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Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 11:33 am: |      |
The closure of Highland Park's Farmer Jack is nothing less than an unmitigated disaster for our city. Hundreds of HP citizens already living on the edge now have to travel even further in hired transportation to obtain goods no longer available in the area. The loss of jobs in such a small population is sure to have a major financial impact as well. FJ was the main magnet in the mall. It's disappearance assures that the profits of the other stores will suffer, possibly leading to more closures. I could not but help notice the sudden disappearance of BlockBuster Video - were they privy to info that we are only hearing today? The coming hardship is sure to herald an increase in police related incidents. Any thought as to what to do with the empty space? How do we prevent a wholesale evacuation of the mall businesses? Your thoughts? ***** Farmer Jack closure on HP Website: Previous related discussion: 068933217 |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 1:04 pm: |      |
Terry, President of Richton Block Club, This would be a tremendous opportumity to bring a Meijers Store the City of Highland PArk, if we can at all convince them to come into our Great City, or even a Super Target Store. Maybe we can talk with Mrs. Ramona Pearson to hear what suggestions on what steps we should take in approaching these super stores. Highland Park is a awesome Jewel many people and business have to be reminded of. We need to take advantage of this opportunity and move on this quickly. I am not discourage of Farmer Jack leaving us, because where one door may close God will provide another open door to go through. Meijers or a Super Target would be ideal for Highland Park, our Seniors as well as others who may not have means of transportation to go to distant markets or shopping stores will greatly benefit from having them here in Highland Park, not to mention Highland Park is surrounded on all ends by Detroit who will also benefit greatlly from having Meijers or a Super Target Store in the great City of Highland Park. |
Anne Zobel
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 3:31 pm: |      |
This is indeed a sad day for Highland Parkers. Hamtramck is also losing their Farmer Jack so we are now faced with the trek out to the 'burbs for groceries. I would love to see a Target or Meijers move in but the space is much to small. SuperTargets require 175,000 square feet, and our space is only 60,000 square feet. Meijer's are even bigger! However we must keep this dialogue going! I strongly believe that there is more than a sufficient demand and market in our community for a full service, high quality grocer! We should accept no less! |
Dr. Jane Robinson
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 3:34 pm: |      |
Farmer Jack's closing is a real tragedy for Highland Park and surrounding communities! It is AWFUL! I don't know about other people, but I feel a real sense of DISPAIR when things like this (and the armed robbery) happen. Of course I recover but - it's not easy because its piled on top of all of the OTHER road blocks and obstacles we people of color living in distressed communities have to deal with from all previous years! Just as we overcome one problem, and think we are making significant progress on one thing - TWO more obstacles pop up! It makes me SAD and it makes me ANGRY! My anger is normal, legitimate and justified - I just have to find a way to deal with it constructively. I'm not a rich person. I have my financial struggles too. I can only imagine how citizens with fewer resources than my own can keep taking all of this STUFF! So I am hurt and I am angry for them too! And becasue of that, I think I can speak for them as they are speaking for themselves. How in the world are we going to be able to get our groceries? Paying for transporation to another city if you don't have a car? And even if we have a car - we have to pay for gas and it is SO INCONVENIENT! I was so HAPPY when Farmer Jack opened up in Highland Park because it was CONVENIENT! I don't know how people managed. And now we don't even have an IVANHOE to go to! Many of us wondered if Ivanhoe set their own store a fire because they could not compete with Farmer Jack. And now - some of us might even welcome IVANHOE'S back! On the surface it looks like Farmer Jack tried to "spread" the cuts (to include the suburbs) not target the "ring cities" however - it FEELS like we were "rejected" as has been our history every since we were dragged into American! AGAIN - we have to try and come up with strategies to "OVERCOME" and to m! uster up strength to cope with it (which we will). But we get TIRED of struggling so hard. We get TIRED of having to climb Pikes Peak each and every day of our lives JUST TO GET BY when most of the other folks, those of a different color, those with more economic resources living in the suburbs, HAVE THINGS WITHOUT this struggle! It is unfair! It is not just! What can we do? I don't know. It will be interesting to find out what ideas other people have. If Farmer Jack was a civic entity - a part of state, city or county functioning - we could appearl for them not to close up in 'distress areas' such as ours. Sort of like Rep. Bill McConico - don't cut state revenues to distressed cities like ours. But Farmer Jack is a private entity. We don't really HAVE anything to appeal I don't guess. What we can do of course, is to publish the addresses./locations of the Farmer Jack stores nearest to us. Prior to the opening of the FJ in HP I sometimes went to the one on Outer Drive but now, it too is closed. And sometimes I would go to the one in Hazel Park (?) one Nine Mile and the Chrysler - is that Hazel Park? . It may still be open I don't know. We could publish the locations of those that are still open that are nearest us. Anyone who would buy a couple of buses and use them exclusively to carry peole to the other Farmer Jack locations might be able to make some money. I say buses because a fleet of cars won't do - you need room to put your groceries. I don't know. Neighbors with cars could take one neighbor without a car but - only one because - groceries take up room. Don't know. The owner of Aknartoon's has led an effort to start our own grocery store in Highland Park and surrounds. If we invested in OUR OWN FOOD STORE, we wouldn't have to depend on a Farmer Jack. I'm sorry I've forgotten his name but maybe someone who knows him would ask him to post his opinion on and tell us about his idea. Of course, any such solutions would be long-term solution. In the meantime, how do we eat? I would ask people how they managed BEFORE FJ came? What did they do? The SAVE A LOT store is here - will that help? I would ask. I want to know myself. And how do the prices compare with FJ? Also - uses for the FJ site. Do we want to approach Kroger (or others) to come in? Did FJ make money on this site? If so - maybe they another food chain will come in. The Steering Committee in charge of the Day of Dialogue held recently maywant to take another active role and focus on this question - What do we do to this prime location so that it is not a blight on our city, so that other businesses do not also fold up having lost a great stimulus to businesses investing in Highland Park - so it does not become a stimulus to vandalism and crime? Some of this group (I was told by one grouop member) appeared to have a strong committment to bring into H.P., a LARGE sit-down resturant for example, the likes of Old Country Buffett?? (I think that's the name). That might be one use of that space - there would be amply parking for example. I think that our business savy people in HIghland Park, like our city administrators, state officials, council members, Devco, members of Highland Park Business Association, those instrumental in WOOING Farmer Jack to open in Highland Park in the first place, should have some better ideas than we average citizens. And do to their expertise, could lead in the resoluation of this problem. They might want to take a look AT OTHER DISTRESSED CITIES. What have they done under similiar circustances. How well did it work if it worked at all. What is Benton Harbor doing - or did Pontiac do - with what assistance from feds, state, local for example? I question those that say we don't need to look at other models (of success of failure) in other ring cities. I think we can learn something from them. WE DON'T WANT TO BE ANOTHER BENTON HARBOR BUT WITH FARMER JACK LEAVING - WE WILL CERTAINLY LOOK LIKE BENTOR HARBOR the last time I saw it (about five years ago - abandoned!) Our excellent location helps us not to experience the same fate however, we don't want even ONE YEAR to look ABANDONED until the real resoluation comes our way. We should extend a special invitation from to share those idea on and other news media. Of course council would have to approve of any/all businesses coming into the city. But we average citizens do want to be "in on the planning", not 'kept in the dark' until the LAST MINUTE when we are told a new ?? store is coming in. We should be asked what we want. We really do need HELP AND NETWORKING. Finally, I guess, in the midst of our depair (and I certainly share that despairt) we need to keep our eye on the prize - our future and remember - Highland Park really IS ON THE RISE out of trouble. Highland Park really is (as Albert Bowman is fond of saying "A diamond in the rough"). Yes, this setback is only temporary. If we stay the course, keep pressing on, this too will pass. What can we do? We can talk about it, vent our frustrations APPROPRIATELY - support each other while focusing on the bright future to come until a real resolution is found. God bless us all in the new year and beyond!
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 4:11 pm: |      |
I am very sad to hear about Farmer Jack departing our city.Now what will we do? With Farmer Jack closing it's doors.All we have is the Arabic store owners.Who is selling our two week old meat combine with fresh meat,and most of us is thinking we are getting a deal.What good will it do for another major foodchain to move into the old Farmer Jack space,and we complain about almost everything? I agree with Dr Robinson,we must come together as one,and cut the dry BS out.As you shop in other Highland Park grocery stores.Notice what you are buying,and look at the prices.I do not see anything wrong with a group of Highland Park black business people.Coming together to own & operate our own Supermarket. Thanks for allowing me to express my opinion. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 - 4:16 pm: |      |
I made a typing error in my post letter.where I stated the sentence who is selling our two week old meet.It should have said WHO IS SELLING US TWO WEEK OLD MEAT,COMBINED WITH FRESH MEAT. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 11:58 pm: |      |
to Dr. Jane Robinson..May I ask where you received your doctorate from? I for one don't believe you because your grammar skills and sentance structure are that of a second grader. I don't understand what "obsticles" you keep referrring too? If you really work hard you can get a place in a suburb or a nicer area and get some money for free higher education. Your statement about those of "another color" is the most rediculous and uneducated thing I've heard in a while. Maybe if you educated yourself just a little bit than you would relize that it will get you further in life instead of sitting on your ass and complaining because some people have it better than you. If you knew anything you would know that there are more poor white people in America than black people statistically. Most of them are just struggling in other areas than an urban environment. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 12:28 am: |      |
" Holy Moly " Anonymous. You are really entitle to express your opinions.But to come straight out and project racism,or even jealousy is not only bad,but ignorant on your part.We all know that there is poor people in all walks of life,and the solution is education.I post my name everywhere I can,and to make negetive statements,and hide who you are is a coward act,and is very punkish.The Doctor,could have maked a typing error.You will find my name,and my e-mail adddress print on this post.Feel free to contact me if you don't like what I said,and I admire Dr Robinson,as a citizen of Highland Park,and have you thought that maybe she do not what to move across 8 mile to get a cross burned on her lawn? Peace Out |
Anonymous 2
| Posted on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 3:26 am: |      |
Wow William...........once again you speak of "holy moly" and education, yet made no sense at all. Please quit trying to project yourself as intelligent....sorta like putting pearl earings on a pig...Once: you space after a comma Two: it is made not need to learn singular/plural and past/present tense and please dont refer to the burning cross and associate it to north of 8 mile. Take a lesson from used the term racism...called it bad and ignorant..........then turned around three sentences later and threw out the cross thing. Birds of a feather my friend. |
| Posted on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 1:51 am: |      |
William...all I have to say to you is HYPOCRITE. Looks like should go back and take some grammar lessons with that dr. Let's see when was the last time there was a cross burned anywhere around here?? You need to know about the wonderful things called statistics, they speak the truth with scientific fact, try using them sometimes. No one said you have to move across 8 mile, how about going south, I guess downriver is nice, a little bit trashy but I would assume it's better than HP in schools, safety, convience, crime, the list goes on. This isn't 1950, white people aren't evil. If you are just jealous of them b/c some may have it better than you, than your the one with a problem |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 1:20 am: |      |
Anonymous, This is not the proper place to open your trap.Like I said you are to coward to reveal your name.However,you have met your match,and to downtalk a person with posts on a computer is punkish.This may not be 1950,but with people like you out there it should be.To my Highland Park community readers.I will say that I do apologize for my behavior,and that I was wrong for lowering myself to this person's level. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 2:18 am: |      |
Well my name is Sheria. Please try and use some basic grammar skills before you speak. I come from a very well off black family, that worked hard to get where we are today. I think you are being more closed minded than any white person I have ever met. Be yourself, stop making things a race issue because they are not. If you stopped making excuses than you would see that anything is possible. Complaining like you are only creates more problems for yourself. Your the ignorant and closeminded one. I see why you still live in an area like Highland Park. You are making black people look bad. Move on or shut up and stop bitching. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 11:07 am: |      |
Akhbar, Sheria, Here's how I see it. Akhbarx cast the first stone by calling Sheria a "dork". That was inappropriate. I think an apology is in order. Sheria, your fixation with spelling is misplaced. Your mistakes in one posting are: sentance instead of sentence obsticles instead of obstacles referrring instead of referring rediculous instead of ridiculous and relize instead of realize Let's dispense with grammatical competence as a measuring stick. We are all aware that the given level of spelling does not necessarily determine a level of intelligence. The flaming that both of you are indulging in is inappropriate for this venue. Please return to responsible debate or I'll be forced to hit the bozo button. So, Sheria. What's your point? Should we all move out of the urban center? Are you attempting to make some philosophical point? Curious minds want to know.
William AkbarX
| Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 11:28 am: |      |
Well,Well. The truth comes to the light.I made my remarks from what I read from YOUR post.That's what gave me the impression that you was from another color.Just to know that you are now calling yourself black,and dogging another member of your race,you need help very bad.Yeah Stephen, I agree with you 100%.Yeah Sheria,what's your point? |
| Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2004 - 1:39 am: |      |
My point is; if you are constantly complaining becuase you think people have it better off than you are not doing anything positive for yourself. If you think the white man is evil becuase it seems they have it easier you are no better than them. Everyone has something than someone else wants. Stop bitching and get on with your life. Hating the "other color" only puts you behind. Sure I have some spelling mistakes, I type fast and don't proofread...but seriously at least you can understand me. Those are mistakes that a spell checker will catch. If you were to run William's writings through, I think it would reject the whole thing. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Friday, January 30, 2004 - 12:20 am: |      |
To Bad I am not you.Plus,The editor do edit my posts Miss Know it all,Or is it Mr Know-it-All? You know what you are? You a pain in what I sit on,and all you do is look for something to B*&%H about.Growup,and get a life.Site Editor,Please do what it takes to eliminate this negetive person. Thanks |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Friday, January 30, 2004 - 1:23 am: |      |
Sheria, Most of the people I meet in HP are uncomplaining folks going about their daily lives, trying to make a living, trying to keep their heads above water. Some of the citizenry go the extra mile and dedicate themselves to making the city a better place to live. Dr. Robinson is in the vanguard of such activities, and for this reason I thought your scathing observations of her posting rather brash. She walks the walk, and in my opinion deserves better than the rather harsh missive you dealt her. |
Pete Kosel
| Posted on Friday, October 15, 2004 - 6:55 pm: |      |
No offense, but whacking other posters is counterproductive and tends to polarize otherwise productive discussions and convert them into personality contests. There is a difference between criticizing a person's ideas and criticizing the person. I think most folks here are concerned about Highland Park and want to help. Personal attacks and "flame wars" are not consistent with those objectives. Establishment of basic ground rules that prohibit personal attacks on other users (as opposed to criticism of their ideas) might be reasonable. My experience elsewhere is that when such policies are established and announced users will generally comply with them. In an un-moderated discussion group with no such policies, discussion can degenerate to the detriment of constructive participation. I note that the administrator of this Discusware board can edit or delete messages if he/she so chooses. Users should be aware of this fact, and of the fact that the board is intended to support constructive discussion. |
Pete Kosel
| Posted on Friday, October 15, 2004 - 7:17 pm: |      |
On the subject of Farmer Jack's closing, I note that many grocery and "super store" chains have fallen on hard times in recent years and either gone bankrupt, cut back on the number of stores in the chain, or been bought up by other chains. I conclude that the discount grocery business is a low margin sort of thing. In contrast, small family-operated convenience stores sometimes seem to stubbornly survive in small or remote communities where larger operations where would never be able to make a go of it, often selling hot food to go as well as basic groceries, beer and sundries. One last factoid: when I was a kid there were vegetable trucks or wagons that plied the streets of Highland Park - I think some of them were horse-drawn. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 8:54 am: |      |
As a proud Citizen of Highland Park attacking someone on a computer is childish,and as far as I am concerned immature.There is more serious issues to be talked about here on HP Folks.Which is a format created by Mr Goodfellow for the citizens to communicate with each other.One is entitle to express their opinions,and their concerns just as long as it's valid.Highland Park was not always in this kind of situation.It's in a ball of confusion but it will get better.Myself I support any Community or City Administrative moves that would help our City to get out of this mess that past administrators put this city in.I am dis-appointed that a outsider was assigned to come into our City to straighten this mess out. However if that's what it takes I will support that concept,and this is not a White or Black issue it's about getting the job done so we can move on.In closing a person don't not have to be a sell-out to want better things for the community,and to me a sell-out is a person who had the chance to make things right but fail to do so. |