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Message |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 9:48 pm: |      |
Highland Parkers. Nothing has changed with the library status.It's the same as it was a few months ago,but since then a request for a grant to repair the library roof have been submitted,and is awaiting for approval.I sit on the McGregor Library Steering Committee along with a few more citizens who is concerned about the library,and we are working with the City to seek ways to re-open our City's jewel.Whenever there will be news to announce HIghland Parkers will be the first to know the information.The local news media have been doing a real good job at bad mouthing Highland Park,and I am one citizen who will protest anything bad that's published.Thanks Mr Parks for joining the battle to re-open the library.Come support the re-opening of the library.Because it seems that people wait for the work to be finished,and then want to take credit. Remember that. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2005 - 1:53 pm: |      |
if the library re open, let it do so as a building for all the people and as a public library.pearson and the parks people are the one,s that closed the place or had a hand in not wanting the people of highlandpark to have a learning center for the kid, question will the library be maned by people of highlandpark or by your friends from landsing..william |
| Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2005 - 7:35 pm: |      |
LoL @ My friends from Landsing.Is Landsing the rich section of Highland Park? Oh I always thought the Lansing was the neighborhood by the Library.Anonymous believe me I find out today (4-7-2005) that the library problem was here long before Pearson or Parks arrived here.However I will say the library problem possibly was created by misused funds and unpaid bills.The City officials at the time of the downfall is resposible for this mess.Because I am sure there was officials that seen what was going on,and seen who was doing what.Anonymous I believe the problem will soon be solved,and it will take the community's support to help the assigned committee do what is needed to re-open the library.There have been two attempts to keep the library alive,and both attempts was a failer,and both groups became un-interested. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 7:29 am: |      |
Metro Times Article:,1607,7-136-34 52-118929--,00.html Parks and an appointed steering committee have considered partnering with the Highland Park school district to fund the library. But these are lean times for schools as well. Forming a district library plan by partnering with surrounding communities to share the library’s costs is another idea that’s been discussed. But the most likely partners, Detroit and Hamtramck, are themselves facing dire financial situations, so the likelihood of that happening at this point seems remote. “Every city should have its own library,” Walker says, “especially a city like Highland Park.”
William X
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 10:29 am: |      |
Urbanator. Where did you get that information from the Parks and the Steering Committee is considering partnership with the Highland Park Public Schools? See this is what I mean by people posting BS that they do not know what they are talking about.I will send Mr Parks a copy of your post,and I will also see what he have to say about your post.You right every city should have its own library.Especially Highland Park? The Detroit Library system is in bad shape too.One thing that I admire Dennis Archer for was when he told the media that he would sue them if they made one mistake and print something false about him.Oh here is a closing suggestion I am on the Steering committee for the library,and since you have all of the resources get off the internet and come join us.I love to see people who show action as they talk. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 2:36 pm: |      |
I was in too much of a hurry this morning... wrong link! Metro Times... editorial: Did the Metro Times contact you or other Steering Committee members for comment? You know darn well I don't have any resources, but my "outside" perspective is looking at the same problems from a different direction. Tied to the PC right now, but would welcome the opportunity to help out where needed... |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 3:23 pm: |      |
Direct link: 731 Mr. WilliamX. Would you please e-mail me @
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 5:19 pm: |      |
LoL Urbanator I find you very interesting.However I am wondering if it's safe to e-mail you without you causing trouble on my ISP? I do not deal with MetroTimes thereforth I have no reason to talk about the library to MetroTimes.I do read articles from MetroTimes whenever its brought to my attention,especially when the reporter is bad mouthing Highland Park,or anything to do with Highland Park.I do have resources to whatever goes on the Library Steering Committee (not the library task force), and since Mr Blackwell is in the driver's seat the McGregor Library will come alive again. WATCH FOR THE RE GRAND OPENING of the Library hopefully within the next up-coming year if not before the year is up. I have a motto that goes like this If you can't trust your own people,then who can you trust? Working mentally & physically to help make a better HIghland Park. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 5:38 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: I'd started an e-mail to you c/o Mr. Goodfellow... this way you don't have to worry about your ISP or privacy! I am interesting... ask anyone who knows me
William X
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 10:36 pm: |      |
Don't e-mail me by means of Goodfellow because I don't trust him after all this BS he have allowed on this site.You are interesting...ask anyone who knows you? You must be friends to the whites who is trying to take Highland Park over no offense.Oh sorry there is some Blacks in Highland Park who is willing to give Highland Park over to the outsiders.This is the internet and the internet is still govern by laws,and if a server like yahoo can be sued for slandering and showing nude pictures,little site would be damaged more.I am not the one to be joked or played with. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 10:52 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX ? Civil to snide in a few hours... what happened? So I'm not ready for the Comedy Castle. I wasn't sure you'd contact me by e-mail and was trying to respect your privacy! E-mail sent already, please inform if I should ask Mr. Goodfellow to disregard. |
William X
| Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 12:36 pm: |      |
Okay Urbanator Your point in contacting me? Anyone who uses annonymous is dangerous,wannabe sneaky,and is up to no good,and that isn't the case what do anyone have to hide? It's sad that in today's society nobody can be trusted,especially here on the internet.I devote to much of my private time battling some of the crisis that's here in Highland Park,which means I do not have time to worrie about this crap on the internet or this site.There is guidelines that's within the law that both of my organizations,and I operate under when it comes to the community. However Urbanator I do not take you as a joke,and I suggest you do the same about me. |
| Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 1:47 pm: |      |
William X ...BAD WilliamX ...GOOD I don't know if there are two posters or one seriously split personality. My point was to provide you and the Steering Committee information about a potential Library funding source that is new.
William X
| Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 6:58 pm: |      |
Well Urbanator. You can repect me enough to call me Mr No-Nonsenses that's how my mental balance works.I strongly believe in to get respect one must give respect.Again, the only safety way I can suggest for you to communicate with me is someone that you and I both know here in Highland Park.I take my position of the Steering Committee very serious due to the fact its a mission to assist the City in re-opening the McGregor Library. This is something that I do in my free time towards putting something back into the community,and it seems to me that the mission is part of my everyday functions. You seem smart and slick enough in the mind to figure a way for us to communicate,and within a few weeks hopefully I will get the go ahead from Mr Blackwell to start back holding the Steering Committe meetings,and I do believe that at that time things will be re organized,and in operation again.To ease your mind William X is short for William AkbarX with your permission since you seem to make statement concerning me having two personalities.If you like you can call me RobinHoodX I am against the rich who dogs the poor Hahahahaha. |
William X
| Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 7:06 pm: |      |
OH I FORGOT. I have no friends in Lansing I just happen to know people who is on the state level of government,and if anyone is sent from Lansing to Highland Park they better come rightFrom the President of the United Snakes of Murders down to the City Adminstration level our votes is what put them in office.So sure I have friends in Lansing and they are powerful,and they are in power because I voted for them to service the people and me. You got that Anonymous? |
Brother Andrei
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 12:47 am: |      |
William X-- Get off this website and please depart Highland Park. You're a nutcase and embarassment to the entire black community. It's exactly because of the interference of windbags like you that we've been unable to accomplish anything in Highland Park. The rants of a hundred William X's couldn't get the McGregor Library open again. The McGregor Library is a monument to the incompetence, corruption and racism of the black community in Highland Park. All of Detroit is soon becoming a similar monument. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 2:55 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX. Enough already with the name calling. Please. My time also has value with much of it currently wasted chasing down information you should know same as I have facts about the bridge or DIFT. Think back 10, 15 years... did you ever imagine Highland Park as it is now? I'm looking at 20 years of theft; neglect and abuse at once ... can't imagine patiently waiting for someone to say start the "Steering Committee"?
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 11:20 am: |      |
Damn Doctor Truth and you other multi personalities.Now you have created Brother Andrei, and each time you are making yourself look like a damn fool.If you want me to leave this site make me,or shut the F___k up. |
William X
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 11:30 am: |      |
Urbanator, I am happy that you are in the government on the state level,and you do not have to chase down nothing if you don't want to that's on you.Think back years ago? why would I want to do that when we are in the here and now peroid of our lifes.Well Urbanator I can't think of a better candidate to start something that would help to set Highland Park back to the way it was then you.Also since your mind is going back in time think who was in office here in Highland Park when all hell broke aloose.Do you know what the exact functions of a Steering Committee or a Task Force? Hey whenever you make some valid points believe me I read them,and here recently you have been making some valid points. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 1:13 pm: |      |
William X, aka William Green, aka Black Power, aka Thomas Hilliard, aka anonymous. Why do you use so many names? Where do you live so I can come over shut you up? |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 4:13 pm: |      |
Mr. WilliamX. I'm a private citizen who has served enough time on them to figure out most boards, commissions, task forces, panels etc. are nothing more than the minimum legal requirement to show public participation. ...Parks recently allocated nearly $160,000 to repair the structure’s porous roof... is confident the amount allocated for repairs is adequate to do a good job this time. No contractor has been hired yet, but Parks expects the work to be completed by fall. Parks and an appointed steering committee have considered partnering with the Highland Park school district to fund the library... 731 Mr. Parks was probably mis-quoted, so, when do you start meeting? Who sets the agenda? Where did the $160,000 guestimate come from? When will a contractor be hired? Here and now didn't happen in one day... same game, different players... What's the expression; those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it... If appointed, I'll hire an accounting firm outside the Country to do a forensic audit. When completed I'll hand deliver to the State Attorney General then resign.
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 7:48 pm: |      |
Urbanator Mr Blackwell is the man who runs everything,and we dance by his music.Same game? Grown people do not play games when it comes to other people families,and individual lifes.I see Parks is still kissing the media behind after the media have did damage by bad mouthing Highland Park,and like you said Parks might have stated one thing,and the reporter took it and ran with it.You're a private citizen who served where? here in Highland Park or where you stay? |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 11:30 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX: “Mr Blackwell is the man who runs everything, and we dance by his music” …that’s a fact. Grown people play games and make decisions without regard for other’s families and lives all the time… lot’s of games played right here in this forum! The Metro Times article read like Mr. Parks wasn’t really trying and had no expectations the Library would re-open … reporter set that tone. You wrote, “I am happy that you are in the government on the state level” …never been a government employee, served local to state level. |
Earl Ofari Hutchinson
| Posted on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 10:27 pm: |      |
In the Pittsburgh suburb of Wilkinsburg, Joseph Kroll, a middle-aged maintenance man, was busily going about his repair duties in the apartment building where he worked. Joseph Healey, an elderly former Catholic priest, was enjoying a bite to eat at a nearby Burger King restaurant. Emil Sanitelevici, a physics student at the University of Pittsburgh, and two other men were eating at a nearby McDonald's restaurant. Then, in a moment of rage, Ronald Taylor gunned down Healey, Kroll and Sanitelevici and seriously wounded the other two men. These heinous killings almost certainly were racially motivated: Taylor is black; the three men killed and the two men wounded were white. But unlike after other hate crimes, no black leader or organization immediately rushed forth to vigorously denounce the shootings. There was no expression of outrage from black communities, and there was no demand that Taylor be harshly prosecuted under the federal civil rights hate crimes act if he shot the men because they were white. Worse, some blacks quietly shrugged off the killings with the bitter remark that whites have been killing blacks for years and getting away with it, and that there has been no massive explosion of white outrage at the lax treatment of white killers. The deafening silence by blacks on this apparent racial outrage against whites instantly drew shouts from some whites that blacks are hypocrites and have a double standard when victims are whites. They're not totally wrong. Black leaders and organizations should have quickly condemned the shootings. The victims of Taylor's rampage were innocents who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and were shot because they were white. Blacks must mourn these murders as passionately as they do those of black victims of white attacks and just as passionately call for the harshest punishment of the killer(s). The great strength of the civil rights movement was that it seized and maintained the moral high ground by never stooping to ape the violence of white racists. But the Taylor shooting spree is deeply troubling for another reason. While it is a grotesque and extreme example of racial violence, it is hardly an aberration. More whites than ever are the targets of racially motivated attacks by blacks. True, some of the attacks against whites by blacks are for their money and valuables. Others are revenge assaults by blacks for real or imagined racial insults. It is equally true that the vast majority of violent crimes against whites are committed by other whites, while the vast majority of violent crimes against blacks are committed by other blacks. Yet even after discounting crimes that are hastily and erroneously tagged as racially motivated, many blacks do attack whites because they are white. A Justice Department study in 1998 confirmed that nearly 20 percent of the hate crimes examined were committed against whites by black attackers. And the Southern Poverty Law Center has noted that black-on-white violence soared during the 1990s. A motley collection of white supremacists and rightist extremist groups has eagerly made black-on-white violence a wedge issue in their crusade to paint blacks as the prime racial hatemongers in America. Avowed white supremacist David Duke instantly screamed that Taylor's carnage proves that whites are under assault from lawless blacks and that the federal government won't protect them. The New Century Foundation, an ultraconservative think tank, has launched a full-blown national campaign to alert whites to the danger of hate crimes committed by blacks. It uses the issue of black hate crimes to rationalize and bankroll its research into alleged genetic defects among blacks. These groups and individuals relentlessly magnify black hate crimes to oppose affirmative action programs, stronger hate crime laws and various social programs; to downplay or justify the proliferation of white-supremacist-tinged paramilitary groups, police violence and racial profiling; and to lobby strenuously for more prisons and police and tougher laws. Black-on-white violence also reinforces whites' fears of blacks as the ultimate menace to society. The Taylor onslaught claimed innocent lives and caused monumental pain and suffering to the victims' families and friends. It dangerously heightens racial distrust and poisons racial attitudes. When blacks say or do nothing about these attacks, it is taken by some as a tacit signal that blacks put less value on white lives than on black lives -- a terrible price to pay for black silence on black hate crimes.
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 5:24 pm: |      |
Urbanator Mr Blackwell can wax Mr Parks anytime he choose to do so.However by Mr Parks coming into the City by the means of Ramona Pearson Mr Parks is needed to be around for a while.However the Media do not run shit here in Highland Park,and the only people who love the media spotlight is Whites who have a Black staff,or the ones who you see all the time (including Blacks so they can get patted on the head)are Whites and Uncle Toms who fooled the Citizens of Highland Park,by making them think the homes in North Pointe was to bring more city taxes to the city that's crap.So until Highland Park citizens wake up and really wake up to smell the smoke,we will continue to be misleaded.Ofari!!! Sorry Sir but this isn't Pittburgh,and the only thing that we have in common with Pittsburgh is you whites is smogging the air. |
A. Idris Palmer
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 8:22 pm: |      |
William X--How much would the City of Highland Park have to pay to get you to move somewhere far away and never come back? I'm thinking it would be a good idea because you are obviously a moron if you don't think North Pointe is good for Highland Park. Here we have the first real redevelopment project and you attack it because you think it will only benefit outsiders instead of the remaining 16000 Highland Parkers that were either too stupid or too poor to move along with the rest. Don't you know if you put the existing population into that new housing that it will be wrecked within two years? Don't you know they won't have any abilty to pay any additional tax? Why do you think Highland Parkers should get something for nothing? Is it because at the root of it you are a thief? |
thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 3:46 pm: |      |
Palmer, if by moving in, outsiders could help[ H.P. with her problems, is one thing. But by moving in, and having there need's taken care of firs't, is just wrong. Most people who are from H.P. either living in H.P. or not, just want her dignty brought back. Not have trash everywhere, no police protection, no fire protection, the streets not maintained, etc, etc,.I was born in H.P. lived in H.P. for close to 35years, until I had to move, for family reasons, and still care for her, even though, I don't live there anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach, to read all the verbal sparring, on this web site. Whit, Black, Hispanic, Orental, we need to stop bitchin,get togehter, and help our H.P.To HELL WITH DETROIT, let's take care of OUR FAMILY FIRST.!!!! |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 3:59 pm: |      |
This is how it works. New higher paid blood moves into those new homes at North Pointe because they are attracted to the value and opportunity just like you when your family first moved to H.P. If done right, hardworking, honest and good people buy those homes and begin paying the property taxes associated with them. Being higher paid they are probably better educated and more influential with local and state government and therefore more effective in attracting and preserving the good within Highland Park while eliminating the bad. Small businesses begin to sprout in H.P. because they too are attracted to the perceptible change happening in H.P. A snowballing effect begins where investors build more houses and more businesses and entire neighborhoods are restored. The current population benefits from the rising tide too. Jobs get generated. Trash begins regular pickup because the city pays its bills because they have the tax base to do so. Crime goes down, streets get fixed, good government gets elected. There ain't no free lunch. You never get something for nothing. If you want one of those new houses you either have to learn a skill, get a good job and pay for one or wreck the neighorhood even more so that nobody buys them, the price plummets and trash can afford them so they can wreck them. |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 4:20 pm: |      |
Right On Brother Tom Right Damn on. You see how many of the posts is bad mouthing Highland Park,and them same punks who is posting the BS do not live no where near Highland Park.They are a bunch of internet freaks who have nothing else to do but play with themselves on this site.Like you said most people who really remember how Highland Park was back then,and how it have survived without kissing Detroit,Wayne County,or Lansings ass to survive.There is whites who do not give a damn about Highland Park,but only what they can get from the city.People like Harriett,or the Great White Hope the developer of North Pointe Village,was placed in Highland Park to attempt to disband the Black community,and them homes in North Pointe,I do not see what's so excited about them matchbox houses accept it's a move to bring more Arabs and Whites into Highland Park.Woodward Avenue is the main focus concerning redevelopement.What about the surrounding neighborhoods that need to be trash free,crime free,and drug free,and abandon houses free? Brother Tom, when do you think you are coming back for a visit? I strongly believe in Art Blackwell,due to the fact that he knows people don't trust him,but the man will still do what he got to do,and as a Highland Park citizen I will be behind him 100%. I am happy that you will always be a apart of the big HP Hilliard. " Hotep " |
William X
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 4:28 pm: |      |
Tom don't Palmer seem like a Highland Parker hater? All he does is post shit in favor of moving the original Highland Parkers out of the City.Who gaves a damn about North Pointe? Still the City Administration seek to think that it's a gift from GOD.Lucky Highland Park closed it's NAACP branch.Opps I forgot its a one man operation. |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 5:25 pm: |      |
Wow. Has it been 5 days? My comment about the Metro Times Article was meant to express there really isn't much you can do if a reporter is bent on slanting the story... which made Parks sound weak. IP. Don't sell Highland Park residents short... there is pride in ownership even where homes are surrounded by ruin. North Pointe isn't the end all solution, new taxes and new residents are a much needed sign of life. OA. Woo hoo I've made it into the storyline... TH. Well said. Palmer. =109 "Urban renewal fell into disfavor partly because of its negative social impacts. Physical blight often masked low-income but tightly knit, well-functioning communities. Urban renewal programs aimed to stabilize such areas, but historically, they catalyzed neighborhood change via invasion and succession, destroying the existing social ties that enriched the neighborhood. Without these social ties, neighbors no longer stepped in to address issues of local deviance or disorder, nor assist one another." Woodward is 1st for a couple of big reasons... funds and programs are already in place AND it's highly visible. I'd like to know what the administration plans next.
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 8:29 am: |      |
William, nobody is advocating moving Highland Parkers out of town. (Except perhaps YOU) They're advocating moving new people with money in so that the problems of Highland Park can be fixed. Highland Park has a remaining population of 16,000 with a median income of only $17,000. Property tax from that few and that little wouldn't pay anywhere near what's necessary to address the problems of H.P. William, I think you're on the edge of being evil. You would rather have the people of H.P. remain in poverty and ruin than to have anyone white with a voice living amongst you. You're so afraid any newcomer is going to take over that you drive good opportunity away. Basically, you're stupid and there's nothing that anyone can do about it. |
Thomas hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 3:42 pm: |      |
Anonymous; Please try to stay civil. you dont have to call anybody stupir, or ignorant, just because you don't aagree with what the have to say. Brother William cares about H.P., which is alot more than most of the self serving KNOTHEADS can say. Also I have been on this sit for a few years now, and half the post's that are supposed to be by my Brothe William, DON'T SOUND like him at all. I have never met/talked/seen William, but I know by the post's he writes, what are his, and what are not. Why don't you sign your name, why hide under the cover of darkness? All good millatry mind's know, you must divide, to conquer. Thinl about this anonymous. as Abraham Lincoln said, ( A HOUSE DIVED CAN NOT STAND. )If people who are unwilling/scared to sign there name, you must wonder why. |
Anonymous for now
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 3:58 pm: |      |
Wow, I take a step back to think. I got sucked in. I didn't intend to be uncivil but I was irritated. You're right Thomas, maybe William didn't write that racist stuff. I'll try to be more careful from now on. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 - 4:10 pm: |      |
For Now THank you!!! iF WE TREATED PEOPLE LIKE WE LIKED TO BE TREATED, JUST HALF THE TIME, THERE WOULD BE ALOT LESS WAR, AND ALOT MORE PEACE. Im just a old hippie from the sixty's, and try, very hard at times, to mantain my cool. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 2:36 pm: |      |
Thomas, yes it would be appropriate of you to condemn the previous post. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 5:06 pm: |      |
Anonymous,Brother William started to go off, but as you can he, hwe caught himself. I don't have to forgive anybody, but my self, for my action, but I will say, it takes a man, to catch himself, when he feel's, like he is going off the track's. William may or may not be hard core, but HE DOES LOVE H.P., so he should get alot of slack. Everybody, whether or not, they try to mantain, has bad day's. What set's them apart from KNOTHEADS, is that they catch themselfs, before too much damage is done. We all care about H.P., or we would not be on this web sight, we just need to stop the pissing contest's and try to get along, for the greater good. that is, bring back the dignty to our belovewd H.P. |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 5:11 pm: |      |
My Brother William, just started a new gig, and have to be at work at 5:30 A.M., and have to get up at 3:30 A.M., but I will call him, with in the week. I might be up there soon, my Aunt is dying, and might not make it to the end of the month. God willing, she lives alot longer, but if God want's her now, I will be in town for a fe3w day's, and am looking forward, to meetingyou, maybee, by that time, Anonymous, has co0me to terms, and can meet him/her too. |
William X
| Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 8:48 pm: |      |
ROTFLMBAO @ Thomas. That sounds like a winner Brother Thomas.I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt,but always remember we are put on this earth for a purpose,and sometimes many of us is removed because we have overstepped the line.However Thomas,I am sure she have lived a beautiful life,and she knows she's ready to go to a peaceful place that's far better then this hell hole.I will not and do not never want to meet the secret asshole.I do forgive but I don't forget.So you will be meeting the dork by yourself.Okay Tom don't overwork yourself,and at least you can still post :-) Catch you later. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 2:52 pm: |      |
I saw someone on the cover of the Legacy... HP had over 30 volunteers for the Woodward Pride Clean Up... earned an award! Great job! Mr. Hillard... my thoughts are with you and your family. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 6:55 pm: |      |
Hahahahahaha Urbanator Stop Stop hahahaha you got me rolling over here.That picture was taken as a front.I was there helping and the reward was we received a chance to get a free ride to Woodward & 13 Mile Road to get pizzia,pop,chips,and I wondered where's the peanuts? You see who grabbed the award for the clean-up,and I feel that the Award should be placed in City Hall on behalf of the citizens of Highland Park.It was a really great honor to see two of our Honorable Councilpeople involved in the lot clean-up across from City Hall the site of the old Howard Johnson's ice cream shop.I did not see the paper Urbanator because I don't read her mess.In closing yes it was a great job.Highland Parker was there also Urbanator,and it was a honor to have someone from my group working in the community.A wise word for today: Never pat a snake because all snakes can fool you (especially the human ones) they all bite. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 12:21 am: |      |
Mr. WilliamX. We had a great time last year and it sounds like your group did as well... I'd get a group picture AT City Hall... trophy, red t-shirts and send it to every local paper along Woodward. Bragging rights are well deserved! |
| Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 11:09 pm: |      |
Mr. Visitor
| Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 12:54 am: |      |
thomas Hillard, Highland Parkers do now have police protection from the County Sheriff's and personally I think they are doing a fine job. Ever listen to a police scanner? I can tell you that unlike the Detroit precints that surround us, County officers very rarely have 10-20 runs backed up. Sheriff's departments policing communities is a growing trend, not only across Michigan, but the rest of the Nation as well. Just look at Oakland County with about 16 communities patroled by the Sheriff's. I would guess for Wayne County, H.P. is just the start. If you had real suggestions for improving the Police or Fire service, both the Sheriff's and H.P. Public Safety staff would probably be all ears.
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 2:52 pm: |      |
yes, Jeff he was. I think your Dad was too? |
Thomas Hilliard
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 3:01 pm: |      |
Mr. Vistor, the county might be doing a good job, in policing H.P., but with three square miles, you can't compare it with all the runs detroit gets. One precent in Detroit, is about three times the whole city if H.P. at one time, there were 120 Policemen in H./P., not counting the Firemen. How can a handfull of County Mounties, give as good service, as H.P. original Police Force. I lived in Rouge for a short period, when the County was doing there thing there, and if you went off Jefferson, you never seen them. Patroling Woodward, is not the same as patroling,Tennyson, McLean Grove, LaBelle, etc, etc.That is the reason, that little peckerwood Eminen, or howevere he spells his name, got to burn down a house on Bersford, for his great,or so he think's movie, 8 Mile. |
William X
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 8:48 pm: |      |
Wayne County Sheriff's dept don't give a damn about Highland Park.It only patrols up and down Woodward,and you call that doing a good job? Three murders happened last week nobody was charged.The fire that happened here in Highland Park,to the day has someone been charged? get damn real.Wayne County wants more money to do the job their doing now.Brother Andrei if you want me gone so bad you bring your bad ass and remove me from this site.If not,STFU.YOu are nothing but typed words in my book. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 9:41 pm: |      |
What murders? Din't see no news bout no murders. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 10:10 pm: |      |
hey thomas, i grew up in mrs balls old house couple doors down from you, we didn't hang in the same circle's thou. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 8:25 am: |      |
William X, since you have or may have a position on the steering committee, I'll be sure to print and copy your wonderfully insightful post. This way we can share your wonderful and progressive visions for the future with Mr. Blackwell, the rest of the city council, as well as the rest of the metro Detroit media.
| Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 3:52 pm: |      |
what about that drug house at w.grand&WOODWARD?where are the sheriffs? |
1st time anonymous
| Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 8:35 pm: |      |
tell them to go to 52 w grand , where the yellow camero is. they sell from the front least he could have them go to the i will post anonymous |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 4:31 am: |      |
To the Anonymous who is worried about me being on the steering committee.You is one ignorant asshole.I posted a reply to your first comment concerning the steering committee and myself.Just in case you was high on your drugs and was crosseyed,I posted that I am NOT on the steering committee.Oh I have a suggestion for you why don't you go and shoot up some battery acid? |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 5:57 am: |      |
Ooooooh, that battery acid feels good; talk about a head rush. I think Mr. Visitor might be Art Blackwell, William's massah. Remember, I love you William. |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 5:38 pm: |      |
OH MY GOD YOU LOVE ME? Sorry but I am not into homosexuality. As far as Mr Art Blackwell goes don't envy a person that may have more then you,and the reason why they have more then you is because they have found something to do positive with their time,and time is all about making money.Sure Mr Art Blackwell is someone to respect,because whatever his personal financial situation is he's not out there selling drugs to get over.He's not asking nobody for a helping hand or handout,and above all he's a Black Brother who is a few years under me who have made it to the mountaintop,and he's headed down on the other side where the grass is nothing but $$$$$$ signs.Personally I admire any Black young Brother or Sister who is over the hump.To envy them is the white man's game to hold us back while he walk all over us.In closing show me ONE thing that the former Financial Mgr done for HIghland Park beside bring whites in to take over Highland Park,along with her clonies get homes built and sold sky high prices,dismantle our City government and stole the tax payers dollors? So again give the Brother a chance to do his thing just as long as it's all good. |
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 10:28 pm: |      |
William X
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 11:04 pm: |      |
LoL @ Jeff that's so true,and I do not see how drugs & crime will go down,and the sheriffs is chilling out in their favorite hide away.Hopefully Mr Blackwell will at least put two or three of our own Public Safety Officers back on the streets.City neighborhoods that's within the bountries of Davison on the North,Third Street on the East,Webb Street on the South,and the City's borderline on the West gets bi-hourly security checks only on the weekends by Wayne County.These are facts Citizens and myself see this on the weekends.So Jeff you may have to turn another Charles Bronson or Dirty Harry.In closing Wayne County Sheriff's Internet Unit do not get involve until someone from the internet has been beatup,shot,and died from a keyboard attack. |
Mr. Visitor
| Posted on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 11:23 pm: |      |
To Jeff: In one of my earlier post, I said that there should be a new thread started so we can all post about dope houses and community eye-sores. This way everyone who follows this web site can, together as a group, track progress or lack there of, so we can see whether or not the Sheriff's can deliver the goods. Let's try it for 90 days and see what does or doesn't happen? Sound fair? |
| Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 12:02 am: |      |
Mr Visitor er I mean Mr. Blackwell, why don't you start the thread? Oh, don't bother, I'll do it. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 12:07 am: |      |
Oh yea, by the way, Mr. Visitor Blackwell, why haven't you been organizing anyone to block I-75 at Davison? Are you unconvinced Highland Park has what it takes to bring justice to the fascists in power in Washington? Or is your grip so tightly held around your peanut possessions that you haven't time to think of higher callings like truth, justice, integrity and honor? Who gives a damn if people are selling drugs as long as you preserve a world where its legitimate predictable behavior that someone would take them? Your attitude is the problem. You're a parasite that won't use his position of power to organize revolt against fascist criminals. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 7:26 pm: |      |
Mr. Visitor... I'll bite. Thoughts for discussion: Oakland County Sheriffs are mostly patrolling in what still passes for rural... Royal Oak Township being an urban exception. Pontiac a near future possibility. Sheriff's PATROL is not community policing and the trend of "Going Country" would seem the option of last resort (no reflection on Sheriff's) for many communities. I always hear cuts to public safety explained by ratio to resident... 4 firemen on duty, or one patrol car is "acceptable" based on population. HOWEVER, a City is the same size with the same number of roads and buildings. 1st, the State should forgive or restructure crushing debt... Highland Park has every credit card maxed out and can't make the minimum payment... the State should make this a priority. 2nd, the State should locate or make funds available to repair hydrants, roads, sidewalks ... Remove vacant structures and tap every available resource to correct years of neglect. This is major and I can see Mr. WilliamX rolling his eyes! We build roads, bridges, water plants, power plant, markets, schools and more overseas... how can anyone justify denying Highland Park basic resources? 3rd, Not a big fan of cross training but wonder about combining area fire and police departments and current public safety officers... or contracting with a neighboring community. (At the risk of having the BATF knock on my door) It's nothing short of a miracle no one was harmed May 13th... all the local news stations went live and it was terrifying from my living room. I go over the "what if's" and wonder if anyone is actively working on solutions. I'd like to hear public safety officers ideas. |