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| Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 6:04 am: |      |
Would you believe a year later with over 2 Million dollars spent on STUDIES, still no approval to repair the Eight Mile Woodward Bridge? I found this site because of posts from 2004 where you supported your Detroit & suburban neighbors (NOT politicians, planners and developers!) I'd ask for your support to create the FIRST Huron Clinton Metropark in Detroit and what will be the ONLY park you can get to via the bus. The Huron Clinton spokespeople cry about the money, yet they build swamps with underground access (like the gopher tubes at the Detroit Zoo) so kids can see how a swamp works??? No natural water features is not a big deal. We all pay taxes to support the Huron Clinton parks... wouldn't it be nice to have access? Trails, picnic areas, seasonal events for the young kids, a safe place with activities for our older kids (include yourself!) I'd ask Highland Park residents to check out the link: If you're at all interested, we have to move fast! Thanks!!! New account hasn't been approved, so I'm "Anonymous" today and the "Urbanator" tomorrow |
| Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 7:38 pm: |      |
Oh WOW I did not know it take this site administrator two days to approve new users. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 7:57 pm: |      |
After visiting the new website edition of IC.A.R.E,I find it interesting that there is no e-mail or business address to contact you at,and to me that's a form of BS to get your point across to us citizens of Highland Park,and I believe your group tryed to get the Citizens of HIghland Park to support your idea before,and I do not think it went to well.Now a year or two later you have returned again,and the same question remains what and how will Highland Park profit from your idea? Sure Woodward is a thru way from Detroit to Pontiac,which runs through Highland Park,and again how will this city (Highland Park) profit? In closing shouldn't you be trying to get support of the citizens of the surrounding area of the fairgrounds and bridge? Like I said this is the second time ICARE have came to Highland Park.The first time was on this site,and a representive appearred at a City Council Meeting.Highland Park have more serious issues besides taking on a Detroit problem. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 12:40 am: |      |
Two days??? That means best behavior for another 24 hours. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 2:41 pm: |      |
Hahahaha You really trying hard to convince Highland Park to support a State Metro Park.Myself why agree to something that will take more citizens tax dollors when we have parks within the Highland Park city limits,and we still have our neighboring Palmer Park.Will you get a commission for your 4 years of hard work? I hate seeing outsiders always invade Highland Park without using the proper protocol.This year the M-DOT is planning on coming through Highland Park to repave Woodward from Tennyson (on the south) to Six Mile (on the north,beyond neither streets is Detroit property.It seems that all the outsiders is doing is thinking about visitors driving up & down Woodward.What about the neighborhood streets?The ONLY reason why white folks is fixing up Woodward from Hart Plaza to Pontiac is because of the superbowl (what a big front).However just as long as Highland Park gets some of that revenue it's fine with me,but anything else under minded I am not for that. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 6:55 pm: |      |
Mr. AkbarX: This is the first opportunity I’ve had to reach out to Highland Park.. Hold on…let me finish counting my fingers.. 2- 4 - 6 - 8... All there! ICAREII e-mail is on the web site: You have a council to fill you in on future Woodward Avenue road work funding being jeopardized if the bridge is removed. My post was positive, informative and most important… didn’t tell you how to think with regards to a HCMA State Fair Metropark. Here’s my e-mail address should you decide information is your friend: Mr. WilliamX: Wow. You really need to work on those people skills. Huron Clinton Metropark Authority. Check your County tax bill. You’ve been funding the parks over 40 years and have to drive over 45 minutes to the closest HCMA. The HCMA site is very slow today… link on the ICAREII home page: Budget cuts have gutted most municipal recreational programs… HCMA would offer educational opportunity for our children... interaction with animals currently includes Royaloakhuntingtonwoods Zoo and the mounted police. You made some wildly inaccurate assumptions about me, my intentions and I won’t let this one slide. The decision to authorize the Woodward road work was made YEARS before Detroit secured the stupid bowl. What revenue are you expecting? Road repairs haven’t been known to work economic miracles. Protocol? I respectfully provided information for you to consider Please accept my apology for spending countless volunteer hours to protect our State Fair. You nailed it, my commission is priceless… opportunity and a legacy for our children… |
| Posted on Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 8:23 pm: |      | My mistake... |
| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 7:42 pm: |      |
Urbanator. Believe me there is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work.Sure the City of Highland Park City Council members are indeed the top of the line administration staff as far as I am concern.However the Council and I exchange information concerning any public information or community issues.As a Community Activist I do not only work with the council I work very hrad with the citizens too.Speaking about making assumptions about you and your intentions What you do is your business,but you seem to have HIghland Park confusioned with Detroit,and may I remind you that HIghland Park city limits is at Six MIle not Eight MIle.Sure every Highland Parker is concerned about ALL roads in the City of Highland Park,and one of my concerns is why honor a man who owned slaves?,and one thing that I know (even if I am wrong) every street east of Woodward was in the same clique Mr Woodward was associated with,and to answer you question (What revenue am I expecting for road repairs)? Well for your 411 M-DOT will be coming through Highland Park to repave Woodward from Tennyson up to Six Mile.In closing Highland Park isn't getting any money from the Woodward/Eight Mile bridge,or the State Fairgrounds.However_However Highland Park is just like Detroit we get some fundings from the County,and the State. Case Close. |
| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 9:29 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX. I was born in Highland Park and am angry to see Highland Park treated like the region's bastard step-child. I'm waving a white flag and gently suggesting you have neighbors who will raise their voices with yours. MDOT repair roads, your section of Woodward was scheduled for FY05. Nothing more, nothing less. If the bridge comes down, people will lose their homes to redevelopment. If you aren't concerned for your neighbors then how about your personal property and wallet. The State Fairgrounds property is State Land... belongs to every Michigan resident and was never intended to "make money" but unless citizens speak up, there's a good chance some politically connected developer will be handed the property. The Bridge isn't making HP money, but you've paid a significant portion of the study price tag (4MIL)... HP will help foot a $24+MIL demolition price tag. Chief Pontiac has a town named after him, small comfort! Urbanator |
| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 11:19 pm: |      |
Mention must be made of his judicial personality, and I think the best way to describe it is to tell you about two cases he decided, which I will call the Dennison case and the Pattison case. Both involved the issue of slavery. Woodward's personal opinion about the institution of slavery fairly leaps from the pages of his biography. In this territory, he said, slavery is absolutely and peremptorily forbidden. Nothing can reflect higher honor on the American government than this interdiction. mmaterials/detroitsstory/b4.pdf+woodward+avenue+de troit+Judge+Augustus+B.+Woodward&hl=en&client=fire fox-a The slave trade is unquestionably the greatest of the enormities that have been perpetrated by the human race. The existence at this day of an absolute and unqualified slavery of the human species in the United States of America is universally and justly considered their greatest and deepest reproach. Urbanator |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 6:35 pm: |      |
No more anonymous! |
Doctor Truth
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 6:45 pm: |      |
Urbanator--Highland Parker says that William X lacks the courage to organize an I-75 blockade to bring attention to the fact we're all slaves as long as fascists rule and democracy is corrupted by controlling the media to prevent people from knowing the truth that 911 was an iside job ( Why bring attention to past crimes and past slavery? Why not focus attention on the plight of the slaves we are today. Is it easier and safer to go along and accept the lie like WilliamX???? |
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 7:18 pm: |      |
Dr. Truth: I responded: "one of my concerns is why honor a man who owned slaves?,and one thing that I know (even if I am wrong) every street east of Woodward was in the same clique Mr Woodward was associated with" If I stand in freeway traffic it will be to draw attention to Highland Park's needs. |