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The Battle for Barber School Playground (Dec. 3rd, '04)

Removed swings, structural damage
Vandalized playground equipment in the shadow of non-functioning security lights.

Damaged fences make it easy for vandals to escapeI cannot describe the joy I felt the day the Tabernacle Church installed a fully functioning playground on the grounds of Barber School. My three year old loves the place and always wants to go there and play. I find it a pleasant place to idle, while I watch my son interact with kids of the community. The playground is a symbol of what Highland Park could be if people came together for our common good.
However, since it's construction there seems to be a serious disconnect within the community. Gradually, the playground has become vandalized. It's swings are vanishing one by one. Glass and garbage lie strewn on the ground.
I've noticed members from the Tabernacle Church drop by and maintain the playground from time to time, but it appears at present to be a losing battle.
Whenever I take my son there, I make a point of picking up glass and throwing it in the litter containers. Each time it's amounted to several handfuls. I've noticed that the children from Barber School spend recreation time on the playground, and that is as should be. What puzzles me is the seeming lack of interest that the school takes in the basic maintenance of the playground. I realize that teachers who guard the children have a lot on their plate and that they need a break as much as anyone.
One minute of searching yields a handful of glassThat said, I still cannot understand how they can let their charges play on such glass strewn grounds. All the time I have taken my child to play, I have not once seen anyone from the school show the slightest inclination to walk into the playground, let alone pick up garbage or glass. When I look up at the Barber School Building, I see that there are security lights that could illuminate the playground at night, but they are either never turned on or have fallen into disrepair.
By degrees, I have watched the gradual disassembly of the playground through lack of basic upkeep, random vandalism and outright theft.

 Playground thief making off with planks of wood - through ruptured fence
Thief removing schoolyard equipment

Vandalized swingsIn many ways, the battle for the  for the Barber School Playground is a battle for Highland Park in miniature. If we as a community fail to rectify the situation, it would be worse than having no playground at all. To have had something wonderful placed in our hands and then let it fall into disuse would not bode well for our community. If we cannot carry the responsibility of a playground, then how can we hope to save our city from dissolution?
On the other hand, if we can show ourselves capable of salvaging the playground, what other projects of a more ambitious nature might we be capable of?

Here are a few suggestions that might be implemented to save the playground from complete destruction:

  • There must be an open channel between the Barber school and the Tabernacle Church, so that basic maintenance can be carried out on a regular basis.
  • Fences must be maintained.
  • Security lights must be fixed/turned on at night.
  • Police must regularly cruise by the playground.
  • Signs must be put up, warning that vandalism will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
  • Neighbors in the area should have a clear idea as to what they should do if they see vandalism transpiring on the playground.
  • The community in general ought to be brought more into play, so that they feel that the playground is theirs to protect.

If you have any comments or questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to place them on the discussion forum.

Related topics: 07/29/03 "Playground Vandalism"

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