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| Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 6:43 pm: |      |
My language may have not been tolerated...but there is plenty of people who tolerate grown men stripping brick off houses...burning houses....vandalizing language is the least of your worries!I would care less who is offended....because my point remains the same...I have the best houses on the block....I'm trying to uplift this block.....but still people are dumping in the alley....even our very own preachers!!!Peolpe park on the side walks...sell drugs right out in the open....You can't even go into the grocery store without worrying about the loiters breaking into your car.It's ashamed to see so many adults without jobs and still's so sad.All the grown men have children jobs like cutting grass and passing papers out....I watch people strip cars and push them out of their drive way to the street.To me the block club as not been effective for Elmhurst.I is as good as not existing....Because the same people I hear cry about the neighborhood are the same people dumping in the alley and burning the abandoned homes....what ashame.....that so many people don't have anything to do with their lives. |
| Posted on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 1:50 am: |      |
Wow! Sounds like you've really got trouble on Elmhurst. I've got a few of them too on my block. Dumping in the alley, drug sales. At least the Wayne County cops don't have the cozy arrangements with the drug dealers that seemed so prevalent before their arrival. |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 - 7:35 pm: |      |
I'm glad wayne county sheriff's don't tolerate the mess in highland park.It's getting nice out it will be easier for the sheriff's to catch people doing their dirty deeds.Don't worry elmhurst....I HAVE THE FUGITIVE TEAM ON SPEED DIAL THIS SUMMER!!! |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 8:48 pm: |      |
First of all I totally dis agree with the post praising Wayne County sheriff.If Wayne County was really working to earn their pay.Not only would the thiefs be put in jail,but the Detroit people who comes into our city,as well as our own community people,who dis-respect the law by littering our streets,dumping garbage in vacant lots,and dis obeying traffic laws,would be fined or put in jail.In my area of the city (Glendale & Trumbull) by the FIA office.I have contacted the Wayne County mini station here in Highland park by phone,and was told to call 911,and 5 hours later,a sheriff is knocking on my door asking me did I call the police? People double park in the streets.They park on the grass where I live,and they love to litter.My thing about that is these people litter up the inner-city neighborhoods,why they don't do that in a community across 8 mile? or in Dearborn,or any city across telegraph? What our city needs is to get our own Public Safety force back on the streets.Also the citizens need to do more then some of them are doing.Palley, I totally agree Drug selling,Empty houses,and trash is ruining our city.In closing,It's sad to say but until we as Highland Park citizens can come together,we will always be in this fix. Sign William AkbarX (Community Advocator) |
Pete Kosel
| Posted on Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 6:36 pm: |      |
Hi! When I was a kid I went to Ferris Elementary and lived on Cortland before my folks moved us to the suburbs. I remember a different place than the Highland Park of today, a place where there were restaurants, corner grocery stores, playgrounds, a fine library, and movie theaters all within walking distance. The mayor and his kids lived across the alley over on Elmhurst. I went to scout meetings in the basement of the church at Cortland and Woodward. I visited Detroit and Highland Park a few years ago and it was scarey, like a bomb had hit the place and people were living in the ruins. It was nice that the library was still there. Not much else was, not the ice cream store on the way to school, not the corner grocery at Cortland and Hamilton. It seems the big buildings, the churches and library and such, survived. I guess Ferris elementary is closed. When my father died I put some of the money he had left into buying some computers for the library. That was years back, but maybe they've been able to keep that project going. I wish you folks the best. I am 2000+ miles away and probably don't understand the problems that affect Highland Park these days, but part of me is still there, and part of Highland Park is still in me. Any ideas how I might help? |