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| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 8:02 pm: |      |
Hi, my name is Urbanator (name related to love of Jazz): I'm NOT a reporter, developer, racist, on meds, suffering from personality disorder or invading this site with malicious intent. I AM your neighbor and happen to live in a house, not under a rock! By way of introduction, here's part of a previous Urbanator post worth repeating: I was born in Highland Park and am angry to see Highland Park treated like the region's bastard step-child. I'm waving a white flag and gently suggesting you have neighbors who will raise their voices with yours.
Highland Parker
| Posted on Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 7:51 pm: |      |
one must get to become friends before becoming neighbors.Just because someone moves in next door does not mean that you all will become is sad but the truth.I was raised here in Highland Park,and because society has changed so much can you really trust anyone? |
| Posted on Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 8:05 pm: |      |
" Jambo " Highland Parker you are 100% right,and it's sad that Black Brother & Sisterhood isn't like it use to be.Today everyone is out for what she or he can get for themselves,and above all the most harm is done within the black neighbor- hoods here in Highland Park,as well as the communities in Detroit alao.The internet can be used as a format to start a conflict in reality just like the Detroit News,the Free Press,and the MetroTimes as well as the television media.The only time any flag is waved is during defeat of opinions,and when one ignore the negetive bs.So in closing " Black Power " salute to you Brother Hilliard,Black Power,and you Highland Parker.Keep up the good work. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:46 am: |      |
Highland Parker: Good news, I'm not next door. Bad news, I was house hunting in HP over the weekend! Trust must be earned. "News And Information To Enlighten And Strengthen" ... a rare policy the Legacy champions... hats off to Ms. Lewis! Mr. WilliamX: Give the media something to write about...there is another new article about the Library... follow this up, contact media about your previous suggestions. Flag waving is absolutely meant to ignore BS... because nothing gets done when we snipe at each other. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 10:18 am: |      |
Wow Urbanator. Them last words of your is so true (Nothing gets done when we snipe at each other) Unrbanator, it's my speciality to get anyone the correct information concerning any project or event that I have true knowledge about,or something I am personally working on here in Highland Park.I am not a great admire of the media.Thereforth you won't see me all up in the media's face.However I will write into the letter to the Editor which appears in the Michigan Citizen,and I do write in to the Detroit New or Free press,and the MetroTimes if there is something in the paper I dis agree on.More citizens shoul get involved in fighting for their community. Put your hat back on because anytime Blacks use the newspaper media to brainwash their own community with news from people from the outside,people who do not give a damn about Highland Park,no way I would lie to them by saying __Oh you doing a great job__and they can't get along with people in their own community.You sound more and more like someone I do not know personally,but I have been around them when they talk,and with all due respect you sound just like one of them." Black Power " is the economic and the development of the Black community,and if others want to help that's on them. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 1:57 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: Not sure how I sound but I get the impression you resent my comments and feel I’m pushing ideas for my own benefit. Hat's staying on... pretty confident news I've posted is related TO Highland Park... the media need to hear from Highland Park residents on a variety of issues (public safety, water rates, abandoned homes, trash...) until they finally get it. There are very few deserving of praise, but so many needing to be held accountable. For example. Channel 4 helped cleanup one street the other day (nice 5pm story) but I’ve been considering rounding up every person I know with a pick-up, loading the trucks with debris, driving to the Governor’s house and dumping it on her street. The Michigan Citizen and Legacy do right by Highland Park. The Metro Times doesn't reach enough people. I'm offering this as a suggestion… please don't be offended. Target the decision makers in their backyard: The Oakland Press, Lansing State Journal, news Agree, disagree… I hope at the very least you’ll listen. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:03 pm: |      |
LoL Sure Urbanator I always listen to people who states real facts,and know what they are talking about.As you see I take my community involvement seriously,and believe me I am well trained in Urban government and Community Affairs.Urbanator,I do not get offended by what one might talk about or postHowever I do have a hangup when it comes to the Suburb trying to tell others how to run their business.There is places still in the Suburbs where Blacks is unsafe to drive through at night,but again the Suburbs is good at giving information on how to solve problems,and believe it or not its not the Suburbs fault,its the people who runs whatever city that's getting the advice.So Urbanator, I am a true revolutionist from back in the late 60's early 1970's,and I have been fighting in communities from around the country for better living standards.Today I am back home in the City I grew up in since I was 5 years old,and I am still fighting for Human Rights. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:50 pm: |      |
I'm not suggesting the suburbs have any advice to offer... however, they do have the policy makers as residents. Right now Highland Park is easy to ignore because outside the immediate area not many know the issues... Add Grand Rapids papers to the list because the politicians from that region whisper "Detroit"... Boy is there something in this for me if you take the fight to their backyard... for certain more than a few golf games would be ruined! |
Brother Andrei
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 12:54 am: |      |
William X-- In other words, you're one of the parasites that infected Highland Park to help cause it go from an affluent community of 50000 good, hardworking, happy people to a community of 16000 poor, impoverished, angry and degraded people. You hate white people and you destroyed a good community for both blacks and whites. Highland Park used to be integrated, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. Now it's shit. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 4:38 am: |      |
"The Time is Now" Page51 No2... who put your last clean-up together? eprint%20Report%20Part%20I%20-%20Recommendations%2 0and%20Findings.pdf |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 11:49 am: |      |
Hahahaha the blueprint plan? The last clean-up? hahahaha you mean the clean up around the rich area of Highland Park (along Woodward ave? Did you organize the clean-up? I did not see you holding a shovel or using a rake,and what about the clean up in the neighborhoods since you want to talk about cleanups? I have a copy of the so-called blueprint plan,and again did the blueprint plan help to rebuild the neighborhoods throughout Highland Park? no it did not,and the only thing it did was create $140,000 dollor homes that the poor whites and blacks in the city will never afford.From what I have heard about North Pointe the hoses isn't nothing to brag about,it just opened up the door for more outsiders to move into Highland Park.Urbanator thanks anyways for that site you posted,but the blueprint plan does not interest me.However you can thank Ramona Pearson,and the Administrators,and the citizens who thought Ramona was doing such of a great job,along with our so-called Senator who don't know if she's coming or gone for the blueprint plan.Now since Mr Blackwell is in office them same ones who was against him being here,they are now shining his shoes just to get close to him.Mr Blackwell watch out for them snakes. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 12:23 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: Last year I did clean in Highland Park during the Woodward AA "clean team"...brought shovels, rakes, brooms, garbage bags, gloves and a cooler full of bottled water. Felicity sweet talked a street sweeping company whos' employees donated their time and swept down Woodward through HP. I have pictures to prove it! There has to be an approved land use plan, study or "blueprint" in order to start other programs in current neighborhoods. Downpayment $ for home purchase, $ to improve rentals, tax reductions, major and minor improvements. I can't afford a $140K home, but the new housing includes options; rent to own, downpayment help... it's a partnership with banks, builders and economic agencies. Saw the homes last weekend... I like the old homes with their big front porches but the houses will sell and you will have new residents, not outsiders. You aren't happy with how things are,... what does interest you? The Blueprint is actually good... no politicians required to get started...
William X
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 5:57 pm: |      |
Damn Urbanator When did you do all of that? You seem to be a smooth operator to sweet talk someone to sweep the streets,and you did not have to do nothing enough? I take it by the tone of your post you're a female in order to sweet talk guys into doing your dirty work lol.Partnership will banks? I guess you forgot that some people here in Highland Park isn't rich like you,or have the talent to use their mouth like you do :-*. I am very happy with some of the things that's happening here in the big HP,I am excited that a hometown Brother is in the driver's seat,and I am happy to be part of the solution to bring Highland Park back to life again.I often think about them dry bones in the valley which kinda remind me of Highland Park as it is today,and at the end them dry bones got up after GOD aka Allah send the wind to blow breath into their bodies and they lived again.That's Highland Park Urbanator just watch,and you must believe it will rise again.Urbanator, once the library re-open are you going to donate them pictures to the Highland Park Walls of Fame? |
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 4:47 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: Felicity was the sweet talker... she even got to drive the street sweeper while I was picking up cigarette butts and mini-vodka bottles from the median. Never thought $140K would be considered "lo to moderate income" but it can be done through tax abatements, help with or waiving a downpayment, rent-to own or simply an interest only loan... $20K/year will qualify. I agree, $140K is not "affordable" I don't know enough about Mr.Blackwell to have an opinion...waiting patiently (are we there yet?) for the recovery plan. What is the "wall of fame"? Ja2:17-18 Faith, without working is dead, because it's alone. I will show you my faith by working.
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 9:53 am: |      |
Urbanator,and Others. I went into a meditation session last night after signing off this site.I called all 15 members of my group together to meet at a certain place here in Highland Park last night,and we talked about the mess that the City of Highland Park is in,we talked about how we can sometimes lower our mental level down to another person's mentally retarded level or behavior at a drop of the pen,and how we can become defensive quickly,and innocent people can get hurt with the BS.I am personally humbling myself to apologize opening to everyone that have read my attacks at this childish person who apparently have nothing else to do but bug the hell out of people,and it makes me think and see how cowards come in all forms.The internet of all places to try to impress people.On here you can be the badest ass and toughest person in the world,but in reality it don't work that way,due to the fact that there is always someone wiser,smarter,and tougher.By me being a Community Activist,a Pro-Black,and the type of individual who do not run from nothing or hide on the internet I do protect myself by any means needed, and so do members of the organization I belong too.Okay Urbanator so much for that. Urbanator was you jealous because she was able to drive and you had to use your hands? YOu never thought that $140ks would be moderate income? As far as Mr Blackwell I am sure he can handle the business without ruining things,and as far as a recovery plan? I have never known anyone to create a recovery plan that work over night.The wall of Fame? it's a place where you can hang your historical pictures.In closing you do not have to show me anything Urbanator.Because faith is something that can change anything to have faith one must believe.So on that notice the Internet War has been officially ended as far as I am concerned. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 6:58 pm: |      |
My Brother William, I know Titas, how about you. I know I can trust him to give the right Willaim X my information. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 1:58 am: |      |
Cool Brother Thomas I know him well alway..How about Mr Woodard (you know his first name) that's another Brother I deeply trust.As a matter of fact call Titus and see how he's doing.I am sure your call or communication would make his day.Try Mr Woodard first Bro Thomas.You & I do have a lots to talk about,and I can give you a better update without negetive forces.Brother Thomas there will only be one of me along with my three Sons.These clonies are wannabes,and you know I don't post (talk) like I am retarded. I will look for your communications soon. " Hotep " |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 12:39 pm: |      |
My Brother, give me about a week to set it up. |
Testing 1-2-3
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 5:06 pm: |      |
Testing. This is a non-registered Username |
Testing 1-2-3
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 5:11 pm: |      |
Testing. This is a non-registered Username posting with a phony e-mail address. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 11:34 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX. I started this topic after realizing comments made to me were in response to posts I hadn’t written. Why I use “Urbanator” instead of my real name should be obvious… threats (real or bravado) have been exchanged on this site… frequently. There are issues and areas I have professional or personal experience, but none of my comments were meant “to impress”… I’ve sought information hoping to find something I could donate my time to. Jealous? Not at all. $140K for a house is now considered “affordable” for people considered “low to moderate” … doubt whoever decided $140K is affordable ran a household on $25K or less. Tuesday 03 May 2005 Economic Recovery Plan for the City of Highland Park Featured Speaker: Arthur Blackwell II, emergency financial manager, city of Highland Sounds like Mr. Blackwell is off and running! I’ve reviewed plans, studies and grant applications going back 5 years that we‘re shelved, but have faith this recovery plan… this one will happen. I’m not old enough to be “historical” and figured out the request was sarcastic, so, guess I won’t make the wall. "But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last." … Thomas Moore |
William X
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 4:47 pm: |      |
Urbanator, The more I read your posts I am starting to think that you do have some smarts. The key to everything Urbanator is to read,take notes,research them,and then post about your findings.Again Mr Blackwell is on the roll,and I am behind him 200%.People is claiming and blaming his father was this mess,my viewpoint the man isn't his father,and whatever his Father might have done or started in the past let it ride.In closing I believe in non-violient,but I also believe in self-protection by any means needed,only cowards,punks,and sissies are rude,lonely,and dis respectful.Oh Urbanator Black Power said to tell you that he sees you are doing your homework,so in the next election run for city council if you are not already on it. LOL |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 6:01 pm: |      |
Smarts is subjective... love to know everything available then sound off ideas. Black Power (and you) can have a campaigns T-shirt... great for messy mechanical jobs, but since I “took one for the team” last year I’m now an officer. Did I bite BP's head off in another forum today? Thought if it was BP my IP would be very tempting... now that you know, league of women voters, news & free should still have profiles up. Enjoy. I have no opinion either way on Mr. Blackwell; I would hope to expect more from someone raised in the community. I've been outed ... nothing to hide... and have to believe you'll read my comments differently… will still produce my birth certificate unless you say I am old enough to be “historical”
A. Idris Palmer
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 10:00 pm: |      |
Louis Farrakhan: Liar Extraordinaire Louis Gene Walcott Farrakhan is not a Muslim, nor is his doctrine Islaam. Farrakhan is the leader of a black racist cult called "the Nation of Islaam," (NOI) founded in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930's. While the group calls its followers Muslims, in reality, they have very little to do with the faith of Islaam. Islaam believes in the total transcendence of Almighty God (called in Arabic, Allaah), the NOI teaches that black people are angelic gods. Islaam maintains universal brotherhood, the NOI says that Islaam is for blacks only. Islaam teaches that Prophethood ended with Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, more than 1400 years ago. The NOI teaches that Farrakhan's teacher, Elijah Muhammad, is the last prophet. Islaam teaches principles of spiritual and moral decorum such prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, etc, Elijah Muhammad cast these out or altered them beyond recognition. Yet, it is an error to oversimplify the issue by denouncing Farrakhan's racist diatribes while playing down Farrakhan's God-is-a-man and Prophet-after-Muhammad beliefs. Racism has very little to do with the issue. Sure, racism is contrary to Islaamic principles and Islaam rejects it. However, the deviation of Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan are MUCH more serious than racism. It is the sin which Allaah DOES NOT forgive. If Farrakhan would leave his man-is-god and prophet-after-Muhammad beliefs, but was still a raving racist, he would be much better off than the other way around! Let me say very clearly, that there is NO ideology on the face of this earth which could be farther from Islaam than that of Louis Farrakhan. NONE! The NOI's origins are found in (a) Two black self-improvement movements that began shortly before World War I: the "Moorish Science Temple of America," founded in 1913 by Timothy Drew, and the "Universal Negro Improvement Association," founded in 1914 by Marcus Garvey. (b) The NOI was also shaped by a Depression-era con-man, and convicted drug dealer, Wallace Dodd Ford. Upon Ford's 1929 release from California's San Quintin Prison, he moved to Detroit to start a new life. Ford used a number of names, including Wali Farad and Master Fard and claimed to be from Mecca, Arabia. Being that Ford's parentage was a mixture of white and South Pacific Maori, he used his skin color and his prison con skills to pass himself off to blacks as a "mystic" and a "prophet" from the Middle East. Working as a door-to-door rug salesman by day, Ford blended the ideas of Garvey and Drew along with a smattering of Islaam, to form what would later become the Nation of Islam. Among his first students was an unemployed Georgia migrant worker, Elijah Poole, who Ford renamed "Elijah Muhammad." In later years, Ford disappeared and Elijah assumed leadership of the NOI which he held until his death in 1975. Elijah developed an convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christianity to Masonry to Islaam. He elevated Ford's status to that of the Creator of the heavens and earth, and he developed a myth which he dubbed, "Yacub's History." This racist doctrine is still maintained by Louis Farrakhan. In brief, the doctrine states that the first humans, a race of black people, whom the NOI calls 'the Original Man,' created white people in a genetic experiment 6,000 years ago. Elijah claimed that they (the whites) would rule the world for 6,000 years and then be destroyed at the 'end of their time' by the blacks. He said that 'Judgement Day' means that at the 'end of time' the Gods (i.e., blacks) would destroy the entire white race (devils) and then establish a Paradise (nation) on this earth ruled forever by the blacks (i.e., Gods). For a number of years, Farrakhan has managed to present himself as a champion for the oppressed masses, this also is a distortion. Like his teacher, Farrakhan has for more than 35 years engaged in hoodwinking blacks out of money in the name of black self improvement. The only self-improvement however, that has taken place has been for Farrakhan's family and their associates. Additionally, his entire inspiration for the "Million Man March" is based on his alleged, "vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership." While in the UFO, he claims to have spoken to the late Elijah Muhammad before being beamed back to earth. (The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3). What many do not realize, is that Farrakhan has repeated this doctrine for more than 35 years! Indeed, Farrakhan's UFO "vision" is an inseparable, doctrinal link to the heretical claims of Elijah Muhammad. Elijah explained that blacks were originally, "moon people" and that the UFO "mother wheel" was piloted by 13 youths who perpetually orbited the earth, waiting to unleash global destruction on whites, while rescuing all blacks. Farrakhan to this day, teaches this same doctrine- his inspiration for the Million Man March. The Million Man March in fact, was planned with the following goals in mind: (a) To hold it in Washington, and aim for a turnout of one million, so as to surpass the number of attendees at Martin Luther King's 1963 March on Washington, and thereafter be promoted as being greater than Dr. King and Malcolm X. (b) By being mentioned in the same context with Dr. King, Farrakhan hopes to be remembered likewise as a charismatic, messianic black figure who commands a large and politically significant following among US blacks. (c) To remove the cloud of suspicion which still surrounds Farrakhan regarding his involvement in Malcolm X's assassination. (d) Most importantly, Farrakhan has to find a new way to pay for his and his family's ornate palaces in Chicago and Phoenix, his Lexus, Mercedes, Rolls Royce and Lincoln Town Cars, a Mexican villa, a new 77-acre Michigan estate and over $1.5 million dollars in unpaid back taxes. This is the reason he had an $11 registration fee, a $3.99 per minute 900 number for call-in registration (Average call is three minutes), a $700 vendor's fee, (reduced from $1000), and even ads in his newspaper soliciting for "donations" to "help defray the astronomical costs of the march," in exchange for listing the donor's name and city under appropriate categories (Platinum, Gold, etc.): $1000 or more (Platinum), $500 or more (Gold), $100 or more (Silver), $25 or more (Patron) not to mention $2 "special issues" of his 'Final Call' newspaper. Louis. A true high-tech con-man. You want to see Louie's real vision?: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It is thus impossible for anyone to try to make a distinction between Farrakhan and his UFO inspiration, or "endorse the goals of the march without endorsing Farrakhan," or say that Farrakhan is greater than Malcolm X. Malcolm's greatness was as a result of his renouncement of Elijah's false teachings, and his acceptance of true Islaam, factors which Farrakhan has yet to achieve....
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 10:30 pm: |      |
| Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 3:10 am: |      |
Palmer what's your point? you just wasted time cuting & pasting what many of us Blacks know already.The man never cared who liked him or not.I admire the Minister just like most of you kiss the pope's ass. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 9:27 pm: |      |
| Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 5:07 pm: |      |
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) secret organization founded in the southern states by ex-Confederates, during Reconstruction following the Civil War, to terrorize and intimidate ex-slaves and keep them from voting or holding public office. In order to reestablish white supremacy, the KKK assaulted freed people and resorted to arson and lynching. Its members disguised themselves in white robes and hoods and held secret meetings. The Klan was officially disbanded in 1869, but a second Klan emerged in 1915 as an anti-black, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic organization. It eventually numbered over 3 million members, but disbanded in 1944. A third Klan emerged in 1946, focusing on communism and the civil rights movement. Come out Come out where ever you're hiding at here in Highland Park, You are hiding in the wrong city,and tell me this.....Have you enlisted any Blacks? They are against each other here in Highland Park also. However this city does not allow no cross burning,and other criminal acts.
| Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 9:47 pm: |      |
this great city will never make comeback thinking like some of u....... |
A. Idris Palmer
| Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 4:14 pm: |      |
So you kiss the Minister's ass? And why don't you use your real name Black Power. Are you some kind of coward or something? I bets yous white. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 7:27 pm: |      |
A.Idris Palmer isn't your real name so shut the F___ up.It's people like you who mess the world up,and when you read this post you will see just how stupid you appear in your posts.Check this out,and you will see why blacks hate whites sorry ass. The Truth about Hate Crime Statistics By John Perazzo ELEVEN YEARS AGO, Congress passed the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (HCSA), mandating the collection of data about transgressions motivated by an offender’s bias against a victim’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Commissioned by the Attorney General, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting program developed a system to compile and classify this information. The crimes tallied would include both personal offenses (such as murder, rape, assault, and intimidation), and property offenses (such as robbery, burglary, theft, arson, and vandalism). In 1994, incidents of bias against persons with disabilities were added as a newly counted category of hate crimes. The prospect of quantifying the incidence of hate crimes was enthusiastically welcomed by our nation’s civilrights establishment, which in recent years has devoted much time and energy to the task of condemning the supposedly widespread nature of whiteonblack attacks. As U.S. Civil Rights Commission chair Mary Frances Berry puts it, "The primary explanation for racially motivated violence against blacks has been the need of a segment of the white population to preserve [its] belief in the inferiority of blacks, and to maintain the social and political subordination of an historically outcast group by any means, including violence." Ms. Berry’s message closely resembles that of Al Sharpton, who has characterized whiteonblack violence as "a national epidemic." In a similar vein, Jesse Jackson asserts that blacks are not only "despised," but are actually "hunted for sport." Many academics have joined the chorus as well. University of California sociology professor Dr. Robert Staples laments what he calls "a sort of genocide targeting young black males." African American Studies professor Vivian Gordon calls black men "a hunted and endangered species." And Ivy League professor Cornel West refers to blacks as our country’s "exemplary targets of racial hatred." Let us examine these claims under the light of what the facts actually show. In 1999, lawenforcement agencies nationwide reported a total of 7,876 hate crimes to the FBI, of which 4,295 (or 55 percent) were motivated by racial bias. Because some of those victimizations involved more than one offense (e.g., assault and robbery), the 4,295 incidents actually encompassed 5,240 separate offenses. If we exclude all racially motivated offenses whose perpetrators are categorized as being of "unknown race," and focus specifically on those offenses definitely involving both blacks and whites, we find that blacks were victims of 2,030 racially motivated offenses committed by whites, while whites were victims of 524 racially motivated offenses committed by blacks. Thus whites were responsible for 79.5 percent of these interracial hate crimes, and blacks 20.5 percent. While this may appear to support the popular assertion that whites are likelier than blacks to commit hate crimes, we must remember that the total population of nonHispanic whites is about 6 times larger than the total population of nonHispanic blacks. When we factor this population disparity into the equation, we find that the "average" black is actually about 50 percent likelier than his or her white counterpart to commit what is classified as a racially motivated hate crime. Because this fact so radically contradicts most Americans’ prevailing worldview, one would think it might be big news deemed worthy of discussion by activists and academics alike. But in fact these are among the most underpublicized numbers in all of criminal justice. Another vital fact to consider is that FBI hatecrime statistics list "Hispanics" as a category of victims (of crimes motivated by ethnicity or national origin), but not as a category of offenders. Instead, Hispanic offenders are lumped together with whites. In other words, the current hatecrime classification system allows for Hispanics to be counted as victims of hate crimes, but never as perpetrators of such crimes. This, of course, artificially inflates the share of hate crimes committed by "whites." Finally, we must note that while very few of those crimes that cross racial lines are categorized as hate crimes, whiteonblack offenses of that nature are far likelier to be called hate crimes than are blackonwhite offenses. For instance, in October 1999, a white man named Troy Knapp was attacked by a mob of black men wielding pipes and trash cans, while riding his bike with a companion in Charleston, SC. Knapp was beaten so severely that part of his skull and brain had to be removed, leaving him barely functional. Seventeen suspects were arrested and charged with seconddegree lynching. However, local prosecutor David Schwacke commented, "We haven't been able to establish hate as a motive." According to a Fox News report, Schwacke, "acknowledged that if it had been 17 white suspects and two black victims, hate would more likely be considered a motive." The report went on to note that, "Federal hatecrime law could apply in this case, but seven months after the incident the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina is not even considering charges." It is impossible to know how many potential blackonwhite hate crimes have been misreported in this fashion. But, given the political pressure on police and prosecutors from the civil rights establishment, the practice is probably widespread. The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that in 1999, there were about 657,008 blackonwhite crimes of violence, as compared to some 91,051 of the whiteonblack variety. Yet although blackperpetrated interracial crimes outnumbered whiteperpetrated interracial crimes by a ratio of about 7.2 to 1, the official hatecrime statistics showed white offenders outnumbering black offenders by a 4 to 1 margin. Put another way, about 1 out of every 45 whiteonblack attacks is classified as a hate crime, while the corresponding fraction for blackonwhite attacks is an astounding 1 out of 1,254.
A. Idris Palmer
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 7:45 pm: |      |
Black Power aka William X--Did you read the article you just posted? If anything, it seems it shows why black people should hate black people. It shows how the vast majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks. Personally, I don't think blacks should hate anybody except the stupid amongst them that use scare tactics like you to frighten away competent leadership. It has resulted in destroyed lives, destroyed neighborhoods and destroyed opportunity. I think you owe your community an apology. And please, be sincere this time. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 8:55 pm: |      |
right onnnnnn, |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 9:02 pm: |      |
Owe my community apologize? Why should I do that? Not only is White on Black is the topic,but it's always what blacks is allowed to happen in our community.Black on Black crimes,and we also have to worrie about you whites crackers invading our community.So again shut the hell up.Palmer myself as of today I am going to stop replying to your multi personality ass.I have more important things to worrie about besides you posting as James Lubinskas,Doctor Truth,Outside Agitator,A.Irdis.Palmer,and Anonymous.YOur posts is pointless,and they don't mean shit but a bunch of mambo jumbo. |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 6:15 pm: |      |
For the record... I'm still the singular Urbanator... ------------ (NOT MY OPINION) Article by LA minister: (NOT MY OPINION) "There's this notion that only white people can be racist, but this is not true. When blacks are told they can't be racists because they are oppressed and don't own anything it's just another way of brainwashing and controlling Americans who are black. A lot of this has been taught, generation after generation, by black preachers and civil-rights leaders who want to make blacks angry. As a result of this anger, based on a contrived and false politics of envy, most blacks are racist toward white Americans and don't trust them. We try to get white Americans to start speaking up, too, because a lot of them have allowed themselves to be intimidated by the civil-rights leaders and liberals who manipulate the word "racism." If you think there are better alternatives than affirmative action, welfare or reparations [for slavery] they call you a racist. Some whites are so intimidated by this that they cow down. And when you cow down to evil, it will destroy you." (NOT MY OPINION) storyid/189951.html (NOT MY OPINION) ------------ Middle and High School lesson plans, but worth a bookmark: |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 9:37 pm: |      |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 12:19 pm: |      |
RUN? Run from what a Honkie? or a uncle Tom ass Negro? Anonymous? I will never run believe me. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 3:03 pm: |      |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 5:13 pm: |      |
Anonymous, please, be nice. You don't have to have a pissing contest with everybody. The last time I had a pissing comntest with somebody, my leg got wet. |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 8:34 pm: |      |
Thomas, I can't believe you are asking a asshole to be nice,and saying please at that.Brother Thomas I hope Anonymous isn't cloning your name again.On here one's leg,foot,chest,and head is protected,but in the real world having a attitude or as you said getting pissed off,and I am here to say that isn't about nothing Who cares.I just love shitting on Anonymous the more it rains the more it pours.Also Thomas I have never seen you mispell a word,and now all at once comntest you meant contest? Highland Parker is over here at my pad eatting ice cream,and he said Anonymous is either a black person hiding behind trying to make people think he's white.Just to make it look like a White person is doing all of this bs.Haha hahaha he might be right,but on here doesn't matter.Also he said to tell the real Brother Thomas hello. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 11:42 pm: |      |
Do William X lives on Trumbull Street? |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 8:51 am: |      |
Yeah I live on Trumbull St near Labelle a block over from Oakman.Come visit me anytime Undercover punk. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 1:23 pm: |      |
that wasmy post My Brother, I've been working long, long hour's, and guess I'm not paying attention. Yes, I did say please be nice to anonymous, and the reason for that is, I thought that maybe, just maybe, he/she, would cool there jet's, and get back on track,meaning, trying way's to help H.P. only time will tell, if it worked. There must be a reason, annonymous likes to jack with people. Maybe, he/she has a dull/boring life, and need's some spice. If that is the case, I sugest that he/she goes to Farmer Jack's and get some HOT SAUCE, and use it freely.Tell Highland Parker I said hello. Im going to e-mail Titus after this post, and give him my information, and ask him to give it to you. I probaly know annonymous, if he/she ever gives there real name. From the different question's he/she asked, he/she grew up in my hood, in H.P.I guess he/she know's this, and that might be why he/she, won't give there real name. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 9:41 pm: |      |
Ummm Tom I am thinking the samething.However it's a damn shame for any so-called grown person who is probley close to a hundred to sign on a machine and act like GOD.I believe I know this asshole to Tom by the way anonymous have a pussyhard on because I believe anonymous is two things Mr Hilliard,a Has been in the City Adminstration,or someone who was elected to office and was a failer to the community.That's why all the hate and envy.However I welcome a attack mentally or physicially,and since I have been threaten I am ready Thomas.I haven't lived to be 58 years old for nothing,and most of my friends that I grew up with here in Highland Park are dead,or in jail,or have cracked out,or on a mental ward.I only fear one thing and that's the Mighty One above,as far as a human I am not worried about it.There is some wannabe so-called City officials on the local,and state level who I can't stand,and don't give a damn what they think about me.Okay Thomas take care buddy,and stay strong everything is gonna be alright. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 3:41 pm: |      |
I was unable to post my Username for weeks because I was USING my password... no need! I'm not even sure if comments to "anonymous" are directed to me... At least someone is having the time of their life getting everyone angry and or confused.
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 12:44 am: |      |
I skipped over a couple of the topics... what were the specific threats? I've had some threats tossed my way in this forum but nothing to cause concern... hope it's just talk.
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 1:56 am: |      |
Why you no call Black Power and Highland Parker hard punk names for using fake names? Is it because thems you Willie and the same? |
Mr. Visitor
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:13 am: |      |
Where does all this hostility come from in these post? Aren't we all supposed to be friends and neighbors? The simple reality to the answer, "How did we end up like this." can be answered, but you have to ask the hard questions. Who has allowed the housing stock to become so run down? Who has allowed Highland Park to work it's way into huge deficits? Who is "squatting" in abandoned homes, smoking crack and breaking into homes to fund their habit? Who is stealing cars from you and your neighbors? Who is stands around our community selling drugs? Is anyone on this forum so ignorant that you believe it's the fault of white suburbanites? Give it up already. Since receivership and especially since the Sheriff's have been here, things have improved greatly. However, we still have a long way to go. Right here, right now lets start listing neighborhood eye sores and dope houses on this forum. Then lets all come together as neighbors to find ways to improve what needs to fixed and end what needs to be ended. House by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, let's team up to fix our own community. STOP FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES. This forum needs to be where neighbor works with neighbor, working with strangers, working as friends. It's time we all set aside the antique politics of oppression, shelve the resentment and work with anyone willing to help.
John Galt
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 12:12 pm: |      |
Dear Mr. Visitor, Last week 25 American soldiers were killed in Iraq. You’d have to look hard in our seditiously silent newspapers to learn that fact. And even then, the fact may be absent. They were killed as part of an ongoing futile effort to complete the illegal and preemptive invasion of Iraq. The invasion of Iraq was argued for and justified by the government based on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The problem is that our United States Federal Government in cooperation with New York State and local governments orchestrated the attacks on 911 as an inside job. They premeditated the murders of almost 3000 Americans and others to justify killing many more in two illegal preemptive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same fascists that pulled this off are the same fascists still in power after stealing the 2004 election although it wouldn’t have made any difference if John Kerry had been elected since he takes orders from the same folks that give them to GW Bush. John Kerry was the skull and bones illuminati representative in the Democratic Party. The current United States Government is an illegal and illegitimate government. John Conyers, our Congressman, who represents Highland Park has been one of the most outspoken political leaders to address the issue of illegal war and stolen elections. But his voice is highly suspect since it is throttled and measured to a degree only to make people feel there is opposition with no real bite from the opposition. John Conyers assignment is to be the voice of opposition but to remain ineffective and to go quiet when he’s perceived as becoming influential. John Conyers is a tool used by the fascists. John Conyers district that includes Highland Park, Hamtramck and parts of Detroit has steadily worsened as long as he has remained in office. John Conyers has not served his people well and has been an instrument of their destruction. What better way to control the opposition than to be the opposition while making it ineffective. John Conyers is the opposition and he is ineffective. He has not organized any of his constituents to increase the volume of protest against fascist Federal crimes. The people of his district sit idle when they could be organized to effectively topple the fascists with civil disobedient protests. John Conyers is an imposter, a mole, a plant. John Conyers is a traitor. Why do you, Mr. Visitor, think that anybody should take the time to concern themselves with improving the appearance of Highland Park when it is our power as a community to know that we can ignite and lead the protest precisely because we have less to lose. Leave Highland Park a ruin and render the entire Nation a ruin before we ever grow to tolerate fascism, illegal war and the murder of Americans by illegally elected representatives. Are you so possessed by your possessions that you would hand your soul over to evil? Redeem yourself Mr. Visitor, organize the I-75/Davison Freeway blockade on the Fourth of July 2005. 911 was an inside job.
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:01 pm: |      |
Damn Doctor Truth,A.Idris,Palmer,Brother Andrei,Anonymous,John Galt aka Mr Visitor.Six screen names to get your point over about blocking I-75 & the Davison Fwy.You one sick ass asshole.You to stupid to cover your posts one after the other one,and you type the same bullshit under different screen names.Why not use one?I don't care how many names you sign on this site with,you are still the same dumbass person with no life but here on the internet.Dumb Bastard we all know Daddy Bush & his son George Bush Jr started 911. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:11 pm: |      |
And you're a coward? |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:16 pm: |      |
No, he is no a coward. William X do have pussy between his leg, that his excuse. Wilma |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:29 pm: |      |
Anonymous want to come suck my pussy you bad bitch? |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:34 pm: |      |
No, smell rotten |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 3:40 pm: |      |
Art Blackwell tell me stay away from his bitch. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 7:56 pm: |      |
John Galt
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 12:05 am: |      |
John Conyers was first elected to represent the 14th District comprising Highland Park, Hamtramck, and parts of Detroit and Dearborn in 1964. Yes, that’s right, 1964! He’s been in office forty-one years! Now think about it. Has the area he represents shown any improvement at all in any way? If you’re sane, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that things have definitely gone down hill since the early sixties. So why is this guy still the elected representative of his district? Part of the reason is because he’s black. Another reason is that the white population of those areas he represents has been systematically reduced in order to solidify his hold on office. John Conyers has preserved and exploited black racist ideals even while forming racist groups that pronounce to loathe racism. John Conyers is who he is and got where he got and stays where he stays by exploiting racism. But what has he done while he’s been in office those forty-one years? Has he brought good jobs to the area? No, take a drive through his district, no pork there. Has the tax base of his district increased? No, it’s dramatically declined, as has the population. Has he improved educational opportunities? Education in his district is a bad joke nobody finds funny. Has the health and welfare of his constituents improved? They’re dead last in Michigan. Check out his website and learn about the amazing mediocre legislation he’s worked on at Click on “Major Issues” and laugh at what the representative from one of the most impoverished districts in the country thinks is the major issue. The fact African American students don’t have computers like whites. It could be effectively argued that blacks might get a superior fundamental education by not having computers. Less time surfing the internet and more time doing basic reading, writing and arithmetic would be good thing. But the greatest and most evil deception of John Conyers is his self portrayal as the leader of an opposition against the fascists when he is actually a servant of the fascists creating distraction from the issue that 911 was an inside job. All Ameicans know once they read the Downing Street Memo and see the date, July 23, 2002, on it that it’s a red herring. Most Americans at that time were ready to kill anybody even remotely responsible for 911. John Conyers is somebody’s boy and his assignment is to run interference for any investigation of 911. 911 was an inside job. John Conyers is seditiously silent. John Conyers is a traitor. When justice is finally done, we’ll see John with George, Dick, Don, John, Condi, Colin, Rudy and many others lined up in front of that brick wall at Fort Leavenworth for their military firing squad. Get you and your familes, your friends, your neighbors and your coworkers to I-75 and Davison on the Fourth of July and we’ll force these fascists to justice and a righteous conclusion. You might not believe it but you will because it’s still true, “If Detroit ain’t movin, ain’t nobody movin”
Mr. Visitor
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 12:17 am: |      |
To John Gault: I'm sorry, but I really have no idea how that happy horse crap your spouting has anything to do with working together as friends and neighbors to make H.P. better for everyone. If you feel that John Conyers has failed his constituents and maybe he has, then I would suggest you find and support candidate to run against him. He must be doing something right, he keeps getting re-elected. Doesn't that sound far more action oriented than standing in the midddle of any freeway talking politics? As far as a blockade, I don't believe that such an action would cast a positive light on H.P. Nor would it bring us positive exposure or further our efforts to bring additional resources to aid our community rebuild. I simply can't stand with you in support of that idea. William X: Never in any post did I say anything that would support, encourage or condone any blockade or demonstration against the U.S. effort overseas, and this is my only screen name.
John Galt
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 12:44 am: |      |
Dear Mr. Visitor, I'm sorry but we don't have time to wait for an election. We have an emergency. And by the way, just because you get elected, doesn't mean you're doing anything right. Maybe it didn't sink in. 911 was an inside job. Our government planned and orchestrated the events of September 11, 2001. They premeditatively murdered nearly 3000 Americans to justify illegal preemptive war on Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you understand? Your government murdered Americans. Murdered them!!!! If Highland Park leads the revolt, it will bring positive exposure. Highland Park will be the most heroic city in the World. The city that stood up to American ruling fascists who murdered their own people. I ask again. Are you so enslaved by your possessions that you would hand your soul over to evil?
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 3:28 pm: |      |
MY MY MY, SAID THE SPIDER TO THE FLY!! I was off the Computer for a few day's, and the Roach's came out of the walls. |
Thomas hilliard
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 3:29 pm: |      |
My Brother William, I sent my information to Titus, but must have sent them to a bad address, will try again, in a few minutes. |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 4:17 pm: |      |
Okay Thomas sit tight I will figure out another way.Do you know Councilman Yopp? He's not only a Councilman,but he's a for real Brother that serves Highland Park,and believe me regardless to what Anonymous and his dopehead friends might say,Highland Park will still remain Highland Park. |
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 8:33 pm: |      |
Do William, Thomas and Titus lick the boots of their fascist masters. How many African-Americans died in 911? How many have died in Iraq and Afghanistan? Here we are just a meager amount of agreement away from making history and you want to talk about Hubert Yopp. What is your problem? What is this possession you find so valuable that you agree to be castrated to keep it? |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 2:44 pm: |      |
My Brother William, I know Yopp very well. My Aunt passed early this morning, and I will be flying in tomorrow, at about 5:00 P.M., when I get up there, I let you know. The Phone Number that I sent to your e-mail address, is good. Ill send a post, and I will meet you, whereever you want. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 8:32 pm: |      |
Awwww Brother Thomas I am so sorry to hear that my friend.Everyone who respected her and loved her have my prayers including you.Brother Yopp have my e-mail so contact him,and he will contact me by e-mail.I love and highly respect Councilman Yopp.He's indeed a true Brother.Keep me posted on things. |