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Jane Robinson
| Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 11:18 am: |      |
Judge Bridgette Officer attended the November meeting of the United Rhdoe Island Block Club at her request. She told us that we could sentance some of those found guilty to serve community service time instead of spending time in jail or fining them. We reported the unslightly yard in front of an abandoned home on Rhode Island Avenue. We had spent our own money to have the weeds cut down and wanted to know who should pay. That property belonged to the city. The very next week we were so happy to see a crew of men in orange vests, cutting the weeds and loading housing materials debrie onto a dumpster. They worked for a few hours on two days. When they left - the lot was CLEAN as it could be. Rhode Islanders were SO HAPPY! Judge Officer invites citizens to come to her courtroom and observe her in action. What a blessing she is! She understanads the problems we face - offers practical solutions and acts to effect change! Thank you Judge Officer. Thank you so much for your committment! The pictures on hpfolks com of the Day of Dialogue were beautiful! Together with a veiwing of the videotape made by Sam Pace and presented on cable, people lilke myself who were unable to attend could get a good feeling for what went on at that very important meeting. We are glad that Stephen Goodfellow our adminsitfator of is on the Steering Committee for that event - and those activities. Through this website citizens can obtain very valuable information about our city and better participate in them. Thank you Stephen. We appreciate you! United Rhode Island Block Club's annual Potluck Christmas Party was very successful. We had lots of good fun and good food. This is the last time we meet until March (Spring). We wind up a very successful year and look forward to working together again come Spring. We will again be interested in collaborating with the Massachuetts and Colorado Block Clubs to clear our shared alleys. Hopefully, with the new Code Enforcer present, we will not have the serious problems of abandoned cars and dumping as we have had over the past two years. All we should really have to worry about is the overgrowth of weeds and trees. Reports on dumping: Call Operation Pride at 252-5000 Never give your name. Say "I'm calling for the United Rhode Island Block Club." Good news for Seniors on snow removal. If the snow if 3 inches or more, and you are unable to get someone to remove it phone Beth Roberts, Community Liason from the Wayne County Sheriff's-Highland Park Police Services at 224-0697. Phone Beth Roberts, Wayne County Sheriff's Communmity Relation at 224-697 Always then phone 865-4129 and leave a message about what you have done and who you called so that URIBC officers can back you up - follow up - to see that the matter is taken care of promptly. The safest neighborhood in Detroit is manned by CITIZEN PATROLS - not the police, not by paid help - but by citizen volunteers. Councilman Earl Wheeler with a grant through Weed and Seed has begun permanent citizen patrols for Highland Park. You will be paid for milleage. Women patrol also. Now on Rhode Island Avenue we can have the protection we want - the protection afforded by 24 hour patrols each and every day, not just during Angels Nights. Volunteers only have to committ 3 hours (day or night) per week. Please phone 865-4129 for more information. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless! Jane Robinson