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Les_banks New member Username: Les_banks
Post Number: 3 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 - 12:08 pm: |      |
Hello Citizens, My name is Andrew I am 17 years of age, I moved with my grandmother when I was 7, my grandmother quit work to take care of me and my brother I no that this is not what she wanted to do but she has a good heart, to make a long story short this is the way I see it, the city have too many youth, teens,that lives in the community that should have helped in the cleaned up on Saturday's. Every since I lived with my grandparents I feel bless, I attend block club meetings for G/L/F#1. I have assisted in painting the curbs, trees, decorate the blocks for Christmas, swept streets in the summer to keep leaves away from the drain. Mowed the vacant lots which the city own (6). I assisted in a clean up one Saturday it was not in my area, to see the people watch us pick-up their mess made my brother and I just that disturbed of them, we could not believe our eyes that people in their own neighborhood would not help out, my grandmother would not have let us get away with not helping. Mothers, father , Uncle, Aunt, if children's are in your care please help to teach them that a little dirt is not going to hurt, wash hands after you finish. Help keep the city clean,pick up paper often. |
Admin Moderator Username: Admin
Post Number: 38 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - 1:48 pm: |      |
Hi Les, It's been a while since I was involved with the council, and I have not even met Mr. Blackwell. It is not from indifferance that I have not been involved, but being a full-time house dad forces me to chose carefully how I use my time. I have noticed that John R and Brush have been repaved. Even my street has been repaved during Mr. Blackwell's tenure. The roof of the McGregor Library has been fixed. I guess that makes me a happy resident, so until there is something that really shows a criminal lack of responsibility on our local governments behalf, I'm enclined to not get involved. My own pet concearn? I wish the city could do more than minimally maintain our independent water system: 2004/got_water_2004/index.html |
Les_banks New member Username: Les_banks
Post Number: 2 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Monday, January 29, 2007 - 3:03 pm: |      |
Good morning, I attended the meeting for city council in the month of January and I wrote a letter concerning the naming of the building.I was trouble of how the vote was done. Don't get me wrong I really don't no the Blackwells but it was how I saw the vote being done. As a citizen of the city I would like to see more input being made by the citizen, since we pay taxes any major voting in the city should included the citizens for example: building,street,parks,etc. City council should have held a meeting concern this matter, citizens should have been included. Do we have any rights any more? have our rights die too? I read once that people make a city, it seems that this phrase have turn around. I would like to see more involvement from the citizens, if we are a part of the city affairs we may start doing more for our communities and city. We as a small city needs all the help we can get. If we start helping our city and let others see we are trying, then maybe we will get the attention we need. In the future lets take the major vote to the people of the city and see how tall we stands. I was told that the city council did not need our votes (citizens) maybe true but wouldn't it be nice to notice that our heart beats too. Take it to the people. Les banks |
Les_banks New member Username: Les_banks
Post Number: 1 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Monday, January 29, 2007 - 12:53 pm: |      |
Good Morning to everyone today. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 1:23 am: |      |
Hi, Welcome to the Geneva Block Club discussion forum. No password is needed to use this group. It has been set for public access. You can post pictures and make hypertexted links here as well. Read the Help/Instructions at the bottom of the page for more info. Enjoy! |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 1:37 pm: |      |
Geneva will be painting the block trees for togetherness (white).We painted the curb also this summer, we are trying to bring family, friends back as a whole.We need this closeness because it seems that some of the neighbors have given up on their city. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 05, 2005 - 3:37 pm: |      |
Hello Geneva #1 neighbors, I want you to know that you have done a lots to improve your street. I wish others would take on a hitch and get busy.Maybe they need some advise on what to do or who to talk too. The streets are not as busy as it use to be. It seems much quieter. God bless to all who or for the blocks clubs. |
Mrs. White
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 10:14 am: |      |
The weather is bad out side but it's not stopping the neighbors from helping each other on geneva street, the block club must be working or they just no how to pull together because the snow is remove from all house except two on the block. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 10:24 am: |      |
I want to give thanks to the young mens on the block of geneva #1 I see them working so hard through the summer and the winter months,I no their grandmother is so proud of them because,during the summer months I watch them get on their bikes and head on to work, they stay busy, when I see them they are so business like, I just want them to no there is some one always watch, keep up the good work. (young mens)Anthony & Andrew Banks. |
Ann Banks
| Posted on Tuesday, March 08, 2005 - 12:27 pm: |      |
Hello Geneva/Florence members, I have notice that you will never get 100% of the block to join the block club, so you continue to have your meetings pray and continue to do your good deeds,we're planning to clean up Geneva and Florence streets only the 1st block and hope we maybe able to help other blocks to get together to help eack other. Geneva /Florence meets every 3rd wednesday 6:30p.m. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 4:04 pm: |      |
look out for everybody and not just a few people. |
Ann Banks
| Posted on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 1:45 pm: |      |
Geneva/Florence/Lousie #1 will be passing out flowers to show the mothers of the club, that they are still though of in their daily work. We have to show mothers of today we still care. And fathers your day will come our way next month and you wont be forgotten. Love Ann Banks (smile) |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 2:08 pm: |      |
Today I spoke with the Chief of the fire department, I was on edge when he told me that he had check all water/fire hydrate and they was to repair the so-called most important one on the list first.Well I challenege the chief I ask him what was the status for Geneva/Florence#1 he told me he had to get the book to see, he kept turning pages so I stated I would call back the next day he said ok. So when I did get him on the phone and ask him again concerning the status of certain street he then told me he went out the same day I phone him to check the fire hydrant, before I called the chief there was not a cap on one of the water hydrate here on the street. The chief should be very care what he says because he and others are being challenge when it comes to H. P. lately. |
Renee Baldwin
| Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 11:05 am: |      |
Greetings Geneva/Florence/Louise #1 residents. Block club meeting 5-18-05 at Tabernacle Church at Woodward between Florence and Louise 6:30pm. Use entrance closes to Louise. Those who chose to go out on April scheduled clean-up day and brave the coldness - well done and your looking good! All residents clean your part of the alleys and ask for help - there is help! All residents can participate in the Three Sista's Garage sale by having their own garage sale during - 5-20/22-05 & 5-27/30-05. Happy Mother's Day to all kinds of Mom's |
David Henderson
| Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2005 - 11:06 am: |      |
Greetings- I want to thank all those who are active in the Geneva-Florence-Louise Block Club for their courage and dedication in their efforts to "build community" among the residents. Our community is much like a family... we didn't choose who our family members are... we just have to love them and work together with them... its the same with our neighbors... and, if our intentions are pure, our block club will thrive... I'd like to comment on one ongoing project: the cleansing and purification of the alleys. It will have far-reaching positive consequences... Much progress has been made in "cleaning-up" the Florence/Geneva alley... yet, there is much left to do... 50 "Illegal Dumping" signs have been made and posted in the F/G alley. If you wish to help distribute signs in our other alleys, contact the block club presidents... R.B. and /or A.B. (Please remind your neighbors that "neighbor-on-neighbor dumping" continues to be a problem- We are blest with Bulk Trash pickup, so rather than "dump" in your neighbors' lot or alley, just "take it to the street"!... The signs should help discourage contractors from dumping illegally in our alleys) There is ongoing discussion about how the residents might increase their control over who uses the alleys... with the goal of increasing security, controlling illegal dumping reducing crime and break-ins by those who don't live in our neighborhood. I found out that the Louise alley was once closed off, with the blessings of the City... So, closing alleys in H.P. has been done before and is a logical way to improve the neighborhood quality of life... We need more discussion on this topic, to take into consideration everyone's needs and insights... so please come to the next block club meeting. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your views on how we can improve our "quality of life". David H.
| Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2005 - 12:04 pm: |      |
Mr. Henderson (and all): Wishing you continued success improving your neighborhood! Exerpt from Freepress: "Eleanor Blackwell recalled that era last week. She moved to Highland Park with her parents in the late 1940s and has lived on Geneva Street since 1969. There is good news: Workers are building homes on Highland Park's north side, and a lot of residents refuse to give up. Blackwell, who serves on the school board and helps run a local charity, is one." 23.htm |
Ann Banks
| Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 11:10 am: |      |
I want to thank all who attend the meetings of Geneva/Florence/Louise/Blocks Club it have been a struggle just to get people to hear what you have to say about Highland Park good or bad, people just was not listerning in the year 2004 now that our blocks club have progress and things have began to happen to get the people trust and attention more have began to attend the meeting for the blocks.I have realize if you stop talking and do, you will get a better focus on what you are trying to do and accomplish. I have been the President of the blocks club a year and we have about 30 or more members. When I speak of something I make sure I have a clear ideal of what I want to talk about, we do not talk about our neighbors to bring them down, we talk about what we can do to help each others,or what have happen to the city,what can we do to keep alleys from taking over etc.We are like family that we never knew we had and other blocks club can do the same, I noticed since we had to do a like of cleaning-up on our own since the city can't or won't help us people have begun to talk to each other more, wave to their neighbbors,keeping the lawn mow, front yard trim and clean, then you have those that don't care maybe because they are renters? I like what I am doing to help others and yes it can get very stressful but yet I don't give up. So if you can live in a city that can't help at this time get out and help one another we did and we are looking GREAT!!!!!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE. MUCH LOVE Ann Banks |
Renee Baldwin Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, August 07, 2005 - 6:26 pm: |      |
Greetings Geneva/Florence/Louise Block residents, Highland Park Block Clubs and public. Funds that were raised for a dumpster was successful! Thank you all that opened up your wallets and hearts! Let's keep mov'in for a cleaner Highland Park. Thanks Revival Tabernacle Church and other churches invovled for our weekend fun Aug 6-7,2005 at the old Sears vacant lot. You are positive hope for our youth these past eight years. God bless us all. |
Ann_banks (Ann_banks) New member Username: Ann_banks
Post Number: 1 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Saturday, December 03, 2005 - 8:22 am: |      |
Good Morning Readers, We will be decorating the trees today for the holiday with ribbons on Geneva/Florence street. It have been a pleasure to serve the neighbbors of the community that are concern with their every day living.I have done my job of bring neighbors together that want to be heard. The time have come that every one must speak and be heard, you can not depend on your neighbors to deliver you information on whats going on in your community you must get out and seek the finding yourself. We will not meet this month for our monthly block club meeting but we will return for the month January 18,2006. Come out and be heard!!!!!! Thanks: Ann Banks (President) |
Ann_banks (Ann_banks) New member Username: Ann_banks
Post Number: 3 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 1:28 pm: |      |
Hello Neighbors, Yes! we have been busy with all kind of activities this summer, we built a flower-bed for our block club sign and will make the lot a flower lot, every-one is welcome to see the improvements we have made. G/F/L Blocks #1 are doing their best in keeping the blocks clean. Thanks to all. A. Banks |