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Jane Robinson
| Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 - 1:45 am: |      |
The morning of December 31, 2003 a man appeared at my door asking permission to look in my backyard and the alley behind it for his wallet. He reported having been robbed last night on my corner. He gave his name and address in the middle of the middle block of URIA which I feel is unwise to state here so I will call him Mr. X). Mr. X said he was walking home with two grocery bags. Two men approached and demanded money. One appeared to have a shot gun under his coat which (whatever it was) he pointed towards Mr. X saying repeatedly,: "If you yell, I'll shoot you!". They took his wallet and ran up towards Colorado and appeared to throw the wallet in the alley (or my backyard.) I asked if he had reported this to the police last night. He said the police did come but they never came back again. Mr. X was on his way up to the police station now to see if the police had found out anything but naturally wanted to look around my property first. Of course I gave him permission to do that. Before alerting neighbors I checked his story out by calling the mini station. I identified myself as president of the United Rhode Island Block Club and asked if this report had been made. The officer answering was very polite. He said he would have to 'call over to Hamtramck' for the documents. I acknowledged that the sherifs and police were very busy due to the holidays nevertheless, it was important. He was quite accommodating but had an idea that worked. He asked me to describe Mr. X. Mr. X's characterisitcs and apparrel were very distinctive so the office was able to positively verify the report, in fact he said, "Mr. X is sitting right here in front of me now." (true to his word). I happen not to know this neighbor personally, however his story was very credible and he appeared to know one of my other neighbors, greeting them on his way from my home back to his house. Nevertheless, I did not want to! be sounding 'false alarms.' We Highland Parkers have enough bad news to worry about without adding to it unnecessarily. I acknowledged up front to the officer taking the call (whose name I have written down of course) how very busy they must be nevertheless, I insisted that the sherrifs provide special protection for our area for a while especially because we have many older, females living alone and some, like myself do come home after dark (now that the days are so short). bEcasue we live in a nice neighborhood the thieves might think we have some money and so begin to prey on us if we don't stop them right away. The officer was very curteous and agreed to help us. I went on to alert the three Communication Specialists in our three blocks to "put out the word". I then tried to contact officers of the block clubs: Colorado (message left), Southeast Heights (message left), Farrand Park #3 (message left): Massachuetts (unsuccessful). I ran out of time (was already rushing to the office). Today I will try to contact officers on California and McLean. This was truly BAD NEWS! Of course I do not hear ALL that happens in our Southeast Heights area - there may be many robberies I just don't know about them. But I am pretty much in touch with what happens on Rhode Island Avenue and there have been no reports of robbery to the UBCHP for a long, long time! It feel that it is very important that we spread this kind of news as quickly as possible so that people can be extra careful: and look out for one another as we go to and from our homes. Also, Detroit West Side has been reported home invasions recently. We don't want anyone robbing our homes. I think (I'm no expert) there are always more robbery-type crimes around holiday times. And people are shopping and thinking of nothing but joy and happiness and having a good time. T his makes us easy prey to being robbed. We are not as alert as we usually are. Add to this the poor economy, the number of people out of work and we can understand that these added pressures may lead desperate people to do desperate things. We all need to STAY ALERT and to COMMUNICATE with each other throught he blocks clubs, any increase in crime whenever it happens. hp.folks is a good place to do this. I am also wondering - should citizens have access to a crime report? Do we need to know how many crimes are committed in Highland Park each year, in each neighborhood and the nature of those crimes and how many arrests and convictions take place>? I would like to see a discussion on this website. There are probably proc and cons. If people for example, agree that we need to know, what is the process? through The Legacy at intervals? My thoughts are - that if a crime of this magnitude occurs on Rhode Island, that a sherrif SHOULD PHONE THE BLOCK CLUB PRESIDENTs and let them know IMMEDIATELY so they can take steps to alert their members to be careful. Maybe the sherrifs/police are already working on this. Or maybe, it is not a good idea at all. It simply may be too much for the sherrifs/officers to handle (quickly). But I KNOW - I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW - so I can be careful. An idea that might work - is for U! nited Block Clubs of highland Park to disseminate this information should all agree it would be helpful. (Might sitr up too much emotins - be stressful?). The sherrif/officer verifying the particular report could phone the Communications Specialist of United Block Clubs of Highland Park (UBCHP) and leave a message (on their recorder machine -no need to even talk) giving the location and time and the type of crime. The Commuincations Specialist would then phone the presidents of the block clubs in that particular area (those that consented to participate) and they could relay the message to their block club members.. This seems to me to be appropriate and should lead to a decrease in crime. I don't know. And of course, UBCHP would have to approve of such a suggestion. Just an idea. I am faxing a copy of this report to the following officials to report this matter, to commend the professional way the officer/sheriff handled this particular matter; and to find out what they think of this idea and if they have more ideas that might work to KEEP CITIZENS INFORMED AND SAFE. I know they are trying to get citizens involved in being the eyse and ear - joining citizens patrols. Perhaps knowing our crime tstatistics (by city but ALSO by neighborhood) would help citizens get MORE involved in these patrols. I am also faxing this to the steering committee of UBCHP. Honorable State Senator Martha G. Scott Honorable State Respresentative Bill McConico Honorable Mayor Titus McClary Honorable Councilmembers Honorable Judge Briggett Officer Beth Roberts, Special Operations Sheriff's Department Albert Bowman, UBCHP Happy New Year to all! Jane Robinson United Rhode Island Block Club
| Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 - 3:42 pm: |      |
Thanks, Jane for sharing the information. When I lived in the Woodbridge area the police mini-station had a free service to alert neighbors to crimes reported in the neighborhood. When a crime was reported the police had an automated system that called each person who had signed up for it with a tape recorded message describing the nature of the crime, descriptions of perpetrators and any other info that would be helpful to neighbors. At one time there was a rapist reported attacking women at night as they parked and exited their cars. So we agreed that women alone in that situation would sound their horn until neighbors appeared on their porches to watch them as they moved from car to house. I think it's a good idea for our neighborhood. Tanya |
| Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 10:54 am: |      |
Hello my name is Terry and I am the President of the Richton Block Club, thank You Jane Robinson for the information. It is very important information that should be shared with all. Your ideas are very good and would be great if the Sheriff Department had a way of alerting the communities of what is happening. I believe Richton residents would be very supportive in being involved with that. The information Tanya shared when she lived in Woodbridge of how the Police department automatly called everyone who signed up for the service to inform the citizens of when a crime occurred is a wonderful idea. If Highland Park has the resources for that, I'm sure we would get great support to have that implemnted right away. I also think the Citzens Partrol is an excellant idea that should be continuosly operated, not just during "Angels Night". This communication is good (HP folks), and a great start, but we need more communication that includes our Police Department. Thanks again for the information. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 5:38 pm: |      |
That's a great idea. I'll contact the Sheriff Department. I'll be glad to create a "Heads up" section. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2004 - 2:51 pm: |      |
I queried Daralene Nero of the Wayne County Sheriffs Department. She responds: ************** Hi Stephen, Yes, I read your email this morning, and I believe it's an excellent idea. I forwarded it to Chief Cox, and we will be meeting on this tomorrow afternoon. I am sure I would serve as the point person, but there will certainly be others issues to discuss. I will keep you informed as to the next step. Happy New Year to you and yours. Daralene Nero Community Outreach Wayne County Sheriff's Dept. 1231 St. Antoine Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-0614 ********** If Daralene is agreeable, I'll create a special "Heads Up" section for the site and post whatever alerts the Sheriffs Department deems worthy of sending along. I'll also send out an alert via the listserv. |