look out for? And HOW CAN WE PROTECT OURSLEVES AND OUR NEIGHBORS? I am disappointed - very disappointed. Since that April 17th meeting, I have not had a phone call, email, fax from Chief Cox or Beth Roberts or anyone from the sherif's department. I anticipated a follow up call stating - sorry I could not attend - but here is the information you wanted: what exactly happened and how your residents can protect themselves - is there anything else we can help you with? NOTHING - NOTHING! I consider this a bit of disrespect for citizens and I am offended personally. I will not write, fax or email them - I know they tap into this website. I'm putting it out here for the few who do access this wonderful website - to see together with these officials, including Ramona Pearson. Here you have a block club that is really DOING WHAT YOUR CITY OFFICIALS, SAFETY OFFICERS SAY BLOCK CLUBS SHOULD DO - and this is the (No) response we get? So I can't help but wonder - IS THIS ALL JUST A GAME? WHY BOTHER? What is the answer to the question?? DO CITIZENS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW! Until the economy improves - until the values of young people change - crime is going to increase. We NEED to know THE FACTS! Jane Robinson |
Councilman Hubert Yopp
| Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 - 9:47 pm: |      |
In response to Ms. Robinson's article dated Friday, April 23, 2004, I submit the below comments. Your request for information (from the police department) regarding crimes committed in your area is a fair request. Limited information will/can be released in an on-going investigation, for obvious reasons. However, to inform you that a crime was committed and the nature of the crime, is not impeding the investigation and should be released to you. Don't be discouraged and do not quit. Keep doing what you're doing. We need block clubs and your cooperation in reporting crime. Together we will get it done! I recommend to every citizen: Keep a pencil and paper near the phone. Do not be over zealous when attempting to collect information regarding a crime. Write the description (person/vehicle) and all pertainent information down immediately - do not attempt to memorize it. Call the police, report the cime, obtain the officer's name and badge number (date/time). If the crime is in progress, you may be ask to stay on the line. The police unit should respond to the point of the problem - not your home. It is advisable not to discuss what you reported with anyone but the police. Discuss proper crime reporting procedures at your block club meetings. Establish a systematic check on the disabled in your neighborhood. I assure you this is not a game and we must continue to get involved by reporting crime. This is our home! If you wish, I will instruct your block club in crime reporting upon my next visit.
William AkbarX
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 7:23 pm: |      |
In Reply To Councilman's Yopp. Councilman,Sir you hit it right on the head,when you said CRIME is not a game.I am very disappointed at the report that was given at the last Council meeting. This is just the fifth month of 2004,and it's really to early to say crime in Highland Park is down. Sure it is low for the time being.But let's get real with the matter. Will it stay low like this at the end of this year? Councilman Yopp,I have faith in you as a city council member,and a great law enforcer. I salute you my Councilman.I guess I am speaking about all our neighborhoods here in Highland Park.In closing I would like to know what is the success in closing the neighborhood dopehouses down,and why these young pushers is not being monitored? Drugs bring about crime,and crime bring about death in some cases. |
Jane Robinson
| Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2004 - 5:42 pm: |      |
Thank you Councilman Yopp. Your comments do encourage me-us some. You have always been responsive to the citizens and to our block club. UBCHP appreciates all of your help -then and now as councilman. Your suggestions for crime reporting were helpful. Ms. Ramona Pearson promised our Vice-President that she would meet with UBCHP any time to address any questions we might have on any issue. UBCHP cancelled our regular meeting scheduled for yesterday because we are gearing up for our Spring Alley Clean-Up and some of us are OVERWORKED. Ms. Pearson is being invited to our next meeting at 3:00 p.m., Saturday June 19th at 79 Rhode Island Avenue. You are very welcome to attend and share with us what ever else you care to regarding crime protection and anything else. Again - thank you for your support. |
Jane Robinson
| Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2004 - 6:46 pm: |      |
Councilman Yopp and Mr.Akbarx, Certainly crime is not a game! But is law enforcement-administration PLAYING GAMES WITH US CITIZENS! They ask citizen help in detecting crime, potential crime but withholds (at least it appears that way) information of crimes from citizens who only want to know how to protect themselves. It appears they are USING US, or manipulating us (citizens) by TAKING FROM US but not GIVING BACK information we could have to protect ourselves! For example, if we could call members on our block club list and say, "There was a robbery at 555 Rhode Island Avenue yesterday around 10:00 p.m.. Two men in white hats driving an orange van broke into the house and stole three televisions". Not only could we double-bolt our doors, sleep lighter, but even look out our windows around that time and report to the police anything suspicious. I'll be happy to hear any good arguments why that is not better for the citizens. And why it would not better enlist a more willing spirit of cooperation from the citizens than withholding information from us. Lack of knowledge is more frightening than knowing the facts. We don't have to know ALL the facts but we could be told the basics. When there is a gap in knowledge, rumours fill in the gaps and rumours spread. "The community will be invovled" always looks good in grant written proposals for the federal (state) dollars. But does feedback to the community about the crimes and education in protection an appropriate part of the grants that are written? I don't know. It seems crime is escalating in Highland Park (as it appears to be in Detroit) and lw enforcement-administration is trying to cover that up. I/we would like to know. We would probably be more active if we knew/ and were told how to protect ourselves. I don't know. |
| Posted on Friday, May 21, 2004 - 5:44 pm: |      |
My parents moved to Highland Park in 1972 because of the school system, which was an excellent system. I went to Frances E. Willard School, George W. Ferris, Henry Ford and graduated from Highland Park High in the class of 1985. Finally my dream has come true and that dream was to own a house in the fine city of Highland Park. Yes, the dream became a reality, but what has happen to my City? Is it the fault of the citizens, police personnel, preachers, and teachers? Does laying blame change anything? So now what can we now do to help us to move forward? I am open to all ideas, suggestions and am willing to assist in any project or endeavor. With a city that is so many blocks long and so many streets wide, I do not understand the crime in our area? Is it true that because HP is accessible from any highway that there is more crime here? I have lived on both sides of the track from Buena Vista to North to Tyler to Tuxedo to Palmer Park and to my new house on Colorado. I have always told everyone who is willing to listen that I refuse to allow people to sell drugs on my street (any street that I have lived on), let them know that you know they are selling drugs and you will not tolerate it, if you don’t want to be up close and personal then call the police and let them know, when you refuse to call or comfort the issue and let it continue it will be your house next that is broken into or firebombed. When I lived on *** there was this guy down the street from me who was selling drugs I went knocked on the door (this was a family setting with a mother, several children in this house) and I asked the young man to come outside and I told him I knew that he was selling drugs and I told him in two weeks if he didn’t stop the traffic I was going to call the police. Not on my block I told him he could go on the other side of 12th and do whatever he wanted but not on my block. Yes, he did move his business down the street and yes a year later there was a fire on that same block two doors down from where this drug activity was taking place. Maybe I should have had a conversation with his mother, but I assumed that she knew (maybe I was wrong) but sadly to say three months after the fire the young man ended up in jail for life after brutally harming his own child. Maybe if I had told his parent this would not have happened (the murder) maybe she would have said something or did something to help motivate him to do something else with his life either than selling drugs…we still have job core. When the young men and woman walked by my house with such terrible language I ask them do their parents know that they talk like that, even though I never get a response…..but they are a lot quieter now because…they know if I hear them I am coming out. When the children walk on my grass and look at me I ask them are they coming over this weekend to help me cut it, if they drop paper in front of my house and I see them I ask them are they going to help me clean up. I always wondered why the police don’t walk the blocks of HP or bike through the city why is a car necessary in this small community of families if they were to get out in the neighborhood and get to know the community they (police department of operations) would know and come to understand that we are willing citizens but we can’t be willing if they are not communicating to us what we need to know as a Community. Yours in the Struggle.
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:20 am: |      |
Hello I am the president of I am interested in meeting with you to see if I can get some pointer from you to see if I am doing the right thing for my block. President Ann Banks 313-869-2769 |