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Justin Follebout
| Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2005 - 10:02 pm: |      |
People of H.P., I am writing to inform you and hopefully gauge an interest in a meeting that employees of Fort Street Presbyterian Church in Detroit are having at St. Benedict's Community Center on April 15th. The gathering is open to anyone of H.P. and will simply be used as a way to get to know residents and thier needs/ concerns about the well-being of their city for possible utilization and future programming at the St. Benedict's Community Center. There will be food and no obligation to commit or do anything, but some people on this site seem very active and interested in a variety of important topics so I thought this would be a good way to let people know what's doin. In the event I see a generated interest level I will post my e-mail and respond to comments and concerns regarding this meeting. Take care and please feel free to post a reply or attend the gathering. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2005 - 7:46 pm: |      |
St Benedict is a Highland Park landmark and one of our community centers.To speak for myself I don't not believe that we (HIghland Park) need anymore outside people to come to Highland Park to show us anything.People in the Highland Park community all have a mind of their own,and all due respect outsiders is our biggest problem here in Highland Park now.Your program you have planned at St Benedict's community center,have you shared that with the City of Detroit? Detroit needs more help then we do.I am just posting my opinion as a Community Activist here in Highland Park,there's no hard feelings Good Luck |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Saturday, April 16, 2005 - 3:27 pm: |      |
My Brotyher William, had not seen any post's from you in awhille, glad to see your still alive and kickin. I cant agree with you more, let H.P. take care of here self, let Detroit take care of it's self. |
| Posted on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 8:56 pm: |      |
Brother Tom, yep I am still around town,but it's beginning to make me sick,and anything(including people) it's time to step in another direction.I see what is this city's biggest problem,and being raised in Highland Park was a honor,and now I just don't know.Outsiders is coming into Highland Park like flies,and they are taking over while citizens is seeking answers from City officials, and can't get a simple yes or no answer.Trash an Garbage is all over the streets and alleys.The City is full of NWA people who needs a change in attitudes,and it seem like nobody seem to care about anything but the outsiders who is in the pre-planned stage to run this city the way they want is ran.I have been calling City Hall one full week just to get a yes or no answer concerning something that would join the officials and citizens together,and still haven't received a simple answer yet.But let there be something another race can benefit from there's answers coming out of the woodwork.Until the people we vote into office change their attitudes this City will lose more and more people.You see people from Detroit is telling Highland Park what they think should be done,and they can't change their own City.In closing Citizens don't let your guards down for nobody,and until the day I leave Highland Park also I will continue fighting.Most of you can take this to the bank. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 12:41 pm: |      |
| Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 12:09 am: |      |
what an interesting exchange - akbarx & hilliard - spirited - kinda glad i stumbled on this site - my position mirrors yours akbarx - we can feel it in our bones and souls, we know the moves, we've witnessed them before - next comes divide and conquer - planing should be our first priority or we'll have things planned for us - and questions will be asked later - hilliards group means well for hillliards group, . keep watch and eyes on the prize. peace quickly! |
Thomas hilliard
| Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 1:24 pm: |      |
jawa,glad that you stumbled into this forum, but I didn't understand what you meant by Hilliard's group means well, fo Hilliard's group, would you please explain it, for me. Thank's. |
| Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 9:28 pm: |      |
To Jawa. Thanks for the spiritual uplift.Life is to short,and some of us is getting to old,and we do not know when our number will be called.Jawa I been apart of Highland Park for the past 38 years,and then when I got grown I moved on,but Highland Park was still a special part of my life style,and I returned to the City that I call home 2 years ago,and I have been active in the community to help make a change.The everyday crisis and issues here on the homefront I attack them without the help of the community organization that I hold the chair position.The most major problem is the citizens not pulling together to comeback these crisis,and being raised in a well trained household I learned that in this world there is no big I's or little u's,we are all in this together.You are right organizing and planning is the top two priorities in order to get anything done.Here in Highland Park they are building houses for the rich,damm the low income citizens,and the poor ones who survive daily on hope.My biggest issue here in the community is street curb and alley trash,and it's a shame how the human race have losted respect for each other,not to mention the neighborhoods.Jawa,I know my name is everywhere on this site,but it's my rights to express my opinions,and to let my voice be heard.In closing we all should try a interesting exchange,and maybe we can work together to get things done. Many Thanks. |