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Message |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 12:50 pm: |      |
The problem? Leaks around flashing and other outcroppings on the roof are allowing water to travel down through the building's structure destroying plaster and paint, compromising wiring systems and contributing mold and mildew growth. The solution? As we all know, the city doesn't have the money or the workforce to repair our historic building, so we (the library commissioners) are asking that businesses and residents help in any way you can. Time, money or materials are all needed. Can you donate buckets of tar or rolls of roofing material? How about flashing? Can you donate your expertise in roof repair? Tools? Lemonade for the workers? Arrange for a dumpster and help pay for the removal of the worn out tarp and roof debris? If we break down the project into its parts, the big problem becomes a bunch of solvable smaller problems. The businesses of Manchester/Oakland/Victor Business District have offered some help: labor and machinery to get the roofing materials up onto the roof. It's a great start! Can you help us achieve the rest? Our target date is July 12 for the work party. Call me at 313-867-8673 or contact me at for info and offers of assistance. Our children's future is in our library! Once we get the roof repaired, we can plan and implement for that future. Katherine Clarkson President McGregor Library Commission |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 7:47 pm: |      |
Katherine, My roofer friend Marvin Rieli - beeper 313 338 9906 Leave your phone number with him, he'll call back, - could conceivably be talked into estimating the job so that you'll at least know what the damage is and what materials are needed. Thinks - what if we were to offer an incentive to the roofer or roofers that volunteer to restore HP historical buildings? I'm thinking we yould place them on the site in a list of preferred contractors? |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Monday, July 14, 2003 - 11:09 pm: |      |
McGregor Library Clean Up. Saturday, July 26. We'll start at 9:00 a.m. and gather in the parking lot of the library. Bring whatever tools you can--rakes, shovels, edgers, trash bags, gloves, gas powered weedwackers, gas powered hedge trimmers, pruning shears, bottled water and whatever else occurs to you. Woodward Manchester Corp. is providing the dumpster. After we get the grounds under control, we want to clean up the interior--there's peeling paint and plaster and over a year's worth of dust. The goal is to get the library reopened this fall. Call me at 313-867-8673 to coordinate our activities.
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - 2:28 am: |      |
Katherine, Placed the call to action on the site home page, under news: |
| Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2003 - 5:35 am: |      |
Have you considered starting a group similar to the "Greening of Detroit" gang? It would not only help the library but other areas of Highland Park as well. Just a thought.
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2003 - 10:56 am: |      |
Hi, I checked out how Detroit is improving the quality of life through the "Greening of Detroit" Very impresive! I've added it to our links: |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 5:05 pm: |      |
Just an update on the library--Wayne county Sheriff's Operation Pride workforce has been to the library 3 times in the past two weeks cleaning up the trash, weeding, pruning and trimming the hedges. We haven't finished trimming the hedges yet (it's slow when you can only use manual clippers!) but they're coming back to do that soon. We also went inside and re-taped the plastic sheeting over the bookshelves. Next item on the agenda is to sweep up the fallen plaster and paint chips and mop the floors. Does anyone know a good locksmith who could/would do a pro bono rekeying job for us? Several rooms in the library have lost their keys and we can't get in to take care of them. As to reopening the library, I am working on the possibility of restructuring the library as a district (rather than a city) library which will provide new funding sources. Takes a lot of time to accomplish though. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 10:55 pm: |      |
Katherine, (This is a little off the subject, but...) should we be ragging on Martha Scott to get our Historical designation up and running? My wife was asking. |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Friday, August 22, 2003 - 10:20 am: |      |
What historical designation? Did you mean historical ordinance? We have national designations for 700 houses and the McGregor Library, what we don't have is local designation. And yes, we can contact Martha and her staff--Darnell Dickerson is probably the guy--and I'd be very happy if you or your wife would make the call--I'm getting overwhelmed with projects again. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 8:53 am: |      |
Understood - You put a LOT of effort into keeping this city turning over. You wouldn't happen to have Darnell Dickerson's phone number? |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 7:18 pm: |      |
Yup, Darnelle is Sen. Scott's chief of staff: 1-800-726-8878, fax is 517-373-1387 and the main phone # is 517-373-5370. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:34 am: |      |
Thanks Katherine, I'll give him a call next week. |
| Posted on Sunday, December 09, 2007 - 3:21 pm: |      |
Katherine: Was reading the communication about the McGregor Library Clean-up. What's the difference or issue on whether the library is on a national historical list vs a local list. Is this an issue on repairing the roof or flashing,or fascia,etc. Luke-warm moral supporter' |
Katherine Clarkson
| Posted on Sunday, December 09, 2007 - 5:25 pm: |      |
To Anonymous: The difference between national and local listings is tax credit eligibility. Federal income tax credit eligibility depends upon whether the structure is income producing--which the library is not. Michigan income tax credit eligibility requires that the structure be located in a city with a local historic ordinance, which Highland Park does not have. I'm not sure if the library would be eligible to sell it's tax credits to tax paying entities--will need to check with the State Historic Preservation Office. Quick answer tho, the library is already listed on the national register and no, that doesn't have much, if anything to do with repairs to the library. A major corporate donor is interested in repairing the roof, but must be assured by our actions that the library will be reopened in a reasonable (unspecified) period of time--so we gotta figure out a way to finance the operation of the library. I think that can be done by merging with the school district and creating a district library rather than a city library. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 9:24 am: |      |
Dear Katherine Clarkson.I have been reading your posts here on HPFOLKS,and I was wondering was you at the last Cleanup on July 31th,2004? To get this city back on it's feet it takes more then just talk.I am NOT dis respecting you in no kind of way,but I was just reading the posts you have written.I was there at the library cleanup that took place,and before that I was at the City Hall cleanup too.I have created a idea that could re-open the library,and I have shared that plan with a City Councilmember,and I believe that she will get the idea off the ground.In your last post you mentioned we need to figure out a way to finance the operation of the library.Merging the school district is NOT the answer.The school district is in trouble itself.So how can it save the library? You can contact me at this e-mail address if you like WilliamAkbar@Aol.Com Believe me this idea will work to re-open the library.But like you said it takes financial funds not just talk. |
William AkbarX
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 8:22 pm: |      |
This is really funny to know that Scott and Dickerson,is a team to establish a historical marker for the library.Highland Parkers hold your breath.Research their past track record,and see if they have tryed to do anything to help reopen the library but talk. |