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Message |
| Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 4:19 am: |      |
!!!!! posting article NOT an opinion !!!!! SATURDAY, Detroit News Editorial 181178.htm The best hope for Highland Park is for it to be absorbed into Detroit, which surrounds the community on all sides. Its 16,000 residents would give Detroit and its school system a population boost. And Detroit, which has more employees than it needs to serve its shrinking population, could likely deliver services to the three-square-mile community at comparatively little extra cost. And Detroit would benefit from a broader tax base. |
WilliamX Community Activist
| Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 4:22 pm: |      |
Boy oh Boy I know you are not from Highland Park talking like that.Detroit can not handle it's own BS,unless handle Highland Park's mess.The residents won't give nothing to Detroit but a hard way to go,and you seem to be one of them slicksters who seem to be someone who likes to hold progress back,and believe me I read HP FOLKS everyday,and I be searching for people who is always downing Highland Park,so I can act like a snake in the high grass step on me and I do bite. So Urban you and your clonies need to take a break from wasting your time.Shrinking Population the population shrink after you whites left Highland Park,just like Chrysler left Highland Park.Damn the Detroit News,the Free Press,and the MetroTimes.All have planted reporters within the limit of Highland Park only to bad mouth Highland Park,or to showcase where some outside investor (I will be polite,and not use the word I want) have invaded Highland Park not to help,but to make money.Now there is another divided situation concerning what is to be built on the old Federal warehouse grounds,and half of the Black population of this City is for one thing,and others totally dis agree.In closing Highland Park School systems do not need to be taking over by Detroit,and nothing here in Highland Park needs Detroit help.We need our own Public Safety (Police/Fire) back in operation. |
| Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 4:54 pm: |      |
bla bla bla malcom xxx |
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 2:02 pm: |      |
You whites hate the truth I see,and hopefully Anonymous you're not black since you want to go postal on me.It's spelled MalcolmX learn to spell before trying to attack me.Because I will always speak-up regardless to who like it or not when it comes to Highland Park the city I was raised in. Don't you think your bla bla bla is childish and stupid? You are just showing how ignorant you are.So my words to you is to you is to back off,and shut-up if you can't come correct.I do not fear nobody in the real world,due to the fact when my day is here my number will be called,and I do not fear typed words. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 11:00 pm: |      |
"You whites hate the truth." Hmmm. A bit racist; don't you think Bill? |
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 11:27 pm: |      |
Who you calling racist? I am a proud black man living in HP my entire life and better to see it ground into dust than to see it ever ruled by white devils again. And the name is WilliamX! Not Bill. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 11:33 pm: |      |
Whoa WilliamX. Please, please, settle down. I didn't call you racist. I asked if you thought your question was racist. Since you're one that expresses a love of truth, do you think black attitudes like yours have had anything to do with whites leaving Highland Park? |
WilliamX Community Activist
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 11:40 pm: |      |
There is an imposter on this board posing as me. I did not say what my previous post says I said. I apologize. My statement about whites was racist. Not all whites hate the truth. And not all blacks love the truth. All I know is 911 was an inside job and nobody, white or black, should focus on anything but that issue until justice is done. We were all deceived just as you were earlier deceived that I railed against white devils. The media is easy to manipulate and this is proof. ( |
George W. Bush
| Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 11:52 pm: |      |
Thank you William X for your apology. No hard feelings. Thankyou for bringing 911 into the forefront of the discussion. I too know that 911 was an inside job but I am impotent to do anything about it. I haven't the leadership skills to motivate my fellow citizens to focus on the issue. My white friends think they have too much to lose with a revelation of the truth. Perhaps you could persuade HP Folks to take the lead in this nation to demand accountability from the government for its crimes on 911. If only a small fraction of the 16,000 HPFolks protested 911 crimes by shutting down every freeway that passes through or adjacent to HP, history would forevermore record that Highland Park took the lead to see justice done. The forced establishment of truly independent investigating committees caused by the attention grabbing actions of HPFolks who got in their cars to drive slow and simultaneously created the biggest traffic jams in American history for a solid week would automatically place the entire World in Highland Park's debt. Highland Park would be a town of heroes. |
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 12:44 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: ONLY the 1st post and this one are mine. Take a deep breath and read that 1st post again. This is an editorial from the Detroit News... NOT my words, NOT my opinion. Hope you enjoyed using me for a punching bag because those fires made national headlines and make that Editorial sound reasonable. I was expecting a letter from Mr. Blackwell in the Sunday papers... shouldn't he be fighting for HP? "Snakes in high grass that do bite" ...The snake thing was bizarre, but explains why no one else is posting... they get bit and leave. "Reporters planted only to bad mouth HP" ...Get a grip. "or showcase some outside investor???"... uh oh, this sounds like the my concerns for the State Fairgrounds and neighborhoods around the Woodward bridge. Me, a "slickster who wants to hold back progress"? You are too funny. There used to be a neighborhood on the south east side of the bridge. Good people asked why they paid taxes, but no longer had public safety or trash collection...after a few years those that could, moved. Those left were eventually forced to sell so the DNR could build a park (kind with trees and picnic tables)... one connected outsider after another has held title... I had a post on the 13th you overlooked... mentioned politically connected developers. Destroying a neighborhood takes time, people don't abandon their community right away. They point out problems, ask for help and wait. At some point a developer shows up with a redevelopment plan that will create jobs, taxes new housing and new people... This is when people who don't want to lose their home are "holding up progress" How about that Racino post you ignored... two track proposals about two miles apart hatched at the same time... The State Fairgrounds has three developers chomping at the bit! It's interesting you mentioned HP being divided on what to build on the Federal's site. United we stand... divided we become redeveloped! Urbanator
William AkbarX International Community Activist
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 12:52 am: |      |
I don't know who you are but I'm fairly certain you're not the President. I've read the website you've posted and I'm shocked. I didn't know. I too have had a narrow focus. I can't believe the federal government would do such a thing. Sacrifice Americans, start wars and send thousands more to their deaths. It makes lack of garbage pickup in HP seem irrelevant. Thank you for educating me. I learned that the WTC twin towers couldn't have fallen the way they did due to fire as the fires fueled with kerosene jet fuel can't get hot enough to weaken steel. I learned building seven fell in the afternoon and was definitely brought down using controlled demolition. I learned the Pentagon was hit by something other than a Boeing 757. I learned warnings were issued to select Israelis and that none died except two that were supposedly aboard the planes. I learned that NYFD firefighters reported that they turned over the flight data recorders to the FBI but the FBI denies having them. I learned millions of dollars were made on Put Options placed on United and American airlines just prior to Sept. 11th. I learned that San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and writer Salman Rushdie were both warned not to fly on Sept 11th. I learned that Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC, stated in a recorded television interview that Building Seven was "pulled" meaning brought down using controlled demolition but that the 911 Commission did not feel it necessary to interview him before the committee. I learned prior to 911 federal judge David Schippers was approached by FBI agents seeking assistance to warn Attorney General Ashcroft of the impending attacks and was turned away three times by Ashcroft. I learned that WTC rubble was either buried or melted down in violation of the laws against disposing of crime scene evidence. Can Highland Park make a difference? Highland Park can tip the first domino. Highland Park, America's Bravest City. |
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 1:07 am: |      |
It was just a matter of time... when might I expect the other two attack dogs? BTW, beautiful post.... sometimes I need to be reminded there are bigger issues than fire hydrants that work. Urbanator |
John Galt
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 1:10 am: |      |
Why should Highland Park help America? What has America done for Highland Park? You want the disenfranchised of HP to put their lives, freedom and meager wealth on the line just so other Americans, too distracted by pornography, drugs and grandiose social mediocrity will possibly wake up to the fact they're ruled by fascists in Tel Aviv? Even if we wake them up, even if we show them the truth, I bet they'll puss out and do nothing. You actually think Detroit would follow Highland Park's lead and go on strike? And then Cleveland? And then Chicago? And then Des Moine? And then Los Angeles? And then New York? And then Washington D.C.? It would be totally righteous if it happened. If only we could get a town to get the protest started. How about Highland Park? There is strangely absurd but poetic beauty to Highland Park taking the lead on this issue. |
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 1:28 am: |      |
Can 16,000 Highland Parkers disrupt the intersection of I-75 and Davison Expressway? Not difficult considering that it's normally disrupted. Would Detroit follow our lead? Ann Arbor? Wouldn't it be great if Michigan as a whole went on strike. Highland Park leads Detroit that leads Michigan that leads the Nation in overthrowing fascist evil in Washington D.C. Investigations are conducted, trials are held, sentences are issued, Fort Leavenworth firing squads write the last chapter. |
Thomas hilliard
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 6:00 pm: |      |
Anonymous,I read your post, it is, to say the least, quite interesting? I don't know if the goverment that we elected, yes I do vote, and have voted in every election since 1974, are Fascist, or have our best interest at heart, but I do know, that we have more civil liberty's, than in any other country, including Canada. Why don't you use your name, I like to take credit, for what I do, think, or say. You may not like it, but you know who did it!!! |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 6:01 pm: |      |
My Brother William, am glad you are still fighting the good fight, I sent my phone number to your e-mail address, give me a call |
| Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 9:00 pm: |      |
Dear Thomas, We have few civil liberties. Even our right to vote is suspect. It is highly probable that both the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections were stolen. John Kerry was probably the Skull and Bones Republican in the Democratic Party. When is the last time you tried to get your opinion printed in the local newspaper. It's like Ice T said, "You can say anything, but you can't say something". People made fun of his statement but I understood completely what he meant, you can say anything as long as it doesn't attack or disturb the preexisting power structure but if it says something that makes people think there might be a better way, you won't get printed. Freedom from illegal search; crossing the California border, the cops made me open my truck for inspection. Freedom of religion--Waco comes to mind. Freedom of the press--give me a break, if you think we have any freedom there we might as well agree to disagree. Freedom to a fair and speedy trial--two million men in jail must be proof. I lived and worked in Europe for awhile. For the same reason some good people don't leave Highland Park for greener pastures, I too, don't leave for Europe even though it's better because I care about the United States. The United States is my place and I think we can make it the best place. Even better than Sweden. As long as the Democracy is real and citizens truly rule democratically with full access and citizen instead of corporate control of the media, America could be great. Israel rules by controlling the media. I don't give my name for fear. Please forgive me. I hope you and WilliamX can set things in motion in Highland Park to set this Nation straight. It's amazing that it's possible that the only thing between fascism and freedom, justice and injustice, greatness and mediocrity is a historical traffic jam at the intersection of I-75 and the Davison Expressway. Please form the winning coalition. The entire World waits for Highland Park to take the lead. Highland Park, at this moment in time, is the Center of the Universe and only a few people know it. |
Black Power
| Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 10:12 pm: |      |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ANONYMOUS seem to be bombed-out on LSD or PCP one.What does 9-11 have to do with HIghland Park? Until Highland Park is the new headquarters for Terrorist regrouping,which I do not think so.On the internet is not the place to open your Terrorist campaignThings is set into motion now that the dictator has left the City of Highland Park,and I can't help but wonder are you one that was left behind? I highly respect and salute WilliamX for doing what he is doing here in Highland Park,and as the leader of the Political group the New Deacons of Defense black revolutionary,which I am a proud member.You don't give your name for fear? or you a born chicken? So play your name game with me like you have done WilliamX,and not only will I get your IP,but your ISP as well,and then wait for your name game attack.In closing Mr Art Blackwell is the Alpha of the Highland Park Movement. |
Kwame K
| Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 10:41 pm: |      |
Well, I'm a member of the Old Deacons of Offense Black Evolutionary and I think you don't understand that everyone's life becomes meaningless and absurd if lived within a matrix of lies fabricated by a fascist government. Everything becomes absurd. Everything. You, me, Bill Green, HP, Art Blackwell. Everything is meaningless. Except the peaceful defiant civil disobedient act of blocking I-75 to trigger the trial of the century--George Bush, Darth Cheney, Liar Rumsfeld, KindaSleezy Rice, and Colin Powell standing before a military firing squad at Fort Leavenworth. Besides, I need something to distract people from my credit card bill. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 11:40 am: |      |
KwameK. Why should we have to travel to Ft. Leavenworth Kanas, why not have the firing squad at Woodward and Davison, and sell ticket's. It wil be a much shorter drive, and with the money drawn, we could then fix all of H.P. problems, save the Belle Isle Aquarioum, and enough money left over, for a trust fund for our kids, and grandkids. |
Black Power
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 1:44 pm: |      |
Readers Since the anonymous took upon itself to post under everyone's name,it's hard to know who is who,and I am starting to believe that the HP FOLKS invader is allowed to sign on and post under anyone's name who is against what it believes in,and this is another example of how white America still wants to rule Black America,and nothing is being done about it.ALL POWER is with the people regardless to color,but Blacks need to join forces together to fight Black on Black crimes,and confusion in our communities across America.Kwame K you mentioned names who is Bill Green,HP? Mr Thomas the post you read from a so called Kwame K is the same person who posted as William AkbarX and George Bush,and now the dumbass wants to be the Mayor of Detroit.This person indeed do have a serious mental problem you can tell by the many names it's using.With this clown here on HP FOLKS it's hard to communicate so be careful. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 3:06 pm: |      |
"White America still wants to rule Black America." I don't think this is a racist statement. No, nothing like that. Advocating "Black Power", that's not racist either. Oh, er, uh, .... maybe...maybe it is racist? But black people can't be racist, right? |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 7:09 pm: |      |
stop trying to hold the white man down. |
Black Power
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 7:54 pm: |      |
Anonymous I guess you would get your thrill if there was another conflict like the the 1960's & 1970's huh? Whites will never be able to out think or out smart the Black man.You should tell this to your white people who is in Cass Corridor to put the crack pipe down,and stop smoking crack (this includes you).Thanks for turning a good website into a racist site. |
African Power
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 9:38 pm: |      |
Black Power Whites hate the truth. Whites still want to rule Blacks. Whites will never be able to out think or out smart the black man. Thanks for turning a good website into a racist site. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 9:49 pm: |      |
Truth will set you free
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 10:47 pm: |      |
Wow Jeff, I'm so impressed. But haven't you been reading? Don't you know that Highland Park is in denial? Detroit too? Isn't it time to start talking about it because not talking about it doesn't make it go away. Detroit and Highland Park have, ironically, become the most racist cities in the United States. Hardly anyone wants to live there. How do you fix it? And I'm not gettin under the rock. I stand on the rock and crow like a rooster, "BLACK RACISM IS RAMPANT". |
Black Power
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 11:20 pm: |      |
Jeff Racism is what's destorying the world today.Especially when there is someone like Anonymous who is using names that his crack is telling him to use to bash Highland Park,and on the other hand I will support the real WilliamX as he battle against racism,and other issues that's keeping Highland Park down.That Urbanator started this crap on this site,and if Blacks don't think that they should speak-out against this online BS,they are sadly mistaken.Also Urbanator is the one who is using these multi personality names t because WilliamX told him or Her that what it's trying to do need to stay in Ferndale,Hazel Park,and Detroit.Jeff I suggest that if you do not like what's going on here,contact Stephen Goodfellow the administrator of this site,and ask him why he have not did something about Urbanator and his clonies.Thank GOD for the rights to express one self,and Urbanator violated WilliamX rights to speak,and the more Urbanator post the more I believe that that his on a LSD trip.Seven screen names in three days,and they are used to project propagenda BS about 911.We all know who is really responsible for 911,and why Iraq is at war.WilliamX you do not have to apologize to nobody when you know you're right.Highland Park will never fall to outside bs. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 10:34 pm: |      |
Highland Park will never fall? Hasn't it already done so? It went into receivership, it has a State appointed manager. The mayor has no power. The council has no power. The city government is a false perception. The same thing is about to happen to Detroit. Detroit used to be fun, safe and great. Highland Park used to be very nice place to live. Look at them now. What happened? |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 6:38 pm: |      |
No more anonymous! |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 7:06 pm: |      |
Who's on 1st... What's on 2nd... the original topic for discussion was the Detroit News Editorial opinion (NOT URBANATORS) that Detroit should take over Highland Park. Who's posting under what name... I don't know! "Urbanator is the one who is using these multi personality names ...the more Urbanator post the more I believe that that his on a LSD trip." Black Power: Someone else is multi-user posting... got everyone off topic and kept you from writing TO the Detroit News and telling them how wrong they got it. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 7:11 pm: |      |
The best hope for Highland Park is not to be absorbed into Detroit. Detroit is a failed city like Highland Park only bigger. The best thing for Detroit and Highland Park would be to get absorbed into Canada. Either that or one of the more successful outlying suburbs like Birmingham or Auburn Hills. Do you think the people of Highland Park would vote for white leadership? |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 7:25 pm: |      |
In my opinion: Highland Park has the ability and right to remain Highland Park. Regarding voting for "white leadership" about simply VOTING for leadership. |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 8:34 pm: |      |
stop trying to hold the white man down. |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 11:38 pm: |      |
Anyone know off hand; Current HP millage rate Budget (and staffing numbers) for HP FD Amount paid to Wayne CO for PD |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 9:39 pm: |      |
Urbanator--Look man, HP has 16,700 residents with a median annual income of only $17000 per year. Sure it can remain Highland Park and probably always will but who do we need running it. If it is to survive, it must have an influx of people with higher incomes to pay the amount of tax required to keep a city running. Something RADICAL has to happen. Let's make a deal with the Immigration and Naturalization Service to give green cards to a diverse but select group of foreigners who agree to live in and position their businesses in Highland Park. Hard working Chinese, Indians, Nigerians, Philippinos, Koreans, Indonesians, Kenyans, Hondurans, etc. would pay a lot for lottery tickets sold by the City of Highland Park for the opportunity to start new lives in the land of the free in Highland Park. They would buy homes in HP, start businesses in HP, pay taxes in HP, and hire Highland Parkers. It might work and is worth a try. The lottery ticket sales could finance the reconstruction of city services and infrastructure. |
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 10:27 pm: |      |
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 10:30 pm: |      |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 - 10:53 pm: |      |
Jeff--Why not? |
Mr. Visitor
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 8:07 am: |      |
For what it's worth, three things I totally disagree with. 1. I totally disagree that Highland Park should ever be merged into Detroit. The very flavor and nature of Highland park would be lost forever and even though Highland Park has experienced some rough times, I certainly believe it is on it's way back up. 2. I also totally disagree that the City of Highland Park needs it's own Public Safety Department back in operation. If you look to other communitites in Oakland, Macomb and now Wayne County, contracting with the Sheriff's Department makes both economic and logistical sense. Can anyone really name a single, non-emotional, benefit of having HPPD back? In these days post 9/11, sharing of Police resourses and pooling of operations has become a must. No community these days will be able to be an island unto it's self for long. Don't take my word for it....ask Mt. Clemens. If you look to the West coast (which is approximately 10 years ahead of us in terms of law-enforcement) contracting with the Sheriff's Departments to provide service is common place not the exception. It's time to get progressive and go with what works, not what makes communities go broke. 3. I feel that after the "white devil" posting by whomever is using the screen name "Williamx", the moderator of this forum should put "williamx" out of this forum permenantly.
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 4:15 pm: |      |
Dr. Truth
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 8:53 pm: |      |
To Mr. Visitor--Thanks for your opinion but number 3 is totally bogus. For the life of me, I can't understand why people on this website are always trying to get other people thrown off. It's part of the reason you're allowed to post anonymously that allows people to perhaps say what they really think. Everyone who regularly visits this site understands that William X has some unresolved issues but it's no reason to ban him from the site. How else would dialogue occur? |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 9:30 pm: |      |
hahahahaha Mr Visitor your white multi screen name will leave before me.Dr Truth and Mr Visitor when will your multi personalities rest? You are only making yourself look like a damn fool posting to yourself.Again I WILLIAM X will never leave this site,and I have my grounds to smoke your multi personalities butt anytime I choose to do so just as long as I am in the right Dr Truth aka Mr Visitor in reality I know you are one bitter lonely man.It shows everytime you submit a post.Myself I enjoy seeing your dumbass posting to yourself.In closing it would be a damn shame if you are a Black person pretending to be white, and bad mouthing a City in which I bet $500 to your $5 you isn't brave enough to attack one of us in reality only on a damn machine with your sorry ass.This is making me mad as hell,and to think Stephen you allow this to go on.Dr Truth catch me on location anytime you want to,and remember I don't run,backdown or off,and I don't scare easy. |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 9:49 pm: |      |
WilliamX--You probably won't believe this but I'm not Mr. Visitor. And you don't want to be walking around with $500 in Highland Park. You're right about one thing, I will leave this site before you. I thought I could get you to lead the blockade but all I see is you're an angry black man afraid that outsiders (whites) might come in and fix what you can't fix and won't let be fixed. You'd destroy it again before you'd let anybody fix it. You're sick but it's still not reason enough to kick you off the site. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 10:32 pm: |      |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:56 am: |      |
Public safety is more than cops on the street... abandoned burned out buildings need to go, hydrants need to work and lighting shouldn't be moonlight. No ignoring current policy is flawed. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 7:03 am: |      |
Dr. Truth. Funds, staffing and budget are simply a mental starting point... Factual information is hard to come by. Tax base needs more than housing to survive... if you are really bored I'll post a bunch of links... Back later
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 3:21 pm: |      |
urbanator--How do the numbers add up? The truth is with the money and its more than a mental starting point. Those that manage stuff manage stuff but those that manage money, manage everything. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 3:59 pm: |      |
The numbers don't add up, they gang up. City web site had the financials... more than a few people should be serving time in Club Fed. For me, numbers are a starting point. 004CityofHighlandParkFinancials.pdf The government’s general operating tax rate for fiscal 2003-04 was 19.9880 mills with an additional 3.9600 and 2.9982 mills levied for judgments and refuse collection, respectively. Public safety - $5,497,484 General Fund cash flow ...crippled by the Water and Sewer Fund’s... outstanding loan ... approximately $4.5 million at June 30, 2004. ...liability in the general fund totaling approximately $8.6 million for income tax refund claims filed by various taxpayers. This includes over $7.0 million of claims filed by Chrysler Corporation (or its successor) for tax years 1985 to the present. Public Act 51 noncompliance... may be assessed a $1.1 million penalty. At June 30, 2004, the balance of the loans and the payments withheld totaled $1,300,956 and $2,033,130, respectively. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:24 pm: |      |
Doctor Truth let me say one thing to you,and any one else can take it for what its worth.I do not fear or kiss NO white persons ass.I do not fear them because they are humans just like me,and there is only one person or being that I do fear and that's the Almighty one.You block the intersection first,and then I might wave at you or stick my middle finger up at you as I drive by.Don't worrie I won't bust a cap in your ass it's not worth it.That's how bad I am Doctor Truth.Ummm the real Urbanator I see you have been doing your homework. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 8:42 pm: |      |
Urbanator is working on research and a migrane... crushing debt that could have should have would have been avoided... some one certainly managed to manage off with the money! Green is the only color I fear. Money (greed) 27 mills already, yet HP's residents take on more tax burden for education and want to re-open a library... other communities worry about "bigfoot homes". The HP web site is very useful (better than many larger communities) but... Mr. WilliamX... do you know off hand the department breakdowns? $5mil for public safety... how much to Wayne, how many firemen, equipment etc.
Brother Andrei
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 12:41 am: |      |
William X--I can tell from your last post that you are a devoted servant of God but why are you a racist? Don't you know you give off a foul and odious odor to the nostrils of God? |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 1:04 am: |      |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 7:47 am: |      |
William X, you be's so cute when you threatens to shoots me! Talk about bad. |
| Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 8:30 am: |      |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 3:07 am: |      |
I know... this isn't "IN" Highland Park... some useful information none the less. ************** 0607002.shtml When city-finance expert Louis Schimmel of Waterford Township spoke to Pontiac officials last week about their budget problems he offered the prospect of a better future, not simply a litany of impending sacrifices. It is one thing to tackle the distasteful task of reducing spending, but quite another to add the happy prospect of coming out of it all far ahead of the game. Schimmel proposed that the city income tax be eliminated and that affordable spending be established with that in mind. If this crisis at City Hall results in the demise of the income tax, it will have been more than worthwhile. The tax makes it much more difficult to attract new employers to Pontiac. The reason is obvious. Their employees don't want to pay the income tax because the odds are they don't have such a levy wherever they live and work. |
| Posted on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 2:55 pm: |      |
Put that H.P. on. |