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William X
| Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 11:10 am: |      |
After signing on to this site every other day.This webmaster does not understand the American way yet he have been here in American almost 30 years.There is a federal law that protect users from other users,and the webmaster is the administrator who stop confusion and threating posts.Sure I have added my part into this confusion and child play.Because most brave cowards are on the internet,but they threats isn't to be taken lightly,and I am one who invite anyone to invade my personal life with some bullshit,and believe me just as long as there is no attempt to harm my family or me everything will remain calm.The world is full of hate and racist,Black on White,Black on Black crimes,and the worse is yet to come.I am like this in the real world I do not hide,or do I run from any given situation remember that Anonymous since you seem to know everything about me,and did you know you have messed with the wrong one,I don't give a damn who you are,or what you are.Plus you have stepped onto my turf,and be prepared to pay the price I am.Stephen I will make sure this site is closed down believe me.Someone told me that you don't run this City so why is you so involved in what goes on within the City Administration,and you have allowed this (once) positive site to become a HELL SITE thanks.The subject of this new thread THE INTERNET-VS-REALITY means just that.The threats on here will never happen in reality because there is real consequences that will be paid.Never start something you can't finish.Since you seem to think you have my real name,and my address call me with your backstabbing ass.I am sure you're someone who allow people to trust them,and then you flip the script.Again I do not give a F___k if you are Black or White you have messed with the wrong one.Inclosing to the Community people I have never tryed to fool any of you,or have I dipped into your business.However my behavior lately isn't the best,and this Anonymous & Stephen Goodfellow have pushed my botton.I am a law biding citizen but there is no law that say I can't defend my household or myself which I will start doing.So Anonymous since you want to declare this as open ass season bring it. |
| Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 10:26 pm: |      |
hay willie you need to chill my brother. |
William X
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 9:50 am: |      |
Anonymous post something different,and I am NOT your damn Brother.So don't call me that.That's the problem with Negros today (and Whites).They do things to piss a person off,and then turn around and call them Brother or Sister.A true Brother or Sister don't do dumb shit like that,and it's bad enough for Blacks to allow whites to run over them.Now you need to chill with your fake ass,and back the hell up from F___king with me.I am warning you I am not a toy, and I posted this thread because I knew your ignorant ass was going to go for the bait.If you are Black start to think like you're black,and if you are Black and want to act white your ass is doom.Now you can take that to the bank. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 4:07 pm: |      |
I'll post my e-mail to Mr. Goodfellow in a bit. Mr. WilliamX, I'm not playing games. I'll be in Lansing next week for Highland Park and council the 21st... buy you a coffee or beer before then? |
William X
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 6:17 pm: |      |
Thanks for the offer Urbanator But no thanks.I do not trust nobody that I don't know especially since this mess has started on this site.Urbanator I do not under estimate nobody,and I hope nobody under estimate me.I will fight for what's rights concerning Human,Community,and All other Rights.Also I do not give a damn about law protection when I protect myself believe me.However IF you sincere contact the Public Safety Director of Public Safety,and have him to arrange a meeting in his presents,and make sure you be honest with him by telling him I do not trust you period,and through him will be the ONLY way we will meet or talk.Those are my terms outside of that the New Deacons of Defense and myself believe in the 2nd admendment___the rights to bare arms. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 11:57 pm: |      |
Mr. Goodfellow: We've spoken about how the McGregor Library closure has isolated residents from City Hall, neighbors, (non-residents) and in general, information. And, how Highland Park Michigan Block Clubs, discussion provides a much needed forum to share news, community events and ideas... but most important, hope. I respectfully share a concern and request your consideration on the following issue; the current log-on policy, specifically the lack of a registered user name, password or other measure is causing confusion or in some cases being used in a way that causes hurt and anger. Best wishes, Urbanator |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 12:07 am: |      |
Is this your local? James Buford, 313-224-2222 |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:08 pm: |      |
Urbanator, Local what? homeland security? My homeland security is what I keep stuck in my belt.That's the best homeland security one can have due to the fact that the law don't give a damn about your safety.They will tell you quickly we can't do nothing until you are hurt or dead,or you done shot or killed someone.Urbanator,That's how the law work.However in most cases that's why citizens take the matter into their own hands.Also you wasted your time typing your post to that Englishman,who don't give a damn about you or anyone else. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:51 pm: |      |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 11:24 pm: |      |
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 12:14 am: |      |
Almost any structural or cosmetic damage can be repaired. But if the house has a bad foundation, it can't be fixed and must be destroyed. People are different. We all have damaged foundations. We're all racists whether we admit it or not. We're all infected and there ain't no cure. Fortunately, it's controllable with the medicines of education, environment and communication. Eventually, Americans will sire a first generation free of infection but I'm afraid it's a long way off. |
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 11:17 am: |      |
well said jeff, |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 3:46 pm: |      |
Anonymous,Highland Park was not populated by fifty thousand afullent people, in the time that I lived in H.P. there was about 40-45 thousand people, and most were hared workinmg blue collar people. People who worked at G.M. Ford, etc, etc. And yes, there are alot of PISSED OFF PEOPLE, and they have every right to be so. The city leaders squandred chance after chance to make thing's right, but instead, pissed away Chryslers, to Auburn Hills, lost Sears, all three dime store,s and most of the business, that paid taxes, by not taking care of business. The stae came in, and some was done, but not enough. Trash everywere, grass not cut, burnt out houses,cars, in a city that has houses built by Frank L.Wright. Would you not be pissed off to??? Alot of people get on this web-site, in my opinion, to talk trash, race bait, and generally show there ass. There is a time and placve,for everything, this web-site, is not the place, or the time to show you ass. I live 1,300 from H.P. now, but I STILL CARE ABOUT HER!! If a fat old man, like myself, who is 1,300 miles away care's about her, and is trying to think of thing's to help her, could Y'All who are there at least try to help her, instead of STEALTH ATTACK'S on each other. Brother William CARE'S ABOUT HIGHLAND PARK, and try's to come up with way's to help. I never met Brother William, and have know vested interest in writing what I do, but in almost three year's visting the site, he is one of the few, that I feel, still care's about H.P.If all the folk's that write in there shitty post's fought as hard trying to clean up H.P., she would be nicer that Grosse Pointe Shores.!!! |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 4:11 pm: |      |
Brother Thomas Anonymous is one sick fucker you ask me,and I hope one day Anonymous & clonies and I will meet.I will be more the happy to show his on the internet how retarded I am.Also Tom never forget that that is blacks who helped to pull Highland Park down,and now we have a loud mouth asshole signing on here to chicken to reveal who she or he is,but refere to continue to type words like someone is affaid of them typed words.I don't mind the online attacks Thomas,but when a asshole goes at my Family it's a serious issue,and I will go to jail defending my family.I have a clean record.Anonymous does not like in Highland Park Thomas,Anonymous used to until his ass got ran out,and that's why the bitch have hate against HIghland Park,and I don't give a damn how much the punk attack me online.Thomas this will end very soon,and I will press changes against the clown once his anonymous identity is in the public. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 2:49 am: |      |
Local = Public Safety Officer Wasting my time would have been doing nothing... What do I have to lose by asking? |
William X
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 1:44 pm: |      |
Anonymous My reward will be to meet you face to face,and to bust your ego-bubble.If niggers like you would stop using the internet as a battle ground and get real people like myself would not have to get nasty & lowdown.However there is SOME BLACK folks in my race that I do not trust.Because they are clonies of Ramona Pearson,and Clarence Thomas backstabbers and butt kissers. Urbanator Citizens of Highland Park have told me some bad things about Highland Park Public Safety.However I am sure that there was a few good cops on the public safety force,and personally I know 4 of them.Lets not forget during the time Public Safety was in action there was white cops who was a dis grace to the force also.Anonymous in closing I wish I could use more then just profanity.You are one sick so called human being,you a punkass coward,and I am not threating you,but if your weak ass mind is telling you that then it's for real. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 4:00 pm: |      |
William X, I LOVE YOU!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 10:23 pm: |      |