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HP Watchman
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 10:18 pm: |      |
I am actually curious as to what people think about the Burger King on Woodward at Farrand Park hooked to the Sunoco gas station. How's the service? Food? Look? I went in there for the first time a few months ago and I enjoyed my experience....nothing like their whopers!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 10:36 pm: |      |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 4:10 am: |      |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH @ HP WATCHMAN Damn everytime I past the Buger KIng & Sunico I always see it on Woodward between Beresford and the Davison Fwy. However years ago there use to be a McDonald's on the westside of Woodward between Avalon & Glendale which was facing Farrand Park> I am not bashing your post however I am helping you with your directions & locations. Wrong information can be misleading. |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 5:59 am: |      |
Why did the the McDonalds close? |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 5:15 pm: |      |
dont forget redhots on victor |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 10:14 pm: |      |
the gut busters |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 10:50 pm: |      |
Jeff, you're right again.McDevils,BurgerNSome, White Gaskets,and Taco Catch Hell is all guts busters.I have notice outsiders is getting permission to open restaurants,and my freedom to think the way I think would a Black Restaurant owner get permission to open a Black owned Soul Food Family Restaurant? It would beat the hell out of the guts busters and the GasBusters. |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 11:55 pm: |      |
I know that white people have been conspiring against anyone opening a Soul Food Family Restaurant. You're right on William. White people are trying to take over Highland Park and that means black restaurants must be prevented. White people must be taking away your freedom to think by denying you soul food. Oh yea, and again, I LOVE YOU!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 12:04 am: |      |
"Back in the Day" Soul Food... wrong side of 8 Mile. |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 12:32 pm: |      |
OH Stop it Anonymous Stop that you're melting my heart |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 12:37 pm: |      |
Urbanator Back in the days across 8 mile was a soul food place on the Royal Oak Township side.There was the old Duke B B Q on 8 Mile & Gardenlanes,and there was another downhome soul food place in that use to be small shopping center where Allen's Supermarket use to be right there as you cross 8 mile.Now anywhere on the other side of *8 mile you have white folks who think that they are soul food specialists,and they food taste like foam rubber. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 5:22 pm: |      |
Back in the Day's was in Ferndale... Township begins closer to Republic. Fast-food soul-food sounds likefoam rubber and "Family Restaurant" has become a bag handed to kids more interested in the toy than food. Fast food chains are easier to get started but a "Black owned Soul Food Family Restaurant" can get permission... it would make a killing in this area! |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 8:20 pm: |      |
Back then Soul Food was just a Black man's thing.Whites used to send their handy wipe Spooks to go buy a plate or a sandwich because they was afraid that one of their klan members might see them coing on a Black Business and they might get hung for being a Negro Lover.Also I am wondering since Highland Park is a 98% Black city,why there is only one (no more then two) black owned eatting places? Out there is the real world on here is a place to escape and live in a world from the real world. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 8:55 pm: |      |
ha willie ,why is everything always black&WHITE?remember we live together in this graet city,lets try getting along. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 11:33 pm: |      |
What are you waiting for William? You've identified a community need and demand for Soul Food. You've also keenly observed that white people in the suburbs enjoy Soul Food also. Where would be a good location so people would feel safe and comfortable patronizing your new genuine best Soul Food restaurant that had people streaming into Highland Park to taste? Often imitated but never duplicated. Willam Akbar X's Soul Food Restaurant at the intersection of Woodward and .... A franchise arriving soon near you too!!! I see you in that big Cadillac already. |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 1:33 pm: |      |
Awwww Anonymous Sorry but I use a bike.Big cars & Homes does not excite me.That's for those who can afford them___like you. Naw Naw Anonymous I am not the one who deal with the negetive attitudes of the public (both White & Black). However there is other Brothers here in Highland Park who can cook.How would it sound if we had a Art in the Park Soul Food Restaurant.We both is from North Carolina,and believe me North carolina people can cook.Man I love your typing jive hahaha I will use that saying in my community work (Often Imitated but never can be Duplicated.You know you sound like you from the old school with that game.So if you are not part of the Anonymous klan,pick a real name and showcase that game you got that's strong,and you won't go wrong.Hey for some real soul food visit the Akbars Restaurant on Fenkell two blocks west of Meyers Rd (No Relations)Check the Brother out over there.They have some nice muslim & soul food cooking. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 3:38 pm: |      |
Red Hots is still there, ate there on Sat morning, before I went to the Airport. Wasn't, and I know I'm going to spell this wrong, Annarktoon's aSoul food/Muslim Restraunt. It was on Woodward, about Calvert? Ate there many times, and the food was great. Or how about Lousinaa Creole Gumbo, on Gratiot, near Mt. Elliot. |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 6:14 pm: |      |
" Greetings " Mr Sir Hillard. The Brother have closed his business I believe,and he's now doing business in the Presto Mall if I am not by mistaken.However the next time you in town visit the Presto Mini Mall.Sure Detroit have many good soul food spots,but we was speaking about Soul Food in Highland Park,and I hope Blacks will invest in the city like Whites is doing.The best soul food cooking is done by a black person who can cook.Ain't nothing like a good home cooked soul meal.That's one talent whites will never take from us. |
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 8:58 pm: |      |
ha thomas,acaktoons on woodward&calvert went out of business. |
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 10:12 pm: |      |
In the same way some whites learn to play jazz, shoot a jump shot, and clap in rhythm, shouldn't it be possible for them to cook good soul food? William, maybe you and your friend from NC could shoot the instructional video? $29.95 at It might be wise to get one white collaborator to water down the funk just a bit. Make it more palatable to a white audience. I see you riding your new bike now! To the bank! To make a big deposit! |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 10:39 pm: |      |
If you ever see me riding anything you hop your ass on back.Like I have posted many times before the white man's time have ran out,and all is left now is wannabes and wishers.At my age now I can still play basketball,and can out hoop any white boy around.Most whites who own a food business hire Blacks to cook the food,and believe it or not white men can't boil water without burning the pot hahahaha.Ask any white woman what do they see in they Black man,and most white women will tell you the real deal.Blacks was born with the gift of playing music.Whites have to learn how to sing or play music.Let's take a look back at the AWB band,or the Doobie Brothers,and even Hall & Oates.Each one of them had a Black band member or backup singers to carry the groove.The ONLY badass White girl I ever heard who could sing her white ass off was Janis Joplin.The rest sound like they have the shits in the lungs Hahahaha. So don't tell me a white boy was born talent.Opps yep he was born with a talent to eat out at the (.Y.) |
| Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 11:29 pm: |      |
Ha, theys some mighty fine dining down there with many a satisfied customer |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 10:00 am: |      |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 1:03 pm: |      |
JEFF I Never feared a weakass white boy.As a matter of fact all a white boy have to do is get punched in the nose,and his punk ass is beat.Also Jeff I said what I said and if you don't like it to damn bad because it's the true.White boys is like bitches pimp lap them they cry.So don't you NEVER go anywhere or even on here trying to check someone.Like I said all white boys can do is eat out at the Y___cocksuckers.NO white boy have never beat me doing anything except run.Now Jeff you mind your own damn business little girl. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 2:34 pm: |      |
William, what is the source of your extreme hatred toward white people? What happened? Are you passing that hatred on to your kids and grandkids? |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 7:15 pm: |      |
Ummm Anonymous Regardless to my feelings I have taught my Children about how sneaky and racist SOMEONE white folks are,and how they will dis respect you,and they demend you respect them.However Anonymous I have a few white friends who have a Black Dad or a Black Ma,yet the black blood line can be seen in their everyday lifes.They do not bash Whites or do they bash Blacks.They are everyday for real people (not put ons). Anonymous since you are investigating me what about yourself? Are you Black but on here act white? Do you teach your Kids and Grandkids the difference between a Black person and a nigger? Most whites say He's a Black guy in the public,but when it comes time to return to the Suburbs Damn them Niggers is sick people.I am title to think the way I want to think regardless to if it's good or Bad.Just like this mess on here (this website) the shit really did not hit the fan until Stephen refused to look into the matter,and do something about this anonymous attacking bullshit.Again being an anonymous is okay with me if that floats your boat.However I think it's a form of being a coward.I don't mind people knowing who I am I wasn't born to please nobody.However if I can help that's why I was placed on this earth aka my earthly mission.In closing Anonymous if you had been paying attention to my posts you would have seen why I have so much bitter towards you whites,and I am working hard to correct them negative feelings.But I will NEVER let my guards down,and that's how I am,and I believe strongly to get respect one must give respect. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 9:15 pm: |      |
if it wasnt for the GREAT WHITE HOPE,willamena x. woudnt have a pot to piss in. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 9:33 pm: |      |
What's the great white hope? |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 11:03 pm: |      |
Anonymous Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 9:15 pm: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ if it wasnt for the GREAT WHITE HOPE,willamena x. woudnt have a pot to piss in. (ANONYMOUS) I bet you the poor ass bitch who uses a anonymous to cover up your chicken shit ass.Come on Motor Mouth Show just how bad your bitch ass is online.Because in reality all you are good for is starting shit with Females.Bring your punk ass and do a real man like you try to do women sissy bitch.I got your id who you are in the City of Highland Park, and I now know you are a real fag.You just haven't messed with the right person yet believe me.How can you lead anything when you are nature's mistake? Let's meet at the next school board meeting in the school headquarters building after you close the meeting.I am ALL man unlikely like you there is NO bitch in me____CAN YOU DIG THAT YOU SUCKA? |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 12:53 am: |      |
Whoa man, you gonna have a fight at the school board meeting? Can I watch? When is it? I put my money on ..... |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 12:15 pm: |      |
My Brother Willaim, sorry I missed you, when I was back home, but had alot to do, in such a short time. I sent the info, to Titus, so next you see him, ask him for it. |
Wiliam X
| Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 3:39 pm: |      |
" HOTEP " Mr Thomas Hilliard. Yes man I am sorry we did not meet also,however there will be another time.Was Titus surprise to hear from you? As you see I am still dealing with this Fruitcake who serve on the Highland Park school Board,and he's acting like a jackass.Anonymous the fight will be you & me,you know it and I know it sooner or later we will meet that's how GOD has planned it,and I would like to see how deep I can put my foot in your ass.Now I bet my $$$$ that you will kiss my ass before I kiss yours.Tom Man I am about to take Stephen to court for allowing this mess to continue on his site.Stephen is like all other people with green cards.He is the administrator of this site he could have traced Anonymous,and banned Anonymous ISP from this site.However Stephen enjoy seeing this kinda uproar.Tom I will not back down from this clown.Tom you must take the time out to return home for a longer visit,and enjoy remembering the City like it use to be,and even now during this bs here in the big HP there is still places and people to enjoy. " Peace " |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 3:28 pm: |      |
HAHAHAHAHA JEFF YOU THE DAMN JOKE YOU ASSHOLE. OH i am scare of your BIG letters,and You need to say a prayer for your own damn self. County Jail? Umm you another bad online ass I see.Hahahaha 369 Glendale? hahaha where is that at the Highland Park Municiple Morgue? Yeah that's where you will be fucking with me.I do not know where you internet punks get your courage,and frankly I don't give a Fuck JEFF you got that? Damn JEFF you in New Jack City with the rest of the dopeheads? How ever I am not far from you as a matter of fact my Cousin live in your building, and whenever I am on that side of town I visit him sometimes,and I hope you are not one of the people in a wheelchair Jeff (get my drift)? In closing Jeff don't run over me with your wheelchair.You the asshole who choosen to reply to my post i did not ask you to do so now stop acting a nigger,think Black,Be Black,and you will live to stay Black. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 5:45 pm: |      |
you,willamena need to chill,leave my brother jeff alone. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2005 - 12:01 am: |      |
MC Hammer? Back to soul food... is anyone (city) working to bring new business, specifically sit-down family eating places to Highland Park? No answer on why so few Black-owned businesses in Highland Park... maybe they haven't been asked to relocate or encouraged to get started? Mr. Hillard... truly saddened for your loss. |
| Posted on Monday, June 27, 2005 - 4:31 pm: |      |
It will be very difficult to get any established sit down restaurants in HP. The city really needs to do something about the number of vagrants in the area. While I do sympathize with a person being down on his luck, I dont think HP should be the homeless capital of the city. |