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Highland Parker
| Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 2:19 pm: |      |
then jump on the band wagon? I have noticed that some community groups are not as active in the Highland Park communities as they claim to be until something is presented to the citizens,and then they all want to jump on board.I attended the Community Town Talk forum that the HP Movement held at the Downes Manor,and now community groups are starting to follow the pattern also.Seniors are citizens and people,and I can't understand why these so-called community groups haven't shown concern before now,and now all at once everyone is holding meetings at Downes Manor? I am happy that William's community events is catching on,and I will always believe our Seniors should come first.On the other hand don't wait until someone does something for the community,or to better the community,think of it first.Now watch when the war on legel dumping starts everyone who should have been in on it long before now will come out from under the woodwork.I am just speaking my concerns as a citizen of the Highland Park commnity,and a member of the Highland Park Movement. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 11:04 pm: |      |
Highland Parker--Do you think you could get the Seniors to participate in the I-75 blockade that WilliamX is organizing? They get free money every month from social security and if they have lived in HP for a while, they probably have had something to do with its current destruction. They owe the People of Highland Park something. They should be the frontline in the Blockade to bring 911 conspirators to justice. |
Highland Parker
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 3:57 pm: |      |
Doctor TRuth WilliamX did not organize no damn blockade of I-75,but one of your clonies did,and I suggest you ask yourself can you create enough hate and create enough names to slander WilliamX and what he does here in Highland Park? Personnal I don't think you can handle WilliamX in the real world,and that's why you're trying to slander him in cyberspace.One thing I admire about the internet one can be whoever,and whatever they was to be online,but in the real world most online posters are chicken shit.So in closing you better know who you are messing with,and because life is a one way ticket,there is no second time around. |
Highland Parker
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 4:02 pm: |      |
Again Doctor, You know just as well as I do that they will never bring George Bush to justice,or his Father George Bush Sr,and to be real about it I believe that the Bushs had something to do with Clinton being in office so long,and look who's back in office George Bush Jr.Write the Republician Party,and ask them what other plans do they have to destory this City,State,and Country. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 6:37 pm: |      |
Wait a minute. Is Highland Parker actually WilliamX? Why would William X be using a fake name? What does William X do in Highland Park? |
Highland Parker
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 4:58 pm: |      |
Damn Doctor Truth you are to damn much for yourself.Where did you get that BS from that I am WilliamX as you claim?I belong to WilliamX organization with your damn permission,is that okay with you?I am to old to kiss your ass or play name games with you.However just as long as I live here in Highland Park,and belong to either one of WilliamX organizations you and no one else have nothing to say or make false statements about.You are safe on this screen how bad are you in the real world? If you want to find out what WilliamX do in Highland Park ask him,or meet him face to face.Make sure you be bad enough to say that you are the Doctor Truth,or the negro who type bs on HP FOLKS.I pray that you are not black Dr Truth.If so you are a disgrace to our race.I am Highland Parker,and WilliamX is who he is.We do not have to play the name game like you do.It won't be long belong we will have the 411 on you. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 9:27 pm: |      |
What are WilliamX's two organizations? How do I join? What's 411? |
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 10:13 pm: |      |
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 10:27 pm: |      |
im with you on that cuzz |
Highland Parker
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 9:03 pm: |      |
Anonymous Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - 8:09 pm: HIGHLAND PARK RUNS IN MY BLOOD. This is phoney and Funny.Anonymous I see now why you and your so called clonies hate Highland Park.Was it the dope that was to strong for you,or was it the Brothers in the Community to thugish for your scared ass? Jeff if you was my neighbor and you was out of order and dis-respectful and white I hate your white ass too. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 9:47 pm: |      |
Runs in your blood? How can a town run in your blood? You was away for thirty years. Where was you away to? Was you in jail? What was you in jail for? What did H.P. ever do to you to make you want to be so mean and come back? Oh no Jeff! William X, er, I mean Highland Parker HATES you. What are you gonna to do? Do you think you'll be able to live now knowing that the star of the community hates you? |