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| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 5:37 pm: |      |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Saturday, May 21, 2005 - 12:54 pm: |      |
Yes, on Brush, between Beuna Vista, and Farand Park, there was also, a gas station attached to it. |
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 6:56 pm: |      |
Brother Tom Hilliard.Since the site have been take over by one person with 20 new screen names,it's unsafe to exchange information like it used to be on here.So I suggest you think of someone we both might know and trust,and we can exchange phone numbers that way. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - 12:24 pm: |      |
You are right my Brother, I'll think of something. Damn shame though, this site was supposed to be to help the people of H.P.,not become a playground for fool's. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - 3:13 pm: |      |
RIght On with the Right On Brother Hilliard.I also find it amazing and strange that the site administrator is allowing this to happen.I have nothing to hide from nobody,and whoever uses my computer use it with me knowing about it.there is two other members in my group that comes over to visit,and they have been posting their remarks since this mess have started,and have even went so far to claim that Highland Parker and me is the same person Brother Hilliard.Which seems like the multi screen name predator is on PCP or Cool Ice.The true purpose of this site is no longer here,and it's bad to say some blacks like to play games on each other like whites do to us,and that's exactly what this name game seem to be about due to the fact that they do not want to see Highland Park a city again.Doctor Truth,I am who I was born to be,and within the two years I have been back home (Highland Park)I have personally did more then you will ever do in your life time.Now get with that. Brother Thomas you take care,and thanks for your support to Highland Park. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - 7:52 pm: |      |
if you two dont like the site,find another one.sounds like anonymous just wanted to find some info about toffies. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 4:34 pm: |      |
Waaa Waaaa Waaa Who gives a damn about what you post? Since you have to nerves to sign on here to chicken to post your real name,and to dumb to know that anonymous is a another name for being a coward,or when a person is all mouth and can't back it up.You hold your breath waiting for me to change sites.If you white you will turn red hahahahaha,and if you Black you will turn white. Meaning I will be around with Highland Parker,and Black Power. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 9:23 pm: |      |
very childish billy x |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 10:46 pm: |      |
Hahahaha Childish? (rotflmbao) Ummmm isn't that what I said about your Bah Bah Bah? I just love my freedom to express myself,have online Cyber Wars,and violate other rights who need their rights violated. |
thomas hilliard
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 3:47 pm: |      |
Brother William is right,why post as anonymous? As I have said before, you might not like what I say, but at least you know who said it. Anonymous, give us a break, play with yourself, not with people who care about H.P. and are trying to do something to fix the mess she is in. I can give some money, so you can buy a Hustler mag, it seems that is just about your speed. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:15 pm: |      |
Hahahahaha RIght On Brother Right on,and thanks Mr Thomas for them words of enlightment.Being anonymous is for people who is sneaky and can't be trusted.Brother Thomas that's how I figured anonymous was white.Because that's how they operate slick and sneaky.That's like seeing a old lady getting robbed,and someone calls the police scared,and say I want to be anonymous because I am shaking in my shoes.I speak out because its my rights to be heard,and my freedom to voice my opinion.Like MalcolmX said___If I can't trust my own people then who can I trust? Oh lord let me quit typing because I might step on someone's gators. " Hotep " |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 9:43 pm: |      |
it sounds like you two old hags need to get a room together, |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 10:23 pm: |      |
Tell you What Anonymous you the scared bitch who is all mouth and no action.Again you are the reason why Blacks hate whites today with your coward ass.I hope one day we will meet in person,and then I want to see how bad your scared ass is.By the way you come on a machine and post your coward BS,you must have mean to be born a female,and instead you are a female in a male's body.I am visible here in Highland Park.I can handle myself,but just in case I run into a situation that I can't handle I have my backup if it comes to that.I have two questions and a statement Anonymous.First the question_Are you on drugs or just stupid,and ignorant? 2nd question: You must be one of them young punks who think that everyone is scare of them? Now the statement and you can take it to the bank. You have proved yourself over and over again to be a waste of sperm cell that was blessed to live at birth,and you think your stupid shit scares somebody? well I am here to tell you it don't.Step into the real world with me since you bad online.In closing is hag the hen who hatched you at birth? You are invited to come to me anytime,and any place just be prepared for a meeting you won't forget.Now that you have been successful at ruining this site keep the shit going your luck is about to run out.No Black person have to come on this site to take this child play,and as a human being myself or any one of the HP Movements members do not have to take this crap regardless to who like it or not.My posts are not threats they are facts. |
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 8:26 am: |      |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 6:52 pm: |      |
Anonymous, thank you for the great complament, I hav'nt been call a old hag in quite awhile. I guess you get vicarious delight in stirring it up. I guess that means your lifeis devoid of any sunsine and light, I would hope that you look to the God yoyu belive in, and ask for forgivness, and ask to be put on the right path. If you continue on this one, YOU WILL DIE AND OLD HAG. God BLESS YOU, whoevere you are, you need it. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 2:00 am: |      |
Again I don't kiss asses on the internet or in the real world.Now remember to get a ass you gotta bring one. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 2:15 am: |      |
Hahahaha @ Bro Thomas you gave anonymous some very good advice.I can't understand why people act so damn bad on this machine,and in reality they're nothing.I remember the time when I was hanging out with the gang trying to be cool,and then all the wrong doing begin to catch up with me,and now I realize what goes around always come back around.So like you said anonymous need to be exorcism.Because messing with the wrong one can shorten his life. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 9:21 pm: |      |
it seems that without my posts,you two wana be highland parkers would have nothing much to talk about.ha. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 12:11 am: |      |
You got that shit right indeed you just earned the asshole of the year award Anonymous |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 11:11 am: |      |
Hello guys, do you think this is neccesary to write the things that you are saying to each other on screen? because I do have children that can read and does read the discussion board. I no some people can and will be harsh to one another especially when they can't reach out and touch that person. This reminds me so much of how the city council board argue all the time and got nothing done,When Porter was in office. Since this service is free please let's use it while we can in a very pleasant manner, if this continue we may have to pay for all the wrong doing of just a few. (Sign the block club watcher)Tutter |
William X
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 4:38 pm: |      |
HAHAHAHAHA Turtle don't allow your children to be in grown folks business.Because people do have the rights to fire back at any negetive bs that's poted on here,and one would think that the site administrator would step into this,but I believe more and more each day he likes this racist s__t. Again if he don't like this he would have stopped this when the clown started cloning other peoples names on here.Which leads up to my closing remark white folks always say you blacks is making it hard for everyone,well what about whites who make things hard? Wait Wait, Don't go there on Porter when he took office the mess was already in place,and look at the City Council after Porter finally gave up.Some of them people are the very ones who was against Porter,and they kept their undermined BS under the cover.Pay to post a a website where the administrator don't give a damn about what goes on? I wishh he would try charging to post on this site.However Turtle before the crackheads and backstabbers invaded the site board it was very informative and enlighting,and look at it now.When the crap stop I will stop. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 4:53 pm: |      |
If all Anonymous wanted info about Tuffie's store, why then did he, she, it, not respond in kind. Instead people are attacked, and trash is talked. I try to take the high roard, and not sling mud, it seems ANONYMOUS LIKES TO HIDE, AND TAKE POT SHOT'S LIKE A SNIPPER. If Anonymous cared about H. P. he, she it, would be a little more leval headed, and not talk so much trash. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 10:35 pm: |      |
BLACK RACISM: Justice Department reports 85% of all inter-racial violence is committed by blacks against whites The story of the "Wichita Massacre" was barely reported and went unnoticed due to the liberal agenda of the main stream media. David Horowitz reported the story of the Wichita Massacre on his web pages two years ago at the time it happened. Outside the local Wichita press, however, virtually the only media to report this hate crime were and the American Renaissance newsletter. While the federal government rushes to Los Angeles to investigate an incident in which a handcuffed youth was slammed into the hood of a car and punched by an officer, a pall of silence still blankets the horrendous racial murder of four young people whose murderers are now on trial. The difference in the responses to these two stories can hardly be attributed to anything other than the skin color of the perpetrators and the victims involved. Apparently the sexual torture and brutal executions of four promising youngsters is of no interest to the nation's moral guardians, because the victims happen to be white. Stephen Webster's account of these events provides a revealing window on the disturbing - not to say disgusting -- state of the civil rights delusion in America. The U.S. Justice Department has reported that 85% of all inter-racial violence in America is committed by blacks against whites. But there are apparently no black hate crimes; and there is certainly no white civil rights movement to create sympathy for the victims. Nor can there be one in the present atmosphere of racial hypocrisy, where the mere expression of concern over attacks on white people would itself make an individual a ripe target for racial witch-hunters. Because they are black, the Wichita killers have been protected from national scrutiny and have not even been charged with a hate crime. The entire apparatus of local government in Wichita - abetted by the national press -- has worked overtime to keep the public ignorant of what happened. If the truth came out, it would threaten a national melodrama in which only blacks are victims, only blacks are persecuted and only whites are racists. Within the framework of this melodrama, the only acceptable meaning of civil rights is retribution for blacks -- retribution for any and every crime, real or imagined, ever suffered by black people however remote in the past. "Reparations" is just the nom de jour of the new civil rights package. What would happen if, instead, we returned to the idea of individual accountability, and gave up the totalitarian fantasies of reparations and "social justice," in which oppressed classes exact retribution from their age-old oppressors? What if we returned to the real world in which individuals commit indefensible misdemeanors (Los Angeles) and monstrous crimes (Wichita)? What if we revived the idea of making the punishment fit the actual deed? Think of all the people who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if that were to happen. The fact is that the Wichita horror is but one of many spectacular lynchings of white people by black racists, which the nation's moral watchdogs choose to ignore. Everybody in America, for example, knows who James Byrd is, and that he was brutally murdered by three whites in Jasper Texas four years ago. Byrd's lynchers offered him a lift in their pickup truck, beat him and chained him and dragged him to his death. An entire nation was outraged and guilty. The President issued a statement, legislators wrung their hands and the media keened over the inhumanity of the act and what it portended for the country's future. Four years later - this year in fact - a white man named Ken Tillery, hitched a ride in Jasper, Texas. He was given a lift by four black men who then murdered him to a deafening national silence. Like Byrd, Tillery was held hostage and beaten. Then he was run over and crushed to death. The copycat nature of the crime made it a natural news story. But there was none, save a modest account in the Houston Chronicle, to which nobody paid any attention. This savagery was apparently nothing. The pigments were politically incorrect. It was only some white guy, whose ancestors probably owned slaves. We make no apologies for expressing outrage over these facts or printing the story of the Wichita slayings. We would like to see the trial of these killers reported on Peter Jennings' World News Tonight. We would like to see the story of the murders retold on 60 Minutes or 48 Hours. We would like to see Spike Lee direct a Hollywood feature or Jesse Jackson conduct a pilgrimage to Kansas to plea for racial peace. But we know these things won't happen. To begin with, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee don't have the moral intelligence to take these steps. Nor does Peter Jennings. We're regret that this is the case. But we are certain there will not be any bright future for race relations in this country until silences like these are broken. Black Racism The Hate Crime That Dare Not Speak It's NameBy David Horowitz |
| Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 3:44 am: |      |
Racist groups don't merit attention Last Updated: March 9th,2005 Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'll pass on the big "White Power" rally this weekend. According to the hype, it's going to be one of those super-white-supremacist confabs, featuring the World Church of the Creator, the Ku Klux Klan of Wisconsin and the National Socialist Movement, a branch of the Nazi Party. I'm not sure which one is the opening act. According to its Web site, The World Church of the Creator, based in East Peoria, Ill., is considered the nation's fastest-growing white supremacist movement in America. Better not tell the Klan; you know how jealous they are of their No. 1 rating. No matter how hyper-segregated we may be, Milwaukee isn't really a natural location for a Klan-affiliated rally. It's not like Brewtown is considered a bastion of Klan-sympathizers. But that's part of the attraction for groups like this. Recruiting season never ends. In announcing their plans to visit Milwaukee Saturday, the white supremacists groups said they wanted to focus attention on recent hate crimes in our area, specifically the attacks on white patrons at the close of Summerfest in July. I'm sure they would have added the recent shocking beating death of a man in Washington County to their list of grievances had they learned about it. No, wait; white people were involved in that one. Don't you hate when that happens? The main reason I won't be there is because, like most Klan rallies these days, it promises to be a real dud. In fact, it's likely few actual white supremacists will even have the guts to show. The biggest turnout will be an interracial group of Klan protesters, local activists who have been heating up the Internet with pleas for support of various counterdemonstrations. Aside from anti-Klan protesters, the next largest contingent will be law enforcement officers. You can bet, there will be multiple law enforcement officers for each white supremacist, a taxpayer-funded bodyguard detail for a bunch of fools in hoods. That's wasteful spending, which Milwaukee County taxpayers already had one revolution over. (Say . . . can you recall a Klansman?) Though these groups cast themselves as pro-white - just as some black groups consider themselves pro-black - the real message behind "white power" is the exclusion of all minorities and Jews from mainstream society. On its Web site, The World Church gives this perspective on the importance of preserving the white race in America: "The White Race is responsible for all that which we call progress on this earth; and that it is therefore logical and sensible to place supreme importance upon Race and to reject all ideas which fail to do so." (We're feeling awfully good about ourselves, aren't we?) No matter how alarmist - and narrow-minded - it appears, everything in that statement is constitutionally protected free speech. Although I don't consider Milwaukee a fertile recruiting ground for these hate groups, it's uncomfortable to recognize similar opinions expressed by some white readers in Milwaukee. These are whites who believe their quality of life has somehow been restricted because of the presence of black people. Once you start to identify issues like crime and poverty as black problems, it's a short step to wondering what the place would be like without any minorities at all. Which is the kind of thinking these groups count on. Despite my misgivings, I have no problem with any group of white supremacists holding a peaceful rally to express their views. It's part of the price we pay for our freedom. But it's also a good idea to not waste valuable energy railing against a relatively small group of hate-mongers who always pop up to take advantage of publicity designed to make some believe their numbers are larger than they actually are. You're free to ignore them, too.
Vagina Williams
| Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 10:51 pm: |      |
Why don't Oprah Winfrey do no show on Highland Park? She always talkin to movi stars and never to her people. Get rich but leave her nieghbor to starve. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 4:48 pm: |      |
Holy Smokes Black Power that's a real interested post you posted there,and that was a very nice comeback to that wannabe slick anonymous person.Now you see for yourself how whites always think they are better then us,and they always seem to think they can out smart us,and your comeback post was right on time.Now there is the White side and the Black side.Jerry Springer will come to Highland Park before Oprah.Because Jerry likes confusion like you see here,and his show theme would be IS HP FOLKS FOR RACIST? Hahahaha what a title.Again nice going Black Power. |
James Lubinskas
| Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 2:56 pm: |      |
Throughout the 1990’s, both conservatives and liberals worried about the large divide between blacks and whites over issues like the Crown Heights riots, The Los Angeles riots, the O.J. Simpson verdict, Louis Farrakhan’s “Million Man March”, affirmative action, hate crime legislation, choice of political parties and many other topics. The recent emergence of issues such as racial profiling and “reparations” for slavery indicates that this divide is as wide as ever. For at least the last 40 years, political, social and cultural elites have taken a particular point of view regarding this gap and how best to overcome it. From the Kerner Commission of the 1960’s to President Clinton’s “Dialogue on Race” in the 1990’s, the proposed remedy has been to make whites realize the daily racism blacks (and to a lesser extent all non-whites) face, as well as the daily privileges they get from being white. In other words, blacks have the clear view on American racism and whites must be disabused of their bigoted, wrong-headed opinions and made aware of their true history of oppression. In order to do this, a mountain of racial myths has been created. Perhaps some of these myths are put forth by those who only want racial advantage for their own group. But most of these untruths exist because people have never heard the whole story on a host of racial issues in American and world history. While it would take volumes to correct these distortions, here is one of the most common racial myths and the reality behind it. Myth--Lynching was another racist American institution that viscous whites inflicted upon innocent blacks Next to slavery, lynching is thought to be the most racist aspect of American history. A lynching museum exists in Milwaukee that focuses exclusively on white-on-black lynchings. In 2000, a traveling exhibit of white-on-black lynching photos came to American’s biggest cities. The lynching exhibit received favorable attention from the major media including the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN. According to CNN correspondent Maria Hinojosa, “All photos show voiceless victims of hate; men and women stripped, lashed, beaten, burned and hung. Often their only crime was one they could not control -- the color of their skin.” She ends her review of the display by claiming, “The exhibit is a harsh reminder of America's responsibility for a horrible chapter of racial hatred.” This is the official view of lynching. That it was exclusively whites who carried it out against innocent blacks. It is portrayed as a viscous act of officially sanctioned white racism against innocent blacks, designed to keep “Negroes in their place.” In fact, we know quite a bit about lynching and the facts indicate it was far from a racist design practiced by whites to terrorize blacks. From its founding in 1914 until the early 1930’s. The New Republic ran an annual editorial listing the number of lynchings in the United States for each year. The NAACP’s first big crusade was against lynching and they frequently publicized statistics. The Chicago Tribune also covered lynching extensively. Robert Zangrando, cites statistics for the period of 1882–1968 in his book, The NAACP Crusade Against Lynching. Using figures from the Tuskegee Institute he finds a total of 4,742 for the 87-year period, of which 1,297 victims were white and 3,445 were black. Even though over a quarter of those lynched were white, this does not stop lynching from being described almost entirely in racist terms. Here are some examples of the charge: Jacquelyn Dowd Hall in Revolt Against Chivalry (1993) writes: “Lynching functioned as a mode of repression because it was arbitrary and exemplary, aimed not at one individual but at blacks as a group. White supremacy was maintained … and lynching worked effectively to create a general milieu of fear that discouraged individual and organized black assertiveness.” Donald L. Grant writes in The Anti-Lynching Movement (1975): “Lynching … became the most effective method of maintaining the racial caste system which developed after Reconstruction. This caste system relegated Blacks to the position of a conquered people and made it possible for whites to receive the economic, psychological, and sexual tribute which they had been conditioned by slavery to accept as their due.” Robert Zangrado in The NAACP Crusade Against Lynching, 1909-1950 (1980) claims: “It was the indiscriminate use of violence that gave the mob its real utility as an instrument of intimidation and control in a racist society.” An October 25, 1992 Los Angeles Times/Washington Post story on the murder of Medgar Evers claims: “between 1881 and 1966, there were 4,709 lynchings in the United States, most of them racially motivated killings of Southern blacks . . . .” The claim that lynching was primarily an act of racism against blacks is almost never supported with evidence. In fact, both whites and blacks carried out lynchings. Almost all cases of lynchings were carried out not because of race, but because of viscous crimes – crimes often perpetrated by blacks. In Lynching – History and Analysis (1995) Wichita State University professor Dwight Murphey refutes the case that lynchings were largely a result white of racism. People often resorted to lynching because the authorities were a long ride away, and President Andrew Jackson himself sanctioned the practice when he recommended to Iowa settlers that they lynch murderers. Likewise in Kansas, a New York Tribune correspondent reported in 1858 that "[t]here is a very general disposition to pass over the hopelessly useless forms of Territorial law and corrupt Federal courts, and try these parties (i.e. horse-thieves) by Lynch law." Prof. Murphey notes that contrary to current assumptions, blacks also formed lynch gangs, mostly to lynch blacks, but sometimes to lynch whites. In Clarksdale, Tennessee, blacks lynched a white in 1914 for raping a black woman. The authorities later ruled that this was justifiable homicide. In 1872 in Chicot County, Arkansas, armed blacks broke three whites out of jail and shot them to death. Nor was lynching by any means a sport in which any black was fair game. In Tennessee in 1911, four white men hanged a black man and his two daughters for no good reason. This outrage roused the ire of the community; the whites were tried and two were hanged. It is true that blacks were lynched more often than whites, but, as is the case today, blacks were also more likely to commit violent crimes, so even if lynching had been entirely race-blind, the number of executions would still have been racially unbalanced. Prof. Murphey cites black homicide rates in 1921-22 for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and New Orleans per 100,000 that were 102.2, 97.2, 116.9 and 46.7 respectively. This corresponded to white rates of 15.0, 28.0, 29.6, and 8.4. According to Murphey, “These figures are eloquent testimony that serious crime was the primary provocation for lynching.” Even W.E.B. DuBois wrote disparagingly of "a class of black criminals, loafers, and ne'er-do-wells who are a menace to their fellows, both black and white." Lynching exists today, though it is rarely called lynching. Prof. Murphey’s book cites some then-recent incidents such as a July 13, 1993 report of an attempted lynching of a man in Washington state who had recently been let out of prison after serving a mere 18 months for raping a little girl. During the Los Angeles riots of 1992, blacks lynched several whites, Asians and Hispanics. An October 1993 report tells of a “scab” worker being killed by a sniper for “working in West Virginia coal fields during a strike.” Prof. Murphey also reminds us that for years, the United States and the world at large supported the African National Congress (ANC) in its drive for power in South Africa, while fully aware of the hundreds, if not thousands, of people lynched by the ANC through “necklacing,” where a gas filled tire was put around the victim’s neck and lit on fire. One of the worst cases of modern lynching was a 1992-gang attack on a young white woman, Missy McLauchlin in Charleston, South Carolina. The victim was abducted, raped, tortured and murdered by five blacks who had made a pact to kill a white woman for “400 years of oppression.” The case was not investigated as a hate crime and barely made the local news. Jared Taylor describes many other instances of cases that can be described as black-on-white lynchings in his groundbreaking book, Paved With Good Intentions (1992). Finally, it helps to keep lynching in proper perspective. The highest estimates of lynchings from after the Civil War until 1960 are around 5,000. This is hardly a remarkable level of violence for a 100-year period. Other blacks kill more blacks every year in America. This also pales in comparison to over half a million people killed in less than a year in Rwanda’s 1994 tribal wars, the discovery of 15,000 Polish officers killed by the Soviet army in the Katyn Forest at the end of WWII, the 30 million Chinese killed off by Mao in his “Great Leap Forward” in the 1960’s, and the millions of Ukrainians purposely starved to death by Stalin in the 1930’s. Prof. Murphey notes, “These events have hardly received a ripple of attention from a world distracted by its on-going concerns; and, perhaps more significantly, academia has devoted almost no attention to them.” If these myths were merely propagated by far-left academics and black race activists perhaps they would not be so threatening. But it is precisely because they are put forth as true by Republican politicians, law school professors, NPR talk show hosts, teaching associations and mainstream newspapers that they are so destructive. These and other racial myths are blared over television, radio, newspapers, books and magazines every day. The distortions serve to paint a historically inaccurate picture of America as a racist, bigoted, oppressive nation where blacks and others cannot receive justice or a fair chance. They also cause some Americans to despise their nation and help to give our enemies a vital advantage in their war on Western civilization.
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 7:06 pm: |      |
In reply to your post James Lubinskas aka anonymous and who else ever.Same post different name.However check this out. Lynching in the 1800s: A Crusader's Fight By: Taron -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ all about lynching Lynching & Ida B Wells's Fight Against Lynching When someone in our country commits a crime, we expect them to have a trial If they are found guilty, they go to jail, and if they are found innocent, they go free. Thatís how our justice system is supposed to work. In the late 1800ís, this was not an expectation for many blacks. Lynching(when a mob takes justice into their own hands) was used as a punishment for blacks that committed a crime, usually against white women. Not everyone accepted this injustice. Ida B Wells was a women who spoke out against lynching. She grew up in Holly Springs Mississippi. She went to school at Missouri Freedmanís school. If it wasnít for her, then lynching would have probably lasted longer. Thanks to her anti-lynching campaigns, justice came closer to being served. Lynchings were a problem. Between 1830 and 1930 more than 3,200 African Americans were lynched in the south. In 1892, lynching claimed the lives of 230 African Americans in a single year. Blacks were lynched by white mobs that accused blacks of crimes such as race prejudice, quarreling with whites, and making threats. Lynching were said to be held to keep blacks in their place. Ida B Wells fought against lynchings. In 1892, Ida B. Wells started campaigning in New York. She started campaigning against lynching because three friends of hers were lynched. Their names were Thomas Morse, Calvin McDowell and Henry Stewart. Her friends were lynched because they had a grocery store that had eliminated a white grocery store out of business, so an angry white mob raided their store and lynched all three of them. After that tragedy, Wells dedicated herself to ending lynchings. Soon after in 1892, she went to England to raise international support for the campaign and a year after she began organizing Negro youth and womens clubs. Then Wells became chairman of an anti lynching bureau. She continued her struggle of fighting against lynching. In 1904, Wells and her other Illinois blacks elected one of their numbers to the state legislature. He secured the passage of a bill which provided for the surpresssion of mob violence. The bill also said that if anybody is taken from the sheriffís custody and lynched it will be the sheriffís fault for not doing his duty. Wells campaign against lynching shows two competing realities: there were some people who didnít think blacks deserved justice, and some people wouldnít give up on fighting for justice. There were a lot of people who didnít care about how blacks were being treated. Rarely did anyone including police do anything about it. Sometimes blacks were lynched for no reason. Whatís the point of having police if theyíre the ones committing the crimes? Indeed, some cops were part of the lynching mobs. The lynchings were a powerful injustice, yet Wells fought in her power to turn injustice into justice. Though the people that were informing laws were against Wells, she still didnít give up. Knowing this history is important to me because it gives me pride and joy to know how hard my people fought to get where we are today. I think that lynching was just an excuse to get rid of blacks, I think this because even children were lynched and if blacks got lynched supposedly because they were accused of a crime,then why were the children lynched too? I think society has changed since 1930 when Ida B.Wells died. Blacks have been treated a little more equally. For example, blacks get paid more for their work then they did back in the 1800ís ,they get just as good as jobs as white people, and nobody gets lynched anymore. The government has supported black families and single parents. But to think we had to go through with all of the campaigns and marches and letters of the Civil Rights movement just to make people realize that hanging somebody without a trial was wrong . Lynching was clearly a crime and all those angry white mobs should have been punished for what they did to so many hundreds of blacks in the south. Ida B Wells was brave enough to fight for lynchings, an injustice she saw. But now I see an injustice. Ever since September 11, afghani Americans are treated differntly then every other person because some of them look alike people expects everyone who looks Middle Eastern to be a terrorist and thats a injustice that needs to stop.we need to be like Ida B Wells & stand up against what is wrong to us. Then justice will be even closer to being served.
A Idris Palmer
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 8:03 pm: |      |
Aha--Black Power is William X. Why do you use two names and act like you're talking to yourself? Who do you think you're fooling? |
A. Idris Palmer
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 8:35 pm: |      |
A new documentary film, "The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till," has turned up witnesses to the crime that indicate others were involved in his abduction and torture. The director, Keith Beauchamp, said he thinks as many as 14 people, including five blacks, played a role.
William X
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 8:53 pm: |      |
You the punk who is confused first you say I am Highland Parker,and now you're saying I am Black Power.Make up your damn mind who I am,and besides why you so worried about who I am,? You the one who need to stop using fake ass names.Because you are messing with the wrong person you fake ass.Now since you so damn bad let Highland Parkers know who you are,and I believe that you might be Stephen faking to be someone else.BUt your day is coming believe me,and then what will you do when this site is closed down? This is not a official city site,and soon this site will be gone,and then what Multi Names will you do then? Come face to face with me anytime,and any place.Don't hide behind parked cars or in the bushes with your coward ass.The rule of game in reality is if you are a coward then don't mess with something you don't know anything about.Black Power is himself,HIghland Parker is himself,and I am myself you furface. |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 6:30 pm: |      |
Q.What do you call a Tennessee toothbrush? A. "toothbrush"... isn't much need for a teeth brush C'mon... the sheet freaks have the right to rally just like this site allows heated debate. According to its Web site... World Church of the Creator... white supremacist... (fron BP post) here's what keeps me smiling. "Billy Bob Joe Dean, how does you spell ray sist?" "Why I don't rekon Jethro Joe Bo, maybe ma knows... she has all the learnin'" |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 8:18 am: |      |
It is truth that ignorance and illiteracy cross all racial barriers. It is unfortunate that some find it funny. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 9:00 am: |      |
So I'm not ready to do stand-up... I have family living in a, well, dot on the map called "Opossum Trot" ...take the joke for what it was meant to be... a much needed change of subject. The thought of the WCotC on-line isn't at all amusing... ignorant... in so many ways, but they are not illiterate. burdi.htm |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 - 4:15 pm: |      |
Anonymous, So, you asked about Toffie's Store, but so far, no responce. If you know about Toffie's store, you must have lived in the same part of H.P. as me. Did you go to Barber School? Please respond, I'd like to hear your story, about Toffie's. How about Frank's Store? did you know where that was? |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 - 8:58 pm: |      |
franks at davison & brush.went to thompson back thin,now those were the good old days.anyone remember mr. i got it? |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 4:57 pm: |      |
Anonymous, yes, Mr. I got it drove a old beat up red truck, and lived on Farrand Park, almost to Oakland. The old Thompson School, or the new Thompson School? You really like jacking with My Brother William, dont you. Be nice. My Momma taught me that, I'm sure yoursdid too. |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 8:21 pm: |      |
Thomas My Mother always told me to be the best when it comes to Kicking asses,and the rules apply to Anonymous.(Thomas) if you really posted the request to be nice to me.While the only way Anonymous would do something nice for me is to blow his own brains out,and then that would be one I would not have to worrie about getting my hands dirty from pushing him aside.Never ask nobody to be nice to me for me,because I still won't be nice to them.That's how the bitter hate I have has made me to be.However once again my attitude does not effect the care I have for the community,and it do not stop me from being a Man. |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 9:55 pm: |      |
nothing like those big bubbsdaddys&now&laters ha? |