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Message |
Felicity Leddy
| Posted on Monday, March 08, 2004 - 1:58 pm: |      |
Dear Neighbors: Proposed development at the State Fairgrounds has raised serious concerns amongst the neighboring communities regarding negative environmental impacts on our area!! Many of these proposals are interlinked; and once one is acted on, the rest will follow, with a domino-effect... Please consider attending ICARE II's next meeting Thursday March 18th, 7 PM at the Hazel Park Library (northeast corner of 9 Mile & John R) to get informed and get involved with protecting our region. Here's what's going on: The effort to remove the 8 Mile Bridge is based on developers desires to have greater access to the fairgrounds property! As stated in a hearing about the proposed bridge removal - "This position was based on Redevelopment NOT Traffic Flow or Safety!" The Nederlander group, now known as "Avenue LLC" has acquired the 34-40 acre parcel at the northeast corner of the fairgrounds property - and want the bridge gone! (This is the same group that proposed an Automobile Racetrack & large Outdoor Amphitheatre; and is responsible for the loss of 90% of the Fair's yearround activities) *Bear in mind, the Nederlander group has aggressively pursued acquiring property surrounding the fairgrounds already; there is a cabaret / adult entertainment license in escrow in Ferndale being discussed for use at the intersection!! The "Wood-McInerney Commission", appointed by Gov. Granholm to make recommendations about the future of the State Fair and suggest property usesat the site - recently recommended a "RACINO- horse racetrack with gambling facilities" as well as allowing for "other such gambling features at any hotel development on site." Finally, MDOT's DIFT Project is seeking to create an Intermodal Freight Facility, which would occupy 50-70 acres at the fairgrounds site! This would bring an additional 8000 trucks through our area!! The negative impacts of traffic, noise and air pollution would be devastating to our quality of life in this area!! ICARE II has been aggressively seeking the creation of a Metropark at the fairgrounds for many reasons! Not only to meet the needs of the underserved, densest populace in SE Michigan, but more importantly, to preserve the Michigan State Fair permanently and TO PROHIBIT THE WRONG TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT AT THE FAIRGROUNDS!!! Please attend the meeting, spread the word in your community about these proposals, and help us protect our quality of life, by getting involved! Thank you for considering these concerns, Felicity Leddy - Pres. GWCA & ICARE II member 313-345-8348 |
Felicity Leddy
| Posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 9:55 am: |      |
Dear Neighbors, I am asking that those of you who can; please join us in a community response. MDOT is now under new pressure from the proposed development at the fairgrounds! I received several messages regarding an outpouring of public response re: the Woodward Bridge. So I am asking you to e-mail or call MDOT by NOON Tuesday - Stating that Rehabilitating the Bridge is the Best Alternative out of all the options offered to us in January! MDOT BRIDGE COMMENT LINE # 1-800-270-5654 E-MAIL: Please try! Send this message on, if you can! Thank you for protecting our communities! Sincerely, Felicity Leddy |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:26 am: |      |
Open Letter to MDOT Hi, If you are considering the impact of removing the bridge over 8 Mile and Woodward, I would like to inform you that a considerable amount of community members in the City of Highland Park regard the bridge removal as a blatant racist move, and is looked upon with deep cynicism. 1. The bridge represents an unimpeded link between the larger city and the suburbs. 2. It's removal is regarded by Highland Park citizens as a continuing suburban policy - however unwittingly - of creating an obstructing gated community, keeping away inner-city residents. 3. The traffic delay time incurred by removing the bridge benefits no one but the local businesses in the immediate vicinity. One Highland Park citizen upon hearing the plan smirked, "What? Are they flattening the bridge so there can be an unimpeded access for the Dream Cruise into Highland Park?" I beg you to consider the above-mentioned points carefully. The real furor will begin when you demolish the bridge. It will leave a poisoned atmosphere in it's wake, reflecting on everybody concerned. Sincerely, Stephen Goodfellow Administrator, HP Folks |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 1:07 pm: |      |
I 100% suport the letter that you sent to the MDOT,Stephen. Back in the late 1950's,and early 1960's.The state highway department,which name was later changed to the Michigan Department of Transportation,had that overpass built to control the traffic flow on Woodward,and Eight Mile Rd. I recall the many years as a kid attending the Michigan State Fair,and the bridge was the gateway to Detroit,coming southbound,and the doorway to the many communities,that's north of 8 mile rd.I am against the plan to do away with the State fairground period,and I will dislike it very much if the state takes away a piece of history that many of us know about. But to me it's also a prime concern of the citizens of Detroit too. Is Highland Park,included in this battle,due to the fact that Woodward runs through our City? Citizens can submit their complaints to the MDOT Compliance section at: 248-967-0570,or the Metro District Office in Oak Park 248-483-5100,pass these numbers on. Sign. William AkbarX (Community Advocator) |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 1:15 pm: |      |
(Special Notice)*** If for some reason the numbers I posted does not work. There is two options to take.(1): Look in the blue section of your phone book,under the State of Michigan,and get the state's general information phone number,and ask them for the correct telephone number.Or call 555-1212(Phone Information),and ask for the State of Michigan's MDOT complaint number. Sorry,that I forgot to post that in my early board post. |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:53 pm: |      |
The "Wood-McInerney Commission" was appointed by John Hertel, Fair Manager. |
Felicity Leddy
| Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 2:41 am: |      |
Update: OUR COMMUNITY IS AT RISK! Many of you will be receiving a MDOT mailer re: the next Public DIFT meetings; which fails to express the magnitude of this project, it's negative environmental impacts and the fact that this is our last chance to voice our concerns! I cannot stress enough, how important it is that we get as many people to attend and SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE 120 ACRE FAIRGROUNDS EXPANSION !! 120 acres = HALF the FAIRGROUNDS PROPERTY 10-20,000 TRUCKS PER DAY NOISE, AIR & LIGHT POLLUTION HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFIC = CONGESTION & ROAD DAMAGE THIS IS THE LAST PUBLIC MEETING FOR OUR AREA (prior to the final August hearing ): MDOT DIFT PUBLIC MEETING MON. MARCH 29TH 4:30-8:30PM MICHIGAN STATE FAIRGROUNDS COMMUNITY ARTS BUILDING PRESENTATION AT 6PM FOLLOWED BY "Q&A" / PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD OTHER WAYS TO CONTACT MDOT & EXPRESS YOUR CONCERNS: 24hr DIFT Public Comment Line # 1-800-780-7221 E-mail Mohammed Alghurabi, DIFT Project Manager: E-mail Joe Corradino, Head Consultant: E-mail Bob Parsons, MDOT Hearings Officer: E-mail Gloria Jeff, MDOT Director: Please inform your residents ~ and encourage them to come out in number! We are distributing fliers, calling, e-mailing and putting up signs to inform our neighborhoods... Perhaps you could post this for your block clubs? Thank you for being such good neighbors Felicity - Pres. GWCA / ICARE II Member |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 9:33 pm: |      |
Please enlighten me on this bridge matter. Since this bridge is a line between Detroit, and the Cities on the other side of 8 mile. What is the City of Detroit saying about the situation? Also, Please help me to understand the major role that Highland Park, has in the play to save the bridge?I am thinking that maybe because Woodward runs through Highland Park, is that real the reason? Or is it because the Bridge and Fairgrounds is a historical piece. Please explain to me what is the reason for Highland Park to get involved? Again, it seem like it's a major Detroit battle. Yours Truly. William AkbarX (CommunityActivist) |
Felicity Leddy
| Posted on Friday, June 04, 2004 - 10:09 pm: |      |
Dear Friends of Highland Park: I wanted to inform you of the following dates, pertaining to the future of the 8-Mile Bridge / Woodward Overpass. You may recall that Greenacres Civic Association, Sherwood Forest Association and ICARE-II have passed resolutions OPPOSING the Removal of the Overpass / Bridge and SUPPORTING the Maintenance and Rehabilitation alternative. MDOT Director Gloria Jeff will present the results of the M-1/M-102 Environmental Assessment (EA) to Detroit City Council on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at 1:00 PM. Both the results of the Bridge Study and MDOT's recommendation as to the chosen alternative will be presented. (We have been told that formal statements from the various civic organizations are not necessarily going to be included at this time...this is MDOT's presentation. We should have a number of people attending; but formal statements should be held for the Final Public Hearing.) The last Local Advisory Meeting will be held Wednesday June 9, 2004 at Ferndale's Kulick Center at 1:00 PM. This is another opportunity for people to attend and discuss the chosen alternative - and to present ideas regarding aesthetic improvements. A tentative date for the Final Public Hearing has been set for June 29, 2004 - to be held at the Michigan State Fairgrounds' Community Arts building, from 4-8 PM. (I will keep you informed as to when this is confirmed, and as to the format.) I strongly encourage you to try and attend any / all of these meetings, if possible - and to spread the word amongst the neighborhoods. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Felicity Leddy Pres. GWCA 313-345-8348 |
| Posted on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 12:07 am: |      |
Ms Leddy. I read your bridge campaign information. But To me you are avoiding my March 25th post here on this site.To me it just looks like you are trying to get your point across,and ignoring a Highland Park Citizen's question.So if you will kindly explain to me what and how will Highland Park benefit.From my viewpoint it's Ferndale,Hazel Park,and Detroit's concern,and if I am wrong please feel free to correct me. Sincerely. William AkbarX(Community Activist) |
| Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 6:25 am: |      |
Mr. Akbar. Over TWO MILLION of your tax dollars have been spent on STUDIES since 1998. Repair costs have increased by TWO MILLION of your tax dollars since 2002. The Ferndale Manager has the Governor spending an additional $50,000 to consider how he could generate more taxes for FERNDALE while Detroit & Wayne County AND Michigan tax payers get stuck with a $30-40 MILLION dollar bill to remove a bridge that many of us voted to build! FOUR MILLION FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS... your tax dollars spent with nothing to show... NOT because of MDOT, because of ONE politician from Ferndale. MDOT BRIDGE COMMENT LINE # 1-800-270-5654 E-MAIL: Since you're paying to keep the toll free # and e-mail address up and running, why not let the Governor know your opinion? "Urbanator" username pending |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 11:59 am: |      | (search archives) You might already visit detroityes... that forum has been completely one sided and although there's a lot of support for Mass Transit expressed, it's pretty clear this is a pet project for Ferndale and we're looked on with disdain... keep in mind, Highland Park is lumped together with Detroit and Ferndale. POST FROM DETROIT YES: Top ten reasons MDOT keeps the bridge. 10. The homeless got rights too. 9. Where can we accumulate our abandoned grocery carts? 8. My hoe got her a perfect spot. 7. Nobody but jjaba remembers the old days of waiting for the lights. 6. New ballparks on Woodward. 5. New Fisher Aud. down there. 4. The Michigan State Fair. 3. Tear it down might expose the ruins down there. 2. Put Lowell outta business. 1. Without bridge, no left turns. POST FROM DETROIT YES: The other day I noticed this discussion on the hpfolks forum which was mystifying... some of the neighborhood organizations on the Detroit side such as the Greenacres Civic association and the Sherwood Forest association came out in favor of keeping the bridge. There was a perception that removing the bridge was a way to further gate off Ferndale from Detroit. (Whereas I think the opposite is true.) Also somehow it was tied into development at the State Fairgrounds. POST FROM DETROIT YES: ...One interesting point in the presentation given to Detroit City Council was that the public feedback was overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the bridge, oddly enough. I think the announcement on the hpfolks site which I posted earlier probably stirred up neighborhood opposition to removal of the bridge. POST FROM DETROIT YES: Unfortunately, MDOT has discounted all of the well thought out professional and practical input they have received and appear to be leaning on the public comments whipped up by a small group of people who have grossly misunderstood or misrepresented the facts. Traffic calming, slowing traffic, and beautifying the area will not only make the intersection safe for motorists and pedestrians, but also improve the area's economy, improve property values, help make the state fair grounds more attractive and reusable... POST FROM DETROIT YES: Good question, Jt1. Going up Woodward, I agree that Ferndale would be a shoo-in for a light-rail line coming from downtown Detroit. Pleasant Ridge is next, hard to say. Maybe they wouldn't object if there wasn't a stop there? Or maybe they'd be fine with it. Royal Oak would probably be okay with it. Huntington Woods/Berkley, not sure. Birmingham, you might start to have real opposition. POST FROM DETROIT YES: ...As long as some light rail could get up to Ferndale at least, there would probably be a boomlet of residential/retail construction around the stop in Ferndale. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 12:08 pm: |      |
Highland Park was provided a print copy, web link below: "DIFT" Threatens Detroit, Highland Park, Hazel Park, Ferndale and the Michigan State Fairgrounds DIFT (Detroit Intermodal Freight Terminal) is a transfer yard where 55 ton containers are taken off truck trailers and loaded onto trains or taken off trains and loaded onto trucks. 55 TON metal containers dropped onto a truck or train. . . 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! DIFT means: NO State Fair Metropark NO local or State taxes NO WAY! PUBLIC HEARING June 16 Michigan State Fairgrounds Community Arts Building 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Hearings_Legal_Notice_English_Version_PDF_125460_7 .pdf |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 7:51 pm: |      |
My bad. Very bad. There were many posters in DETROIT YES with pro-Detroit/Highland Park opinions... the PC guard was down on the above posts! |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 6:33 pm: |      |
Is this being overlooked or ignored... |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 7:05 pm: |      | Web site is updated with new flyer regarding the proposed intermodal expansion... Is there a good location(s) in Highland Park I could leave or pass out flyers? Regardless your opinion on the importance of this issue to Highland Park, I'm asking for your help. MDOT BRIDGE COMMENT LINE # 1-800-270-5654 E-MAIL:
Urbanator (Urbanator) New member Username: Urbanator
Post Number: 6 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 3:33 pm: |      |
Urbanator now has a life! MDOT PRESS RELEASE: Public participation will continue as MDOT moves forward with rehabilitation of existing 8 Mile Bridge July 12, 2005 - - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) today announced that the Granholm Administration has completed its review of a major Detroit intersection and has determined that the existing Woodward Avenue/8 Mile Road bridge will be rehabilitated. The design process will begin next month when MDOT holds public meetings in Detroit on August 11 at the MDOT Metro Region Office and August 25 at the Michigan State Fairgrounds to solicit community input for the project. Rehabilitation costs for the project, expected to be completed by July 2007, are estimated at $6.3 million. "The decision to rehabilitate the bridge (originally constructed in 1956) required a comprehensive environmental and economic impact analysis," said MDOT Metro Region Engineer Gregory Johnson. "Public input, cost and safety factors, as well as regional mobility needs, ultimately led to the decision to rehabilitate the existing structure." In 2003, MDOT began an Environmental Assessment study focusing on alternatives that involved removing or reconstructing the 8 Mile Bridge -- examining the potential impacts associated with each alternative as related to traffic, safety and the historical significance of the aging structure. Throughout the process, MDOT actively solicited the participation of citizens, neighborhood groups and elected officials – all of whom advocated vigorously for their communities. "We continue taking a context sensitive approach to this project," said Johnson, "That means community input will be vital during the design phase, so that the result is a structure reflecting the shared vision of Detroit and Ferndale residents and an intersection that is safer for motorists and pedestrians." MDOT estimates that approximately 120,000 vehicles use the intersection of Woodward Avenue and 8 Mile Road every day.,1607,7-151-9621_110 58_25829-122299--,00.html
(Message approved by admin) |